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Laurentide Laurentide

[She/They] A quiet, nerdy arctic fox who never knows what to put in the Bio section.

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How to know you'll turn out trans?
  • Yes, I meant no negative or unintended consequences.

  • How to know you'll turn out trans?
  • Thank you. It doesn't feel like I've done much journeying, as I was essentially trapped in emotional stasis for most of my life and circumstances have so far prevented me from doing anything with my newfound knowledge, but at least I know which way is forward now.

  • How to know you'll turn out trans?
  • If you feel like a man, like being a man, and enjoy having man parts, you're probably a man. Your interests are not your gender, and dancing isn't exclusive to women. Even ballet has male dancers.

    Still, a little bit of exploration never hurt anybody. If you are trans, if living as another gender would make you much happier, wouldn't you want to know sooner rather than later? And if you aren't trans, you might still learn a thing or two about yourself that you never would have discovered otherwise. Most people go their whole lives without ever questioning their gender or closely examining what it means to them, and I think they're missing out. There is power in truly knowing yourself.

    Do some thinking. Ask more questions. Not just to others, but to yourself as well. What do you like about being a man? Can you imagine not being one? How does that image make you feel? If you could instantly become anything, with no rules or consequences, what would you pick? Don't shut anything down; there are no wrong answers. Allow yourself the freedom to explore.

    It may help you to stop thinking in the binary terms that society imposes on us. Gender isn't just a question of Male or Female; there are many different kinds of men and many different kinds of women. There is a large area in between where the two overlap and the lines get fuzzy, and even places that aren't on the same spectrum at all. I myself am a demigirl. My gender identity is mostly female, but also a little bit male and a little bit something else. You don't need to feel obligated to be what anyone else is.

    As for how I found out, I've already posted that elsewhere in this thread. It looks like you've gotten a lot of answers from others as well. I wish you good luck in wherever this journey takes you.

  • How to know you'll turn out trans?
  • This was my experience. I was raised in a very conservative, very religious community where I was never exposed to the concept of transness. I was fully convinced that I was a boy and could never be anything but a boy. And yet, I could tell I was different from the other boys.

    As I got older, that feeling turned into an ever-present sensation of wrongness. My body felt tainted, somehow. Unclean. Contaminated. It possessed an inherent grossness that could never be washed away. I lived with that feeling every day for 25 years. No medication, no counseling, no hard work ever did anything to alleviate it or the severe depression that was my typical mental state. Then a bunch of things happened all at once, and I started questioning my gender. A few days later I shaved off my beard and rediscovered what joy feels like. That's when I knew.

    I was never a boy.

  • Homophobic bully gets kicked from the worst group I've ever played in
  • And you can't just dismiss all their worries, either. Seeing a military vessel in a civilian sector can be genuinely worrying for some crews that aren't used to having converted ships around, especially if they've had encounters with pirates in the past. I get that, I really do, but I'm not trying to scare anyone here. I just want to drop off my cargo and leave, and this is already way more stressful for me than it needs to be.

  • Homophobic bully gets kicked from the worst group I've ever played in
  • I was raised Evangelical, and this guy sounds a lot like a true believer struggling to reconcile the actual words of their messiah with the culture and beliefs of the fascist death cult that has co-opted said messiah as tribal identifier. My guess is, he has since become either the chillest agnostic you could ever meet or a literal domestic terrorist.

  • Homophobic bully gets kicked from the worst group I've ever played in
  • Yeah, and sometimes your meat ship comes with the wrong parts installed but if you ask to swap your torpedo launcher with a scanner module they say you can't possibly have a science vessel because only battleships come with torpedo launchers. Then you try to explain that your ship really isn't designed for combat and you don't even have any torpedoes on board but they just send you into battle anyway and then get mad at you when your shields fail.

    I fucking hate Meatfleet.

  • Homophobic bully gets kicked from the worst group I've ever played in
  • I think you replied to the wrong person? I drink a cup of coffee every morning. Sometimes it wakes me up and sometimes I end up napping on the couch right after. I also drink a ton of water every day.

    Something I have noticed is that, whenever I want to get rid of a stim or a habit, I can't just stop doing it. The impulse can never be destroyed, only shifted to something else.

  • Biden’s debate performance sets off alarm bells for Democrats
  • Remember the NYPD who were jumped by a gang of illegal immigrants?

    No, but I do remember the NYPD harassing a small group of migrants that were just minding their own business on a public sidewalk (without blocking it), ordering them to leave, and then assaulting one of them while he was attempting to comply.

  • Homophobic bully gets kicked from the worst group I've ever played in
  • Hey, that's farther than I've gotten! I've only recently discovered that I'm AuDHD, after a lifetime of failure and then the pandemic completely wrecking all of my (terrible) coping mechanisms. I also fidget with my dice and my character is canonically narcoleptic now because I can't show up to sessions on time to save my life.

  • How have your opinions on media you once enjoyed changed over time? Are there movies or shows you used to find funny but no longer do?
  • Old media has become such a minefield because there's just so much awful stuff that went over my head at the time. I'm scared to recommend anything that I haven't rewatched/reread in the past few years.

    It wasn't all bad, though. One of my favorite TV shows is Babylon 5, a 90's sci-fi that I watched as it aired but hadn't seen again until late last year. All I really remembered were the cool space battles and devious political maneuvering, but it turned out to also be an incredibly progressive show. One of the main characters is first introduced while wearing robes that appear to have been partially made from a trans pride flag!

  • Homophobic bully gets kicked from the worst group I've ever played in
  • I was mentally halfway into composing a rant about how unfair you are being to Pablo when I got to that last paragraph. "He has ADHD! He's obviously stimming and self-medicating and you are terrible for criticizing him for that! This is just what untreated ADHD looks like!"

    I'm glad you were able to turn things around and I hope you can be a little easier on your past self now.

  • Money, please!
  • This is the Price Master.

  • Dr Disrespect fired by the game studio he co-founded: 'It is our duty to act with dignity on behalf of all individuals involved'
  • I don't think streamers and video creators are more likely to be sex pests. You're just more likely to hear about a sex pest if their career involves trying to be seen by as many people as possible.

  • Dr Disrespect fired by the game studio he co-founded: 'It is our duty to act with dignity on behalf of all individuals involved'
  • Oh, sorry, I had the wrong guy. I was thinking of Dan Vasc, whose red-faced screaming meltdown is embedded in the article you linked. Must have gotten the names mixed up.

    Let me try this again.

    Why am I not surprised that the guy who turned out to be a pedo also gets upset about other people having pronouns?

  • Dr Disrespect fired by the game studio he co-founded: 'It is our duty to act with dignity on behalf of all individuals involved'
  • Why am I not surprised that a guy who had a full crying meltdown over the existence of pronouns would turn out to be a pedo?

  • And they never will
  • I was raised by these people. We read the Bible every day, and the family had weekly study sessions where we would all read a portion together and discuss it. We definitely went through the entire thing.

    The problem is not that they don't read the Bible. The problem is that they have developed an obscurantist interpretational framework which allows them to ignore the plain meaning of the text and twist it to conform with their ideology.

  • And they never will
  • “oh that’s from the old testament, and Jesus did away with all of that.”

    Except for the one little verse that says gay people are bad. That part of the Old Testament still applies somehow because reasons.

    I’m also always amused at the concept of a perfect infallible being not getting it right the first time and having to push out the revised new testament.

    I think the intended idea here is that God is guiding humanity like a parent raises their children and you need different rules for different stages of development, but that would mean growth and change are actually good things and the Fundies really don't like that.

  • With all the pride art going around, what flag has the best colors?
  • I feel like I lucked out with the trans flag. Teal has long been a favorite color, and pink is really growing on me now that I'm allowing myself to like it.

  • You ever recover a lost memory?
  • I am plural myself and have been since at least as far back as my early teens. Many of the people I know are also plural, at least one of whom has full-blown DID. I speak of these things from direct experience. It has nothing to do with government psyops or alien experimentation, and it was the Evangelical Christians who abused me, not the mysterious black-robed Satanists they kept making up stories about.