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AI and Coding.
  • Agreed that I should have been clearer...
    Both my statements of it not being a "one-click solution" and the aside about understanding the code was meant to emphasize that very point.

  • AI and Coding.
  • I've used it a bit to get the framework or boilerplate I need. It's not a one-click solution!
    What I will do is ask it to generate code for a purpose and then iterate over the suggested code adding and/or modifying specific areas until i have something usable... Depending on the complexity of the code/feature this can take quite a number of iterations. You need to understand the code it gives you!
    Once I feel satisfied I will copy the code to the editor for tweaking and adjusting to my environment.

    I will admit that I've been surprised sometimes by the suggestions I've been given. Sometimes in a good way, sometimes bad.

    Remember that whatever you feed it will feed the LLM, so don't give it anything specific to yourself or your organisation.

  • TIL George Lucas not only gave his blessing to make Spaceballs, he also handed the movie over to his effects company, Industrial Light and Magic, to provide the space effects and postproduction.
  • Another cool fact about Spaceballs is that while George Lucas gave his blessing to Mel Brooks, it was on condition that there would be no merchandising for it as Lucas was worried it would compete with sales of Star Wars merchandise and possibly devalue it.
    Brooks agreed, but added a scene in Spaceballs where Yogurt hawks merchandise.