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Kuroneko Kuroneko
Posts 4
Comments 23
Memmy Version 0.1.0 - Here is what is fixed, changing, and being added to the upcoming App Store release
  • I am experiencing the issue with subscriptions not showing up correctly on Beehaw as well, if that helps you troubleshoot anything. Thanks so much for your hard work!

  • Timestamps not showing correct time on all instances
  • I’m having this issue as well. Remember to report it through Test Flight if you haven’t already!

  • New Mlem release in TestFlight - 0.1.0(19)!
  • Thank you so much for fixing the communities list; I can see all my subscriptions now. One question though, I can’t seem to find how to edit my own posts and comments. Am I missing something or is that feature coming soon?

  • Communities from other instances not completely showing up on subscriptions list

    Fixed in latest beta.

    I’ve noticed that a few communities on other instances I know I’m subscribed to don’t show up in my list. Is this an issue with federation or the app itself? I’m also reporting this in TestFlight just in case it doesn’t get seen here.

    *Permanently Deleted*
  • This app is coming along very nicely and really reminds me of Apollo. Excellent job! -Posted from Mlem

  • [ Community Update ] - Community Update & Team Introduction 2023-06-23
  • Thanks for the introduction! I’m really happy with how you’ve handled things since David’s sudden departure.

  • Venting about medication shortages

    Thanks to the DEA’s massive overreach, for the third time in 5 or so months I’ve had to call a pharmacy outside my area to get my Concerta. My regular pharmacy gave me what they had, which I’m grateful for, but that left me short 7 pills. I then had to:

    -Find a pharmacy that had the medicine I needed in the proper dose

    -Call my doctor to have him send a new prescription over to that pharmacy since you’re not allowed to just show them your current one

    -Drive about 15-20 minutes to get there

    -Wait in line, give them my driver’s license (which I don’t have to do at my normal pharmacy) and sign a bunch of shit before finally leaving with it.

    I’m just tired of this song and dance. Concerta works best for me though and isn’t too expensive with a coupon. I just want the DEA to stop micromanaging ADHD meds. I understand some oversight is needed but they go way overboard. Feel free to vent your frustration here as well.

    It looks like a lot of people think the blackout is pointless and support Reddit's choice
  • There are lots of corporate bootlickers coming out of the woodwork. I wouldn’t be surprised if they turn out to be Reddit employee sockpuppet accounts.

  • Reddit CEO warns employees not to wear Reddit swag in public as users revolt
  • Very appropriate typo. He is indeed a bad buy as well as a bad guy.

  • An anti-porn app put him in jail and his family under surveillance
  • Huh, I thought this was America, not North Korea.

  • Pirates ain't scabs. This blackout is now indefinite!
  • Just subscribed here and want to say I completely support you doing an indefinite blackout.

  • new Beehaw community icons!
  • The icons look great. Thanks for doing such an amazing job, UrLogicFails!

  • Venting about the general lack of support for neurodivergent adults.

    This will be long, but it’s something I’ve been thinking about for a long time.

    Has anyone else noticed that there are less avenues of support and resources for adults than there is for kids? For the purposes of this post I’m talking about mainly government sources. I’m aware there are some NGOs that offer help for adults. It seems like government agencies only have a lot of their neurodivergent resources and support for families, particularly children. While this is completely understandable, these children will eventually become adults, and it will be a rude awakening.

    There’s still so many misconceptions about neurodivergent people that particularly hurt when a person becomes an adult, and it starts from childhood. Some of the things I’ve heard:“oh they’re kids, they’ll grow out of it” and too many neurotypicals thinking that we’re all invalids that can’t take care of ourselves and need to be institutionalized. Things would definitely improve (job wise and mental health wise) if more groups would stop thinking of these conditions as just something kids go through and expand their support systems to adults as well as children.

    Megathread for Reddit Blackouts and News - Day 2
  • Just dropping in to say fuck Spez.

  • Reddit experimenting with blocking mobile browsers
  • It’s worth noting that this post was from last month before they announced the usurious pricing of the API. However the fact that they were doing this does not bode well for people (like me) trying to avoid using their horrendous app.

  • Downvotes versus upvotes
  • I’d be annoyed for awhile then I’d remember most people used the downvote button as a dislike/disagree button, which isn’t what its meant to be used for.

  • Is anyone else beginning to mourn reddit?
  • I’m definitely going to miss using Apollo, as well as the subreddits I frequented. What I won’t miss are the subs dedicated to misinformation and intolerance that have been allowed to fester for way too long. I have high hopes that Beehaw will do a good job at keeping that crap out.

  • Fedi.Tips (@[email protected]): "Apparently Reddit has now banned a subreddit dedicated to the Fediverse Reddit-alternative Kbin"
  • Spez and his band of corporate stooges are looking more pathetic by the day.

  • Does anyone else here struggle with dyscalculia? Dyscalculia: What It Is, Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

    Dyscalculia is a learning disorder that disrupts math-related skills and abilities. Early treatment can help children learn to adapt to and overcome this disorder.

    Dyscalculia: What It Is, Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

    The link I shared has a lot of good information about this condition; it’s similar to dyslexia but for math. In school math was always my worst subject and it often took me multiple tries to pass my math classes. It baffled everyone around me because I was good at all my other subjects. I hadn’t heard of it until last year but it definitely explains why I’m so bad with numbers. I’m now wondering if anyone here on lemmy has it too.

    I like this significantly better than Mastodon
  • I tried a Mastodon instance and couldn’t get into it. Maybe it’s my ADHD talking but I prefer the slower pace of a forum. It lets me take my time and really think about how I want to phrase things.

  • five more new Beehaw communities!
  • Could we get a Japan community? I know there’s an anime one but I wanted more of a general community for talking about culture/current events/tourism without anime stuff.

  • Introductions
  • Hi! I’m in my early 30s. I have ASD and ADHD, but I wasn’t officially diagnosed until I was 19. Looking forward to chatting with more people who are in the same boat.