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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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Attitude to Religion and its believers.
  • Anti-science, misogyny, etc may be bad independently of religion, but they aren't independent of religion. Religion is a source of these problems.

    You can imagine a hypothetical religion that is simply a "social club" or whatever, but here in the real world religion comes with baggage.

    Religion is why my cousin's children have never seen a doctor in their life. Religion is why my gay friend in high school tried to kill himself. Religious indoctrination has led to lifelong shame and trauma in many of my friends.

    And this was just from a "moderate" sect of Christianity- the millions living under fundamentalist religion have it even worse.

  • Attitude to Religion and its believers.
  • What you said is all true, but you are ignoring the negative aspects of religion.

    Religious influence, both on their followers and on government, is anti-science, misogynistic, and anti-LGBT.

    Religions are funded like pyramid schemes, with the most desperate and vulnerable as their victims.

    Religious indoctrination is child abuse.

  • Lawsuit accuses Iran, Syria and North Korea of providing support for Hamas' Oct. 7 attack on Israel
  • Yes the problem with "whataboutism" is that it can be used to dismiss any claims of double standards without further examination.

    For example, here in the US we punish black murderers more harshly and more often than we do white murderers. If a black murderer tries to point out this double standard, their claims would accurately be dismissed as "whataboutism". But when you view the system as a whole, then you can see that systemic racism is undeniable.

  • Context
  • Where do you get the impression that I am "telling people to not to vote against fascism"? How is my criticism of Biden different from yours?

    Bonus points if you can answer this question without using your smarmy, inaccurate insults.

  • Context
  • So accurate criticism of Biden is now "risking a Trump presidency"? You're suggesting that I should stop talking about an ongoing genocide?

    And by criticizing Biden's genocidal actions, this makes me a centrist, a liberal, and even worse, a DNC believer? I am so confused.

    Its fascinating how you bluemaga people can claim to be the defenders of democracy and free speech, yet your words betray the fact that you hate both concepts.

  • Lawsuit accuses Iran, Syria and North Korea of providing support for Hamas' Oct. 7 attack on Israel
  • I'm on the fence if this type of lawsuit is actually in the interest of justice.

    But one thing definitely irks me, this is the type of justice that is only doled out to enemies of the US.

    Let me know when Palestinian Americans win a lawsuit against the US and Israel after an American-made, Israeli-fired bomb kills their entire family.

  • Context
  • They will take money and weapons from other nations who want their influence in the middle east and the only thing that will change is the US losing that influence.

    If the US stops supporting Israel, which other nation will step in and send them 1500lb bombs, highly advanced targeting systems, tens of thousands of artillery shells (theres a worldwide shortage), propelling charges for howitzers, hellfire missiles, disposable shoulder fired rockets, and a plethora of small arms? Be specific.

    There are only 4 or 5 nations with the ability to supply the weaponry that Israel needs. China and Russia have been opposed to the genocide since the beginning, so unless they take a dramatic self-destructive turn, this only leaves western nations. Do you think Germany, Japan, or South Korea would defy the US in order to support Israel?

    That phone call already happened. It was international news.

    Can you provide a source for this?

    The only story I'm aware of is how Biden's aides have been leaking how hes having confrontational phone calls with Netanyahu. This is obvious spin in order to placate the anti-genocide sentiment in this country. If you actually believe this narrative then you are the woefully naive one.

  • Context
  • Reagan called up Israel one night and told them to stop their assault on Lebanon. Israel stopped in less than 24 hours.

    HW Bush called up Israel and ended that conflict overnight.

    What makes you think Biden does not have the same power?

    And if a phone call doesn't work, he could stop sending bombs. He could stop providing political cover. Instead of handing Israel billions of taxpayer dollars, he could impose economic sanctions like we did to Russia.

    Joe Biden could turn Israel into a militarily vulnerable pariah state. What makes you think that this isn't enough leverage to end the genocide?

  • Context
  • You're right, it's not all Bidens fault. There are many evil actors in this conflict. But that doesn't mean Bidens hands are clean.

    Hes the one supplying all the bombs, going so far as to hide humanitarian reports and circumventing US law so the munitions can keep flowing.

    Hes the leader of the nation which is vetoing UN peace agreements.

    He is spreading pro-genocide propaganda. Remember when he went on live television to address the nation and said that he saw pictures of 40 beheaded babies? What a horrific thing to lie about.

    If the Nuremburg laws would apply to US presidents, then each one of these actions would be legal grounds to convict Joe Biden for war crimes and crimes against humanity.

  • Context
  • You are acting like my joke comment on a Lemmy meme is going to sway the election lol

    Look I get it, you will support Biden until he loses, then you will blame people like me for his loss. It's a comfy position to hold, you never have to examine your own positions- just blame others.

    We both agree Trump is horrible. You dont have to remind me. My beloved grandmother, the best person in my life, died of covid during the Trump presidency. I will never forgive him, and I certainly will never vote for him.

    But just because I fucking hate Trump doesn't mean I'm going to deny reality. Actual people die because of Trumps policies, that we agree on. But Gazans are actual people too, and you seem to be denying that.

  • Context
  • Not everything is about defeating Trump. Some of us have a moral compass.

    For example, I will not ignore, deny, or downplay an ongoing genocide just because it would suit my presidential preference.

    Additionally, now is the best time to attack Biden, because he is a huge underdog after his horrific debate performance. Attacking Biden is pushing the DNC to change candidates before it's too late. Supporting Biden at this juncture is just helping to elect President Trump.

  • Biden turns to family on his path forward after his disastrous debate: 'It's a mess'
  • To clarify, that case was thrown out becuase plaintiffs lacked standing.

    To further clarify, the court threw out 2 of the claims due to lack of standing. The other 4 claims were dismissed on the merits.

    The court held that the plaintiffs' claims of fraud, negligent misrepresentation, consumer law violations, and unjust enrichment failed on the merits and directed those claims to be dismissed with prejudice. The court held that plaintiffs' claims of negligence and breach of fiduciary duty failed for lack of standing,