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Kouran Kouran94
Posts 2
Comments 28
Battle Grouse
  • I can't not share zefrank's short about this bird:

  • What are you reading right now?
  • I am reading Dostoievsky for the first time. "The double". I was afraid this author was going to be super dense and difficult, but I was wrong. I'm enjoying it a lot!

  • Are you ok (really, are you)?
  • Not really, I think I am having a depression relapse. Very dark thoughts lately. It's a pity I can't enjoy the festivities.

  • How do I stop my cats from eating my plants?
  • Love this! What kind of toys do you suggest? I have lots of sticks with feathers and small mice or balls to chase, but at some point they get bored of everything.

  • How do I stop my cats from eating my plants?
  • This right here. Smartass little rascals.

  • How do I stop my cats from eating my plants?
  • Smart trick! I will try that but they mostly do it at night, when I am sleeping...

  • How do I stop my cats from eating my plants?
  • They are indoor cats. I will try the grass, but ask the vet as well because it is becoming a bit of an obsession. They also throw the pots to the floor all the time and make a mess.

  • How do I stop my cats from eating my plants?
  • Thank you! It's vaccine time for the small one today so I will ask. I will also try the grass, it's not even expensive so it's worth a try.

  • How do I stop my cats from eating my plants?
  • I think the dog wouldl end up becoming theirs, as well as all of my other possessions.

  • How do I stop my cats from eating my plants?
  • You know what? I am going to try. I got nothing to lose.

  • How do I stop my cats from eating my plants?
  • I worry they will try to jump to anything hanging. Its not a big apartment so they have high furniture everywhere to jump to anything in the ceiling...

  • How do I stop my cats from eating my plants?
  • I will try that! Anything to appease their sudden herbivorous appetite.

  • How do I stop my cats from eating my plants?
  • There's nothing mine in my apartment anymore, I keep forgetting that.

  • How do I stop my cats from eating my plants?
  • The eat my cactus too 😱 I don't even know why

  • How do I stop my cats from eating my plants?

    Really, how can I stop them from eating my plants? Some don't have leaves anymore. They are not even edible. They are even biting the cacti for some reason.

    I put the plants out of reach and that only made them figure out new ways to reach higher furniture.


    [Daily thread] How are you doing today? 03-12-2023
  • Cold as fuck, staying home to do some cleaning and playing games. I can't complain.

  • What song are you listening to right now?
  • I just finished The Return of the Obra Dinn a couple of days ago and I swear I cannot get the OST out of my mind.

  • Title
  • Omg I did have one when I was a child. Spent whole family trips watching him parkouring a full speed beside our car. You are saying more people did this?

  • Is there a business in your town, which you are 100% sure is a front?
  • That's a good take and I hadn't thought about it that way, thanks! Although the suspicion has been ingrained into our family for so many years that it will be difficult to remove.

  • Is there a business in your town, which you are 100% sure is a front?
  • There is this wig shop in a very popular and pricey area in my town. It's been there since my mom was a child.

    The wigs exposed are old fashioned, ugly, never change and we've never seen the shop open. Its super weird. I'm convinced it has to be a cover for something.

  • countries that sore higher in terms of democracy, whats the catch?
  • I mean, Galicia, PaΓ­s Vasco, Valencia, Baleares, Asturias... also have different languages. There's plenty of regional languages in Spain.

  • cats Kouran94

    Deep sleeper with dry tongue

    This is Camila, who does not even know she sleeps with her tongue out most of the times. I love it.
