I've always thought the glasses would have long dispensing necks, like a speculum with just one blade. The glass is inserted into the muzzle, resting on top of the tongue, and the liquid flows into the back of the muzzle to simply enter the throat. Fancy wine glasses have small channels to allow minute amounts of the drink to pass through the dispensing neck to the tongue.
Okay, you know, that's fair. I personally detest speeding because it is a danger. However, I feel that we are speaking of two different meanings of the word here, and my meaning of the word danger is much different in regards to whether or not someone should be bonded out.
It's been a long time since I had to deal with texas laws about firearms, but I think there is a clause about having a handgun/firearm while in commission of another crime. Yup, here's the relevant one. Then there's the plate one which is what triggers that 'other than... Class C' part of the first one, since having a fictitious plate is a Class B.
So basically, the seizure they're doing is legal, although as we all know, *cough cough*, legal ain't always right.
I mean, how do we know the sister is an idiot? Posting bond for a family member is understandable. Unless they're violent or dangerous, and frankly, this sovcit doesn't seem like that. A fool, and suckered in by some real hucksters who are hawking him a product that will hurt him, but not a danger.
I always thought they were chopped oak trees, because of the professor's name and all. It's funny how kid logic just connects things and you never even think about the conclusions until asked about them.
And I seem to recall a few times where one of the various flash-like characters ate a huge amount of food without thinking about it. Wally ate a 3-5 gallon tub of ice cream that had been meant for someone's birthday, if I recall.
Brb, gotta cheerfully say "you're so bad!" to the ole partner and give it a whole new meaning when being flirtatious.
Um, hi, I'm an adult!
It's definitely place-by-place. One of my friends works there, and he shudders at the thought of having to change locations from the one he is at to one 5 miles away, saying there are horror stories. Meanwhile his job preparing sandwiches is more relaxing than a fast food joint.
Hell, my record is 29 hours straight, to pick up a friend from the airport. We then went on a vacation to a snow resort, but still, primary purpose was to pick him up from the airport. Good times.
It's probably something like .00001% of their revenue, really. I'm always amazed at how a gas station has people fanboying over it, and is always full.
... and don't call me Surely. /insert_say_the_line_meme
Buttercup was just the concrete operations goth. Blossom was the badass. Unless you're just saying she had a bad ass, in which case, bro, why are you staring at the ass of a kindergartner?
I've seen more written on one post. People will eat up 'news' if presented in the right way. There is a reason the stupid websites and advertisers use the click-bait titles.
Is that what Ayn Rand is about? All I really remember is that having a name you chose yourself is self-fulfilling.
I'm sure I'd be screwed. Just by the nature of the internet, someone in the various posts would find something that would enrage them enough to hunt me down and throw a cocktail at my house. Even if only one person in a million is insane and bent on revenge, overall I have enough posts that they'd come in contact with it. I'd for sure lose my job, since we have seen it happen on social media sites with folks' real names attached.
Luckily, most of the comments I've made have been on sites that have permanently shut down, so I would escape the worst of my years becoming public knowledge.
Now, if it wasn't just me, I'm sure I'd be lost in the relatively blase nature of my comments.
There is more going on in the background with cat coat colors, genetically, than dog coat colors, genetically. While the variations are huge in dogs (here's just one breed's possibilities), it's quite possible to know the chances of the offspring from what the current generation are and what their parents were. Here's another look at that. Horses are another one where there's enough going on that you can't always tell what they'll throw.
I'll do you onetwo better: my computer's from 2012. I can play even modern games on high settings sometimes. It wasn't even a high specced one at the time. I think I put about $1200 into the actual components AND monitor/keyboard.
Only to the virginity of every female out there who doesn't have a forklift hubby yet.
Ladies, I have my forklift cert. /tips_forks