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Kes Kes
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No Man's Sky studio Hello Games unveil Light No Fire, a fantasy survival game set on a single, huge planet
  • Hence why the trailer made sure to show gameplay of multiplayer working

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • Without any crime to suspect you of, they might detain you and question you. It's not uncommon for people to turn themselves in for crimes, and there are legitimate reasons to do so especially with a lawyer, namely to get out on bail easier, avoid having the police raid your home or place of work, and perhaps used to sway the prosecution for a more favorable sentencing, but if the police have no clue what to even charge you for and they can't figure one out, they'll just be confused and frustrated, which is a dangerous combination for police

  • Western-made armor isn't working in Ukraine because it wasn't designed for a conflict of this intensity, Ukrainian analyst says
  • Western doctrine is also largely based on the US' needs. Artillery just isn't practical for the US, who needs to be prepared to fight all over the world oceans away from home. Artillery is much more stationary compared to air power due to the size of the guns and the difficulty moving them, while the US can easily fly planes anywhere we need them. As such, Western doctrine became heavily reliant on having air supremacy and massive amounts of air support and our equipment was designed for that battlefield. Ukraine just doesn't have nearly the same arial capabilities as NATO, relying much more on artillery which NATO weapons and doctrine weren't designed around, and they're having to figure out how to make them work without air power

  • YouTube prankster says he had no idea he was scaring man who shot him
  • A doordash driver gets cornered by a large 6 foot 5 man who aggressively shoves a phone in his ear repeatedly calling them a dipshit who thinks about their "twinkle", tries to get away but is followed, explicitly asks the man to leave him alone 3 times but is ignored, and tries to brush the phone away? Yeah that sounds like a situation a reasonable person might fear for their life in, and before anyone goes "well why didn't they use a less lethal self defense method?", the prankster is 6 foot 5 and the victim likely only had his fists or his gun for self defense, one of those two is going to get you out of that situation alive

  • Zelenskiy secures $325m in new US aid even as Republican support wanes
  • People are homeless not because the government lacks funding, but because the government doesn't give a damn. Those billions being given to Ukraine were never going to be spent addressing poverty had the war not happened, and if Congress suddenly had a change of heart, they'd have zero problems finding and allocating as much money as they want to anti homeless programs Ukraine war or not

  • No love lost: AppLovin helpfully releases tool to switch from Unity to Godot or Unreal
  • Unreal Engine royalties only start after you make $1 million from a project. Even then, it's 5%, and waived for sales done on the Epic Store (whose 13% cut is almost a third of what Steam takes). If you are a small indie dev, you won't be paying Epic a dime unless you start rolling in some serious dough, and even when you do, 5% of your revenue for using one of the most powerful 3D game engines is pretty fair

  • The Chinese calendar is 4721 years old. Did it have the same problem as the Julian calendar with an imprecise number of days per year?
  • The 3 Gorges Dam in China slowed the Earth's rotation by .06 microseconds per day due to the amount of water moved altering the Earth's moment of inertia

  • Any distros like linux mint with gnome desktop?
  • I was going to use Fedora, but there's no way I can ever look someone in the eye and say "yeah I use an operating system called Fedora" so I went with Debian instead. It's pretty great

  • NASA Seeks Proposals from US Industry for Station Deorbit Spacecraft
  • As cool as those missions would be, we can go to the moon or Mars anytime. We only have until the end of the ISS' life to park it into a safe orbit, and doing so means one of the most significant pieces of early spaceflight technology is preserved for future generations to put into a museum. In 3000 years, future generations will care more about being able to see the earliest preserved space station than the first mission to Mars being in 2043 instead of 2037

  • Bethesda finally put proper ladders in a game, so of course players have dedicated themselves to designing Starfield ships without any
  • I don't understand the trend of games making ladder animations super slow for ladders in places players are supposed to use often. Any game that instantly teleports you to the top or bottom of a ladder, regardless of how much it breaks immersion, gets an A in my book rather than spending 30 seconds climbing up one story in an area that I have to ladder to frequently

  • Twitter, Reddit, Unity, Blizzard... who else?
  • Reddit's decision about 3rd party apps and API changes actually made business sense. Not only was their content being pilfered on Reddit's expense, but a decent portion of their user base were using 3rd party apps that didn't collect as much data nor serve Reddit ads like the official app. At the expense of losing a decent portion of their community, moderators, and any goodwill their userbase had towards them, Reddit now has all their mobile users on a single, add ridden app that they own and can collect as much data as they want going forward as well as ensures that they get paid for AI API usage

  • Unity's Plan Won't Work, but Someone Else's Will | TechnoFeudalism in Games and Beyond
  • Developers are on the hook for potentially infinite losses without gaining revenue in a per install fee system. Expenses are entirely unpredictable for developers and bad actors can run basic install scripts to cost the company a lot, so if Unity stays their current course for a few more weeks, many of the larger developers using Unity will begin switching engines even if it means delays. It's absolutely worth it for a developer to port their game over no matter the cost, because they are easily looking at no limits to their costs if they don't

  • Do you pirate? And do you justify pirating? i.e., what is your piracy philosophy?
  • I pirate ebooks, especially textbooks, when I can't get something through my library. I don't watch enough television to bother pirating shows and movies. With video games, the circumstances that would make pirating a game worth it rarely come up for me; pirating games means losing out on updates and bug fixes, multiplayer, Steam cloud saves, and more. For new games, not getting bug fixes and updates makes my experience worse, and older games usually go on sale for cheap enough that I might as well buy it

  • YSK: The Potential and Profitability of Trash Management: An Insight from Sweden
  • Another interesting approach to trash management is what Taiwan does. Taiwan charges per bag of trash, and residents have to manually bring out their bags on trash day to garbage trucks that sing like ice cream trucks. This makes each person care about how much they are throwing away, as unlike in places that charge a flat fee per bin per week, you could spend or save a lot of money and effort on trash days based on how much waste you make. However, in most municipalities, recycling and composting are free, encouraging residents to choose items with the least amount of recyclable/compostable waste to save money. While such a system would not go over well with the people if it were implemented in a place like the US, the program is successful in Taiwan and has done wonders for reducing their waste and keeping their cities clean

  • French ambassador is being 'held hostage at the French embassy' in Niger, says Macron
  • Countries have the right to expel foreign diplomats and embassies as long as they don't arrest them or go through their stuff when they leave. The newly couped Niger junta requested the French ambassador leave and revoked his visa, but the French are still refusing to leave, claiming that because they don't recognize the legitimacy of the new junta, they don't have to follow the junta's orders to leave. Regardless of your opinion of the new junta, in how does a former colonial power be in the right when they are blatantly ignoring the legal rights and sovereignty of their independent former colony's government that is doing things by the book? They stopped sending the ambassador food and are confining him to his embassy until he leaves, especially given the current junta that is extremely gentle treatment

  • God made you special! rule
  • The best reply to "God made you a man, be a man, he doesn't make mistakes" is "God made you nearsighted, take off those glasses, he doesn't make mistakes"

  • New US sanctions target workarounds that let Russia get Western tech for war
  • The dependence they had on Western technology was a key motivator against war precisely because the US can unilaterally restrict access to their tech. Going to war means losing US tech, and Russia decided that war was worth losing US tech

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • The only thing better than good in the world of business is standard. Windows may be bad, but it's the industry standard for a ton of commercial applications. A lot of software that companies use are designed for Windows, from antivirus software to Microsoft's office suite to audio and video editing software and more. Every copy of Windows is also a lot more standard than Linux distros; the customizability of Linux makes it a lot harder to provide support compared to every single Windows user being locked into certain things. As far as the IT team being "lazy" or having "a lack of knowledge" on supporting Linux, they're working on the company's dollar, and unless there's a strong, justifiable reason to increase their workload by supporting another operating system, it's an unnecessary expense for the company. There certainly are cases where there are strong, justifiable reasons such as with Google, who maintains two Linux based operating systems and needs their staff to know how to work with them, or in situations where Linux substantially outperforms Windows for the tasks employees are doing to the point that supporting Linux is worth it, but "it can do most of what Windows can alongside features that don't matter to the companies' operation" isn't the best selling point

  • Unity has changed its pricing model, and game developers are pissed off
  • Unironically this is the one area where Epic Games is absolutely in the right. They have a 12% royalty on games sold on their platform and a 5% royalty on sales over $1 million for games made with Unreal Engine, with the UE royalty being waived entirely if it's sold on the Epic Games store. They get a reasonable cut for maintaining one of the most powerful game engines and charge nearly a third of what Valve does for their storefront. If the Epic Store wasn't so dog shit, they'd be an actual competitor to Valve

  • Supposed Steam Deck killers are missing the point
  • I'm honestly surprised Valve hasn't made an open source de-Valved SteamOS similar to what Google does with Chromium for these other devices. Valve likely isn't making much from hardware sales alone, with most of the value for them coming from the Steam store being a mobile gaming storefront as well as moving users away from Windows where Microsoft is looking to compete with them. Getting competitors to run Linux distros with a user interface designed for mobile consoles would boost the amount of Linux gamers which would make Valve less dependent on their competitor Microsoft, make developers more keen to support Linux, and spurn further development for Linux gaming tools. These other manufacturers will without a doubt support Steam as a storefront since Steam is such a dominant force in the PC gaming market so users of these other devices would still be in Valve's ecosystem

  • Yesman rule


    Real life Yesman


    More impossible for them than winning the civil war


    The world is in great danger


    Plato has nothing on Patrick






    Vroom Vroom


    Radioactive rule




    The Only Acceptable Terminology


    Everyone's Preferred Route to the Strip?

    I usually just sneak straight through Quarry Junction right after leaving Doc Mitchell's and run past the guards at Camp McCarran to take the monorail to the Strip. When you start a new playthrough of New Vegas, where do you go after leaving Goodsprings and why?




