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Kelo Kelo
Posts 1
Comments 34
/media or /mnt or anywhere ? Discussion.
  • I myself have separate /Disks folder where I mount all my internal disks on boot. Not sure how "standard" such setup is, but it helped me keep my NTFS and Linux disks tidy and out of my way. For what I know you can mount your drives anywhere you like

  • All cats are the same
  • Oh wow, what a great community. It's everything I've ever wanted to see 🙃

  • you don't need more 4GB of RAM
  • Human eye can't see more than 1080p anyway, so what's the point

  • game rule
  • FUCK!

  • [General question to the Android community] Have you given up on the audio jack, or do you still only buy devices that have it?
  • For me the usb c to audio Jack adapters were a letdown. From the three I bought - all of them had a constant static noise. Especially hearable on lower noises. Don't know if it was just the adapters I got, or if it was just a quirk my phone had, but I'll stick with the dedicated usb jack for now.

  • Gravy rule
    PC Sticker Rule
  • Any reason for having a floppy drive? Never seen those in semi-modern cases

  • Thats gotta be my favourite album
  • Everyone seems to forget about Segmentation Fault. So underrated

  • It's a crab's life
  • Yee-claw!! 🔥

  • I have no life (:
  • sigh jeans it is then

  • Lowercase stop sign
  • stop...

  • oh the fragments
  • Didn't Big Smoke said that?

  • ruleopticon
  • This prison... To hold ME!?

  • Thanks, TCP/IP
  • Didn't make sense not to ping for fun

  • Scooter is unimpressed with my bs
  • The cat has been alerted

  • Rule
  • The rul(e)