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Karmmah Karmmah
Posts 2
Comments 97
Russia using Kaliningrad as a base to disrupt EU satellites, report says
  • No problem, these days there are too many people that would really say crazy stuff like this.

  • Russia using Kaliningrad as a base to disrupt EU satellites, report says
  • I thought it was obvious that this was a joke referencing one of the arguments Russia uses to justify their attack of Ukraine. Next time I'll add a /s.

  • Russia using Kaliningrad as a base to disrupt EU satellites, report says
  • Germany should invade Kaliningrad since this is an attack on Germany and its allies plus historically Kaliningrad was german territory and that is apparently enough of a reason to justify an attack against another country.

  • Fallen Angels in Hell by John Martin (1841) 🇬🇧
  • These do not look like they are anywhere near 200 years old.

  • Reddit just isn't how it used to be.
  • Honestly this is probably how I subconciously felt on reddit for maybe a few years before I left. In all the slightly larger subreddits you could mostly predict how the comment section would look like. Mostly the same jokes and the same answers. The best posts also felt like they were made by people who put in a lot of time to figure out how to get to the frontpage and once you yourself made a post it would mostly be removed for some reason or buried. On Lemmy it is also much easier to see other opinions that are not directly downvoted into oblivion but rather discussed and as long as the person does not behave like an idiot the discussion is interesting.

  • Chatkontrolle weitergedacht
  • Kein Richter, sondern eine KI die natĂĽrlich absolut zuverlässig funktioniert weil sie von den guten Leuten erstellt wurde. /s

  • Is there a FLOSS PDF e-reader that turns the PDF into dark mode, the same way one can do in Adobe Acrobat Reader?
  • Evince (the standard GNOME pdf reader) has night mode that you can toggle with "Ctrl + i" by default.

  • "Triggerpunkte": Was fĂĽr eine Zumutung
  • Die Leute die mehr arbeiten mĂĽssen um alles zu schaffen und dazu auch motiviert sind, die machen heute eh schon Ăśberstunden. Allgemein mehr Ăśberstunden zu fordern bringt diese Leute dann ins Burnout (was zu insgesamt geringerer Leistung fĂĽhrt) und die Leute die eh schon täglich ein paar Stunden quasi Zeit absitzen dazu dies noch länger zu tun.

    Die alten Forderungen nach "besseren Werkzeugen" also mehr Digitalisierung und weniger Bürokratie wären da natürlich gute Ansätze, aber das will ja wieder kaum einer konsequent umsetzen.

  • If you don't work IT, retail, or food service what do you do for work?
  • Do you feel like you could use coding in your daily business or is it just an interest you would like to pursue?

  • What's your most favorite place you've ever been to?
  • Mont-Saint-Michel definitely was a special place. Already driving up to it and seeing it from a distance was surreal and then walking through this tightly packed place seemingly in the middle of the sea is unlike anything else.

  • Reminiscing about the "Reddit migration"
  • I was very active on Reddit for a long time but for some reason I also don't miss it. I think it's because the big subreddits felt "too big" for quite some time before and even in the smaller subreddits there was often too much unnecessary negativity.

  • The problem with GIMP
  • What are those shortcomings?

  • Who is your favorite painter?
  • Probably ZdzisĹ‚aw BeksiĹ„ski. Not because he paints nice things to look at but rather he paints things that some may call horrible in a very interesting way. I kind of think it makes me appreciated life in a way since it could be so much worse, but I'm not sure if this really describes why I like him. I think this is a collection of most of his paintings

    Edit: For nice things to look at I recently took a closer look at Caspar David Friedrichs Landscape paintings.

  • AI chatbots tend to choose violence and nuclear strikes in wargames
  • I don't really see the evidence in this argument. Are horses also intrinsically murderers because I saw a video of one killing a bird once?

  • You now have 4 fully functional arms. How do you make use of your new capability?
  • With that username I totally believe you wish for nothing more.

  • Have you ever learned anything on the spot?
  • I do the same when wiping my phone. Some time ago I wiped it carfully and suddenly all the colors changed until i tapped the screen again.

  • Where do you get your information about new software?
  • I also try to get along with a small amount of software and I also mainly stick with default configurations. It is a great feeling when setting up a new PC or a device that there is little need to install a bunch of software and mess with a lot of configurations just to get my learned workflow up and running. Therefore there also isn't really a need to follow new software releases.

  • why dont windmills spin on the vertical axis as that would be omnidirectional for wind?
  • I guess it could be that it's easier to build. You have a tower that only gives structural support and you have a gondola that only deals with all the rotation. In general it is difficult to have something that rotates and also carries a large load. And the rotating gondola technology is a solved problem. Plus you have a large rotor area that is always facing the wind instead of half your blade area going opposite to the wind. These are just guesses though.

  • Unsere aktuellen Angestellten!
  • Das sind bestimmt auch so Leute die während Corona immer geschrien haben "denkt an die Kinder!" und jetzt kommt sowas von denen.

  • What about the same communities on different instances?

    Hi everyone,

    I just joined and am now exploring this place. I noticed there already are similar communities on different instances. For example there is a [email protected] and a [email protected]. Is there a way to "join" or "sync" these different spaces? Or will they just be separate?

    I think It would be nice to connect places like these. As far as I understand it if one instance goes down all their communities disappear. With "synced" communities across instances this could be avoided since they act like a backup for each other.

    So far I like it here and am looking forward to how this all works out.

    Thanks everyone for contributing and running this place.
