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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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Discussion thread - 24 January
  • Even if she is bound by contract she was not bound by contract to go to Disney right before the hotel thing. She is not bound by contract to sit on her couch while her kid does who knows what. She has agency, but can’t be bothered to prioritize her kid.

  • Discussion thread - 4 January
  • Interesting point about Sarah not liking being in public out and about in her community.

    It’s not unusual for influencers to be very different people in public. I know some that are so quiet and reserved compared to their IG personas. The added layer here though is all of her filtering. In public people will see her as her actual self which doesn’t match her filtered self and the whole charade falls apart. Her entire sales pitch is body positivity and a groundswell of regular people calling that out because of crossing paths with her would end the gravy train.

    People going to her speaking events,etc have drank the kool-aid, they’re safe for her to be around. Casual ‘Bird-watchers’, not so much.

  • Discussion thread - 20 December
  • My favourite part of today is the number of times we are seeing this face we never see. The sheer volume of other people’s pics being shared means some unedited ones have ended up on the collages.

    She really is ao inauthentic. Naked pics don’t change that lack of authenticity no matter how many stretch marks or cellulite she decides to strategically show off.

    She is a pretty enough person as it is, but that’s not enough. Nope. Needs to be smoke show filtered to the max.

  • Discussion thread - 6 December
  • Her complete lack of effort is a huge put-off for me too. Stopped following after SI for that reason, not practicing runway walk was the last straw. Because of your post I went to accounts of people that tagged her to see what their content was, and wow, the difference in the caliber of what they did vs Birds is huge.

    Do companies that hire influencers for jobs not follow up to see who actually did the work? Or check ahead of time?? Or does Agency get to decide who to send when they’re hired to provide an influencer?

  • Discussion thread - 19 November
  • Yes! I wouldn’t do that trip without her but if for some reason I did, the 3 year old would never know where I was and what I did.

    Poor kid is isolated from the world, left with Nana in no activities or preschool, and then is manipulated by her mom as Birds swings from neglectful to fawning over L and back to neglectful again. Birds’ mask is slipping big time these days, she has no one to mirror because no one behaves like this - so we are seeing the act all unravel.

    Can see why she has to keep L isolated. Even 3 year olds at daycare would not understand why their friend’s mom went to a Disney Resort without her and would for sure say as much directly to L.

  • Discussion thread - 30 October
  • The thing wearing on me is that this isn’t how a career oriented parent is parenting today. Maybe a 1950s dad? But even executive level dads today are home more and not laying in bed in a house with a preschooler who’s awake and they’ve hardly seen for weeks. Career moms still carry a lot of the mental load of families but many times I’ve had calls with even career dads cancelled because they’re home with a sick kid.

    Career dads with stay at home wives aren’t this disengaged.

    It’s not a career vs parenthood thing at all despite her efforts to sell it as that - I think you hit the nail on the head that she is done with motherhood.