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KI5SMN sparseMatrix 📻

I \<3 Radio

I am my own man. I'm a lay buddhist. Most people have no idea what that means. I'll tell you: it means I try to be a better person, and I try not to take anything not freely given to me.

It doesn't mean I don't drink, smoke, cuss, be overtaken by impulse, or shoot. It doesn't mean I wont fight, either for someone who is beat down, or for my damn self.

I'm all of these things:

A sailor A maker A brewer A cook A fighter A lover A man of the classical sort. Does that make me toxic?

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  • @F1RUM @amateur_radio @digitalmodes @pota @sota @dmr @ragchew @vhf @cw_talk @homebrew

    Everytime I hear 'lemmy' now, I think of back when I was searching for a reddit alternative a few years ago, and went to

    After my first few posts, the shit started coming in. A lot of it was people just screaming at me about Marx, as I had posted some stuff with some clear american social context.

    It was a surprise, it was ugly, and I had no defense against it.

    Just, no lemmy. No.

  • You know what surprises me not at all? This right here. NASA predicts delay: Starship grounded pending investigation
  • @sparseMatrix

    There were a few years there, where I was like, "Man, I'm glad commercialization of space travel is a thing, maybe we'll get into orbit in a meaningful way..."

    Now I just wish NASA would get it together and fire this shitstain.