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Crimson Fleet Captain ship
  • If you want to build a ship with those same big rooms you can get those at the manufacturers HQ. Biggest once are 3x3. Cool stuff indeed!

    Nova Galactic: ship service technician at New Homestead on Titan in Sol. Deimos: Deimos Staryard above Deimos (Moon of Mars) HopeTech: shop at Hopetown on Polvo in Valo Stround-Eklund: Stroud-Eklund Staryard above Dalvik in Narion Taiyo: shop is at Neon on Volii Alpha in Volii (Elevator in Ryujin Building)

  • How smart would cows have to become for you to stop eating beef?
  • Would that philosophy extend to other parts of life? I feel like at the surface this sounds great, but when thinking why this sounds great i cant help but wonder if its even possible to look at choices with these kind of angles.