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Josey_Wales Josey_Wales
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Comments 21
How do I... Do court? I didn't realize my license was expired and got pulled over. Now I have court tomorrow.
  • Find out what level offense this is in your state. Likely is not a crime (misdemeanor or felony) but a violation for the first offense.

    If it is a misdemeanor, get a public defender and ask for a plea to a lesser charge.

    There is likely a standard plea offer for all similarly situated charges/defendants. It may change depending on whether you have renewed your license. If that’s the case you can ask for additional time to renew. That will buy you another court date but give you a chance to get a better resolution if you fix the issue.

    Dress like you would for church or a job interview.

    Make sure your cellphone is on silent (and if you think it could ring by accident just turn your phone off when in court)

    *The process in your local area will vary

  • Explain why the US bail system is not insane
  • I don’t see why people with money should get benefits in the legal a capitalist system.

    I agree cash bail is insane, however, reframing the problem should help make it clear what is really going on

  • Brazil Supreme Court panel unanimously upholds judge's decision to block X nationwide
  • Care to expand on this?

    Genuinely asking how Elon Musk unilaterally defying a unanimous court order is losing the “last scrap of pretense at democratic rule of law.” Seems like more of the same old oligarchy games like it always has been.

  • Dozens of migrants have been sleeping outdoors near a large shelter complex on Randall’s Island. On Monday, NYC officials forced them to pack up their tents and move.
  • Tell me you have never been to Randall’s Island without saying you’ve never been to Randall’s island…

    Whats on Randall's Island

    If anything the NIMBY crowd in NYC wants to keep this population here.

  • Bernie Sanders Warns Donald Trump Is Gearing Up To Deny 2024 Election Results
  • This is why turnout matters. If enough people vote against Trump the mandate will restore faith in the election results. Harris/Waltz need to win with a clear mandate. If not we will still be dealing with MAGA going forward.

  • Protestation
  • Does your image say communist? Weird mine says socialist.

  • Federal judge blocks Castle Rock from using code to stop church from providing temporary shelter to unhoused
  • So you are admitting there is a conflict between two laws that needs to be reconciled.

    I propose creating a system… we could call it the “law conflict figuring out process or “LCFOP” for short. It would be a perfect place for people to voice thoughts that come after phrases like “To me a law means…”

    It’s a crazy idea I know.

    Edit: Also, this last comment you made at least digs into the substance of the issue in a way your initial reactionary comment does not. Thank you for adding to the conversation about the rights use of religion as a Trojan Horse for conservative legal positions.

  • Federal judge blocks Castle Rock from using code to stop church from providing temporary shelter to unhoused
  • How is this church acting like it is above the law in this specific instance?

    It used the legal system to get a preliminary injunction against the enforcement of town land use code. Seems like it followed the law and the process is playing out as intended.

  • Moral highground
  • And “this guy” thinks the Democrats should have got rid of the filibuster and pack the court. It’s just not something Biden can unilaterally accomplish.

    Let's talk about the objection to unpacking the court...

  • Moral highground
  • Have followed him for a while. The video doesn’t discuss presidential authority to appoint justices to the Supreme Court, which is what is referenced in the post.

    The video I linked at least discusses the authority to do a thing vs having immunity for doing a thing