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JohnEdwa JohnEdwa
Posts 1
Comments 166
Musk given 24 hours to address graphic images of Hamas attacks
  • Which was $4.4 billion in 2022 and is estimated to be roughly $3 billion for 2023, so the maximum fine would be 180-264 million depending on which figure is used.
    For comparison, the net loss (not profit) for 2022 for twitter was 270 million.

  • Latest Steam hardware survey, resolution results seem off?
  • Probably based on what the actual monitor resolutions are and not just the raw multi monitor result as you can create an almost endless variation of those when you start matching the resolution position based on the physical location of the monitors.
    E.g in a setup like this even if both would be 1920x1080, you'd end up with something random like 3840 x 1428.

  • Reddit is removing ability to opt out of ad personalization based on your activity on the platform
  • While the overall amount of users barely changed, the drop in new posts and comments after July is actually rather striking according to r/AskReddit, the most active subreddit on the site went from 70k comments and 5k posts per day down to 15k comments and 2k posts. r/news dropped 5k/100 -> 1k/20. r/aww went from 3k/300 -> 300/50. r/AmItheAsshole went from 30k daily comments down to 5k. r/meirl dropped from 350 posts a day down to like 80.

    It turns out there is a huge overlap between people using the superior 3rd party apps to access your site and the users that bother to actually create and interact on that site. Who would have known?

  • Starfield is a “bizarrely worse experience” on Nvidia and Intel, says Digital Foundry
  • Also because you can always lower settings or throw better hardware at the problem on PC so even a badly optimized port should eventually run acceptably. But if you fuck it up on console, you get Cyberpunk on the PS4 and have to spend a ridiculous amount of time and money to make it work.

    And this is Bethesda we are talking about, at this point I wouldn't be surprised if the PC versions are designed from the get got under the expectation that the modding scene will come to the rescue and fix everything for them no matter how terrible their work is.

  • Starfield is a “bizarrely worse experience” on Nvidia and Intel, says Digital Foundry
  • DLSS doesn't run on older nVidia hardware either as it's designed to utilize the raytracing and tensor cores of the RTX series. I recall reading somewhere that while it could technically be made to run without them, without the specific cores optimized to do the calculations required it would run terribly. Then again it might just be a blatant lie ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
    FSR on the other hand is designed to run on standard GPU hardware and seeing as the tech is open source they can't exactly hide any code that would break compatibility with nVidia.

  • [NSFL] Russians tried to false surrender. Rus - “we are surrendering, blyat”. Ukr - “so come out, blyat”. Russians then throw a grenade out of the dugout, but it was spotted before it killed anyone
  • Also something everyone else learned is not a good idea as perfidy results in the enemy assuming you are doing it and executing anyone wounded or actually trying to surrender. But Russia seems to have missed most of the memos documenting what actually did and didn't work during WW2 - like if you actually want someone to surrender, try not to rape, torture and kill all their civilians and soldiers, as that tends to make the rest of them angry.

  • TIL about the Honda Insight, a hybrid vehicle from 1999
  • Not that far as long as you are okay with a car as tiny as the Insight or the Geo Metro. Here's the two of em compared to a VW Up! for example.

  • Finnish parliament drops Pepsi as fallout continues from its addition to international sponsors of war list
  • Because the building has a staff cafeteria and a restaurant, as one would expect from an office space of that size.

  • Google is killing Play Movies & TV, will only have three video stores left
  • And every time you do, the next shit has a harder time sticking.
    Stadia was doomed from the start because nobody was willing to commit to it in fear of Google killing it, and that meant it wouldn't get enough users and would get killed.

  • 4 Roman-era swords discovered after 1,900 years in Dead Sea cave: "Almost in mint condition"
  • The normal expected condition for a sword of that era is a mostly rusted away chunk of metal, when after 1900 years you have shiny metal and intact wood and leather, it really is near mint.

  • Doom Eternal has Denuvo DRM removed
  • That's how denuvo is supposed to be used, doesn't mean it is how publishers do use it. The moment the game is cracked denuvo stops being useful. Doom Eternal actually launched with a drm free exe as mistake in the first place so it's never been very useful :p

  • Google Chrome pushes browser history-based ad targeting • The Register
  • So this is why they want that browser integrity stuff.
    Without the integrity a change like this would be absolutely wonderful - my ad interests would be "FuckOff" and "Nothing".

  • Weekend PC Game Deals: Sony hits, strategy festivals, bundled dinos, and more
  • Telemetry is not digital rights management, nothing happens if you don't have internet access or if you block the game with a firewall, you can still play the game fine. It's a bummer you can't opt-out of it completely obviously, but "they can collect whatever they want about you" is entirely false as long as you select "Limited Data" when it asks for your consent - they are GDPR compliant after all.

    Here, I created a full image for you. Limited data is system & hardware specs, game crash logs & load times, network/server logs and online game data (e.g on an MMO/online match, H:ZD is offline game so doesn't really apply) and "Legal information required by law". Again, I don't know when any of these are sent - it might be always you boot the game, it might be only when you send a crash log.

  • The Design is Very Human
  • I did this with a controller for the longest time. Specifically, the thing was not first/third person byt "do I have a visible crosshair or not", as that defined if I am directly moving the camera/head, or if the crosshair is like a laser pointer I move on the screen and the character looks towards it.
    I finally had to decide one way or the other with Monster Hunter: World as the sling requires switching between the two rapidly and while you actually can set separate inverts for first and third person, it means you can't "follow" a monster smoothly while switching to the sling, you need to also quickly flick the stick to the other direction. Took me roughly 20 hours of rather chaotic gameplay for it to finally "click" in an instant.
    I chose non-inverted as it was easier to imagine a crosshair than it was to ignore one that existed.

  • Browser extensions spy on you, even if its developers don't
  • Currently you don't.
    The real underlying issue for this all is that the "Hot" sorting algorithm Lemmy (and Kbin) uses is terrible - if someone posts the same thing in 5 different big & popular (i.e "hot") communities at the same time, there's a good chance you'll see all those five posts all next to each other on your feed even if one has 100 votes and the others have 30 - note how they are all "6 hours ago".

  • Weekend PC Game Deals: Sony hits, strategy festivals, bundled dinos, and more
  • This.
    Scary legalize for "We collect telemetry and crash reports", essentially. How much H:ZD actually sends I don't know, AFAIK that's essentially generic data collection privacy policy thing from Sony.

  • Someone is trying to log in to my account from WINDOWS 7!!!
  • There actually are updates to it as for the last three years Microsoft has continued to patch it under the commercial "Extended Security Update" program - that only ended in January 2023.
    You just couldn't get them as a home user without doing a lot of tweaking on your own.

  • EBAY Prices
  • Because why not, maybe someone will buy it from you as they don't know better, and you cash in the profit. It doesn't cost anything to post something on eBay after all.
    Some of them don't even have the thing in the first place, if someone buys the listing they go get one from Amazon or a local shop and send it.

    If you actually want to know what people are willing to pay for something though, look at the completed auctions.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • For missing the FOV option, most of the time it's some boneheaded decision to keep the console and PC games identical, as the console versions are optimized to handle exactly the amount of stuff that could be on the screen at once with the default FOV. There really is no real reason not to add it in the PC version - quite a few games do have a disclaimer akin to "If you increase the FOV, you might see graphical glitches", but that's fine.
    As for the super ultrawide there is an actual obstacle, the UI. You often can't use the same one as you either have them horribly stretched, sitting in the middle kinda blocking your view or spread uselessly all the way at the edges. So someone has to actually do some work to make it work.

    As an example, here's Starfield super ultrawide comparison between the default FOV and 120 degree FOV. You can imagine the performance cost and possible visual glitches you might get from doing that.

  • I made a FOSS physical keyboard for my Fairphone 4
  • Ah, the Desire Z was amazing. Used to play doom and pokemon in it as well, the keyboard worked great as a controller.