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We’re excited to share a preview of a Framework Laptop 13 Mainboard with a new CPU architecture.

Introducing a new RISC-V Mainboard from DeepComputing

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> Introducing a new RISC-V Mainboard from DeepComputing

0 Introducing a new RISC-V Mainboard from DeepComputing

We’re excited to share a preview of a Framework Laptop 13 Mainboard with a new CPU architecture.

Introducing a new RISC-V Mainboard from DeepComputing
A fresh install of Signal takes up 410MB, blowing both Firefox and Chromium out of the water
  • You are conflating the concept and the implementation. PFS is a feature of network protocols, and they are a frequently cited example, but they are not part of the definition. From your second link, the definition is:

    Perfect forward secrecy (PFS for short) refers to the property of key-exchange protocols (Key Exchange) by which the exposure of long-term keying material, used in the protocol to authenticate and negotiate session keys, does not compromise the secrecy of session keys established before the exposure.

    And your third link:

    Forward secrecy (FS): a key management scheme ensures forward secrecy if an adversary that corrupts (by a node compromise) a set of keys at some generations j and prior to generation i, where 1 ≤ j < i, is not able to use these keys to compute a usable key at a generation k where k ≥ i.

    Neither of these mention networks, only protocols/schemes, which are concepts. Cryptography exists outside networks, and outside computer science (even if that is where it finds the most use).

    Funnily enough, these two definitions (which I'll remind you, come from the links you provided) are directly contradictory. The first describes protecting information "before the exposure" (i.e. past messages), while the second says a compromise at j cannot be used to compromise k, where k is strictly greater than j (i.e. a future message). So much for the hard and fast definition from "professional cryptographers."

    Now, what you've described with matrix sounds like it is having a client send old messages to the server, which are then sent to another client. The fact the content is old is irrelevant - the content is sent in new messages, using new sessions, with new keys. This is different from what I described, about a new client downloading old messages (encrypted with the original key) from the server. In any case, both of these scenarios create an attack vector through which an adversary can get all of your old messages, which, whether you believe violates PFS by your chosen definition or not, does defeat its purpose (perhaps you prefer this phrasing to "break" or "breach").

    This seems to align with what you said in your first response, that Signal's goal is to "limit privacy leaks," which I agree with. I'm not sure why we've gotten so hung up on semantics.

    I wasn't going to address this, but since you brought it up twice, running a forum is not much of a credential. Anyone can start a forum. There are forums for vaxxers and forums for antivaxxers, forums for atheists and forums for believers, forums for vegans and forums for carnivores. Not everyone running these forums is an expert, and necessarily, not all of them are "right." This isn't to say you don't have any knowledge of the subject matter, only that running a forum isn't proof you do.

    If you'd like to reply, you may have the last word.

  • A fresh install of Signal takes up 410MB, blowing both Firefox and Chromium out of the water
  • I would argue that it is not limited to network traffic, it is the general concept that historical information is not compromised, even if current (including long-term) secrets are compromised.

    From my comment earlier:

    There is no sharing of messages between linked devices - that would break forward secrecy

    This describes devices linked to an account, where each is retrieving messages from the server - not a point-to-point transfer, which is how data is transferred from one Android device to another. If a new device could retrieve and decrypt old messages on the server, that would be a breach of the forward security concept.

  • Does the Google Ecosystem Actually Work? Pixel Fold + Pixel Watch + Chromebook Plus
  • I think this conflates "ecosystem" with "closed ecosystem" or "walled garden."

    I agree that closed ecosystems are frustrating lock-in tactics. But open ecosystems exist - KDE connect actually shows a good example. It was built for the KDE ecosystem (desktop environment, apps, and services that integrate and work well with each other), but makes the protocol open, so clients can exist for Gnome, and other platforms.

    I recognize this is mostly semantics, but wanted to call it out because I think the integration and interoperability afforded by an "ecosystem" is extremely user friendly in general. It only becomes a problem when it is weaponized to lock you in.

  • A fresh install of Signal takes up 410MB, blowing both Firefox and Chromium out of the water
  • You're describing something very different - you already have the messages, and you already have them decrypted. You can transfer them without the keys. If someone gets your device, they have them, too.

    Whether Signal keeps the encrypted the messages or not, a new device has no way of getting the old messages from the server.

  • A fresh install of Signal takes up 410MB, blowing both Firefox and Chromium out of the water
  • "They" is the browser/browser maker. The browser, acting as the client, would have access to the keys and data. The browser maker could do whatever they want with it.

    To be clear, I'm not saying they would, only that it defeats the purpose of an E2E chat, where your goal is to minimize/eliminate the possibility of snooping.

  • A fresh install of Signal takes up 410MB, blowing both Firefox and Chromium out of the water
  • Using an E2E chat app in your browser necessarily makes the keys and decrypted messages available to your browser. They would have the ability to read messages, impersonate users, alter messages, etc. It would defeat the purpose of a secure messaging platform.

  • A fresh install of Signal takes up 410MB, blowing both Firefox and Chromium out of the water
  • Yes, as long as you set up the desktop client before sending the message.

    Messages sent with Signal are encrypted per device, not per user, so if your desktop client doesn't exist when the message is sent, it is never encrypted and sent for that device.

    When you set up a new client, you will only see new messages.

    See for details.

  • A fresh install of Signal takes up 410MB, blowing both Firefox and Chromium out of the water
  • This is not entirely correct. Messages are stored on their servers temporarily (last I saw, for up to 30 days), so that even if your device is offline for a while, you still get all your messages.

    In theory, you could have messages waiting in your queue for device A, when you add device B, but device B will still not get the messages, even though the encrypted message is still on their servers.

    This is because messages are encrypted per device, rather than per user. So if you have a friend who uses a phone and computer, and you also use a phone and computer, the client sending the message encrypts it three times, and sends each encrypted copy to the server. Each client then pulls its copy, and decrypts it. If a device does not exist when the message is encrypted and sent, it is never encrypted for that device, so that new device cannot pull the message down and decrypt it.

    For more details:

  • Does the Google Ecosystem Actually Work? Pixel Fold + Pixel Watch + Chromebook Plus
  • Google is certainly guilty of killing off lots of products, but:

    The video demonstrates the ecosystem working now, using features that have existed for years, most of which work across hardware platforms from multiple vendors, as well as multiple operating systems (i.e. features that won't disappear on Google's whim, because they don't actually control the tech, they leverage open standards, etc).

    Let's also not pretend like Apple has never killed a product, service, or feature. Ecosystems grow, shrink, and change all the time. If you prefer one offering over the other, use it. That's the entire point of the video.

  • Does the Google Ecosystem Actually Work? Pixel Fold + Pixel Watch + Chromebook Plus

    A good video to share with those who refuse to leave their bubble.

    What is an easy instrument to learn?
  • I think that applies to the others as well, except in some cases when they are tuned to the same fundamental, e.g. Bb Trumpet, BBb Tuba. But tubas commonly come in C, F, and Eb as well (trumpet variants also exist, but are less common).

  • What is an easy instrument to learn?
  • Because of the rotary valves and trigger? Or for some other reason?

    If that's the only difference you're calling out, it's worth noting rotary valves and triggers show up on other instruments as well. In particular, tubas often have rotary valves, and it's not uncommon to see trigger valves on trombones.

    Having played both piston valves and rotary, the difference is negligible.

  • Scarlett Johansson denied OpenAI the right to use her voice. They used it anyway.
  • I think it is less a question of whether the voice sounds like Scarlett Johansson, as that is subjective and arbitrary (e.g. assume you could objectively measure the similarity, what's the acceptable cut off - 80%? 90%?). The same is true for the uniqueness of her voice.

    I think the real question will come down to intention. They clearly wanted her voice. Did they intentionally attempt to replicate it when they couldn't have the real thing? If so, there is precedent that would suggest they could be in a little trouble here, e.g.

  • Scarlett Johansson denied OpenAI the right to use her voice. They used it anyway.
  • This kind of reminds me of Crispin Glover, from Back to the Future. He tried to negotiate a higher pay for the second movie, so the producers hired a different actor to play the role, but deliberately made the actor up to look like Glover. In response, Glover sued the producers and won. It set a critical precedent for Hollywood, about using someone's likeness without consent.

    The article mentions they reached out to her two days before the launch - if she had said 'OK,' there's no way they could have even recorded what they needed from her, let alone trained the model in time for the presentation. So they must have had a Scarlett Johansson voice ready to go. Other than training the model on movies (really not ideal for a high quality voice model), how would they have gotten the recordings they needed?

    If they hired a "random" voice actress, they might not run into issues. But if at any point they had a job listing, a discussion with a talent manager, or anything else where they mentioned wanting a "Scarlett Johansson sound-alike," they might have dug themselves a nice hole here.

    Specifically regarding your question about hiring a voice actor that sounds like someone else - this is commonly done to replace people for cartoons. I don't think it's an issue if you are playing a character. But if you deliberately impersonate a person, there might be some trouble.

  • Black Kansas City teen Ralph Yarl sues white man who shot him for ringing the doorbell
  • Not to justify the actions of the shooter, but ringing the doorbell before breaking in is definitely a thing. It's a means of checking if the house is occupied - if you're just trying to steal things, an unoccupied house is ideal, and if someone answers when you ring, it's easy enough to make up an excuse and walk away.

    A much better solution than a gun, though, is a security door (similar to a screen door, but more kick proof).

  • Dell is so frustrating
  • Considering that you are not using their software, was the laptop worth the premium you paid for it, vs buying from Clevo directly?

    I figured the hardware and software coming from the same vendor would yield the best results, and wanted to support a company that supports right-to-repair, and Linux in general. But ultimately I found Pop!_OS buggy and had performance issues, so I'm not using their OS, and their firmware is causing issues with my SSD, so I'd like to be off of it as well (but was told "there's no process for reverting to the proprietary firmware“ for the specific model I have). I could have bought a Clevo directly, saving hundreds of dollars, and probably had a better working machine.

  • Dell is so frustrating
  • Would not recommend System76. I've had many issues with my machine (primarily software, related to their buggy custom firmware, and Pop!_OS, until I ditched that for stock Ubuntu). Their support has been terrible - rather similar to OP's, actually. I've had the laptop for about 2.5 years, and I'm checking practically daily for something to replace it.

  • Tips for getting contract work

    cross-posted from:

    > Tips for getting contract work > > I'm looking for part-time and/or short term contract work, but having a hard time because all the major job sites have either no ability to filter, or the posters just select every option so their post shows up in every search. > > Does anyone have any tips on how to find this kind of work? Is it best to source it on my own, or are there good agencies to work with? > > I'm looking for any kind of developer roll (I've done backend and full stack), and am open to mentoring/tutoring as well.


    Tips for getting contract work

    I'm looking for part-time and/or short term contract work, but having a hard time because all the major job sites have either no ability to filter, or the posters just select every option so their post shows up in every search.

    Does anyone have any tips on how to find this kind of work? Is it best to source it on my own, or are there good agencies to work with?

    I'm looking for any kind of developer roll (I've done backend and full stack), and am open to mentoring/tutoring as well.


    First RISC-V mini laptops emerge First RISC-V mini laptops emerge: Sipeed Lichee Console 4A available for pre-order

    Sipeed's new Lichee Console 4A mini laptop features a 7-inch IPS touchscreen with 1280 x 800 resolution and is powered by a RISC-V CPU with 4 cores produced by Alibaba. It also supports up to 16 GB LPDDR4x RAM plus up to 2 GB NVMe SSD and 128 GB eMMC storage.

    First RISC-V mini laptops emerge: Sipeed Lichee Console 4A available for pre-order
    Thailand Travel 🇹🇭🐘 JoeyJoeJoeJr

    Rent a motorbike in Pai

    The countryside is beautiful, and the best way to experience it is via motorbike. I was nervous because I'd never ridden one, nor had I been in a place where I had to drive on the left, but Pai is a great place to practice both of those things. Some noob tips:

    • One person to a scooter. It's much, much harder to drive with two or more people. If you're new to scooters, don't risk it.
    • Get a mount for your phone, so you can use GPS. They didn't have them at the rental shops when I was there, so bring your own.
    • Bring eye protection. In general, it's not necessary, but if it starts raining, you'll really appreciate having it.
    • The rental place will ask if you know how to ride. If you say "no," they won't rent to you. If you don't want to lie, watch a video online beforehand - then at least you'll have the knowledge, if not the skill.
    • Be careful! As you walk around town, you'll see lots of people with scratched up arms and legs, and probably even a few people with braces/casts. Don't be one of them. It's really not that difficult to ride, you just need to be smart and cautious.

    And finally a pro-tip for getting to Pai: Take a motion sickness pill before the ride up. I don't get sea-sick, I don't get sick on rides, and I haven't thrown up in over a decade. It doesn't matter how strong your stomach is, you'll feel the ride. Any pharmacy will have the pills, and they are very cheap.


    Excellent channel for learning to train and use computer vision models

    I think this community is more LLM focused than computer vision, but I'm hoping it's ok to post this here.

    I struggled my way through getting tensorflow setup, and getting a model trained - it took about 10 hours over a few days, cross referencing different articles and videos, fighting to get protobufs compiled, and images/annotations converted to TFRecords. I finally got a basic model, but it was a nightmare, and I'm not sure I could figure it out again if I needed to.

    Then I stumbled on this guy's yolov8 object detection video. It was so easy. I had a trained model in less than an hour. I would highly recommend.

    Also worth noting - the ultralytics folks have been very helpful on their discord server.

    I'm not affiliated with the guy making the videos or the ultralytics team, I just wanted to plug them since they've been very helpful to me.

    If you want you dip your feet in, and you have any basic questions, feel free to ask them here. I'll answer any that i can.


    A quick note: In the video he uses an online tool for labeling - it looks like it can be installed locally, but it looks like a fair bit of work. I use label-studio which can be easily installed with pip.
