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JaumeI JaumeI
Posts 6
Comments 22
Can an entire city have an evil goatee?
  • Uhmmmm... Not at all, sorry

  • 🎵that's life🎵
  • For teachers too...

  • Humor: student answers

    Share some the answers you got from those special students. I'll begin: ****

    • Do you think I'll pass the subject? (Student with an average of 9.5 over 10)


    • Do you think with this project I'll pass the subject? (Project fully copy&pasted from ChatGPT, including sentences like "I'm just an AI...") ******

    • Well, it keeps saying I need one more parenthesis here.

    • Well, try adding one?

    • It works! Wow, you're the best!

    • ...


    Please read: community rules

    This community is a hub where programming teachers can discuss methodologies, ways to improve teaching skills, classroom engagement, best practices...

    It can also be a place to comments and discuss problems with students (but keeping anonymity always in mind) and make some humor about the hardships of our profession. If you are not yet a teacher, but want to become one, you're also welcome.

    We won't do your assignments. Go to Learn_programming for that! (not really).


    Please read: community rules

    This community is aimed at two specific topics:

    • Support general programming questions, of any language, mainly for people beginning their journey in programming.
    • Give some advice on programming education or career.

    What this community doesn't intend to do:

    • Give specific answers to very specific, non-beginners, problems of a particular language. You probably can go to a community of that language to get help with that.
    • Solve your programming assignments. You can ask for a specific issue, but it's essential that you learn to think and solve them, or you'll never progress.

    As suggested by Captain Janeway, here are some rules specific to the posts:

    • Paste your code. Unless there's not any other way, please don't provide screenshots of the code, it's harder to review.
    • If possible, try to provide a runnable example of the code in question
    • Explain as much as you can: what you’ve tried, what the error is, what you think the problem is
    • As usual, be kind

    The probability of getting an answer will increase dramatically if you follow these points.

    This post will be updated periodically, with any new inputs considered necessary.-----

    is this forum meant to support people with basic programming questions?
  • I like those requirements. I'll stick a post with them in the top of the community, along with some about career/education questions if you don't mind.

    I think that, being still a small community, we can address both topics by now, and if engagement gets too complicated due to community growth, we can split the community. If you all think differently, we can split topics right now, but I think it's too early for that. Thoughts?

  • Resources to begin the learning process
  • ChatGPT 4. It wasn't code, but it got me nervous xD

  • Resources to begin the learning process
  • I'm a bit on the fence on this one. I've seen ChatGPT inventing things too many times to trust it with anything more than rewriting and improving texts...

  • Resources to begin the learning process
  • JavaScript, my nemesis. I tried it many years ago, and I got the feeling of something so… ethereal, disconnected, and at sometimes random, that I never find the time to get to know it. And I probably should, may as well try this, thanks.

  • Resources to begin the learning process
  • Looks quite complete, and with the offers Udemy usually does, it's not very expensive (although the base price is a bit high). Thanks!

  • Resources to begin the learning process
  • I recently recommended the Odin project to a friend that studied web development but, due to the pandemic, didn't get to work as a developer and is now rusty. Freecodecamp is a resource I want to explore, but never find the time to. Thanks for the contribution!

  • Resources to begin the learning process
  • Seems like an amazing resource, thanks!

  • Mods Wanted!
  • Thanks!

  • Mods Wanted!
  • Thank you! I Already commented on both communities.

  • Resources to begin the learning process

    Let's get some resources (websites, games, programs...) to help people that want to start learning how to program.


    Which are the most neccessary skills to effectively teach programming?

    To me it's empathy. And memory, being able to remember how it was not understanding something that now seems simple.

    Mods Wanted!
  • I know you have your hands really full, so when you have time and can create /c/teachprogramming and /c/learnprogramming I'll try to be of help there.

  • Community Request Thread
  • Yes, that would be it. Not all of the studetns go to university, and the studies are not focused to that end, but as you say, it's a nice option they have, and (inventing here) maybe about 15-20% decide to, at least, try it.

  • Community Request Thread
  • I'm not sure how it corresponds to other countries. We get students usually from 16 to 20, in what is called Professional Studies. It's more focused on practical skills than theoretical. When they finish the upper level they can go to the university, and they don't have to do several subjects of the first year, as they are very similar to what they did in the upper level. In these professional studies there is no maths, physics and so on, they only study practical subjects (hardware, networking, programming, operative systems...). Edit: some spelling mistakes

  • Community Request Thread
  • Uhmmm... If it's ok to you, let's try learnprogramming and teachprogramming, and we can see the engagement they both get.

  • [Bug] Can't see the Inbox
  • Ding! Solved, thanks!

  • [Bug] Can't see the Inbox

    I have a warning of a message in my inbox (I know it's a reply), but when I go there, nothing appears. Good job with the app, liking it!

    What are some things you want to see in this community?
  • What about learning material? Not only simple game tutorials (but also that!) but tips and tricks, free assets and things like that, that encourage people that want to try Godot for the first time.

  • Community Request Thread
  • Sure! Was thinking in a more teacher focused approach, but maybe it's better to have a wider focus, learnprogramming sounds a great idea!