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Jarmer Jarmer
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Comments 117
Proton launches privacy-focused Google Docs alternative: Docs in Proton Drive is an open-source, end-to-end encrypted collaborative document editor
  • Just tried it out with my proton account. Looks great! It's very simple, but I also like that about it. And of course being private is wonderful.

  • ‘The Bear’ Season 3 Hits 5.4 Million Views in Four Days, Hulu’s Biggest Scripted TV Premiere Ever
  • I don't understand the love for this show. My wife watches it, and randomly I'll catch a few minutes of it, and I swear every single scene is depressed people screaming at each other, or repeatedly yelling the word CHEF a thousand times in a row. Is there a single scene when a person smiles? Is happy? I call it "the yelling show".

  • Windows 11 just isn't enticing Windows 10 users to upgrade, and its market share is actually falling
  • Windows 11 was what finally forced me over to linux for good, no more dual booting. I know it sounds strange, but the straw that broke its back was the taskbar. I have an ultrawide monitor, so I ALWAYS have the taskbar vertical on a side. It makes zero sense to have it at the bottom. Massive waste of space. Windows 11 DID NOT HAVE THE ABILITY TO MOVE THE TASKBAR. I was flabbergasted. This is a feature that has existed for decades in every OS. I just couldn't comprehend the stupidity, so I just didn't. Formatted the drive and went to Arch, then to Tumbleweed. Couldn't be happier.

  • to those of you who use apple products, what do you use and why?
  • This is a low effort troll post.

    os upgrades are free

    bloatware is less on ios than on any other mobile os

    the rest is idiocy.

    save your time. Move on.

  • ‘Picard’ Season 2 Was Rewritten After Paramount Deemed It “Too Star Trek,” Says EP
  • What is this you Picard you speak of? There are only two star trek shows on tv right now: Strange New Worlds and Lower Decks.

  • A 7,000-Pound Car Smashed Through a Guardrail. That’s Bad News for All of Us.
  • All those tiny penis trucks are so funny, there's never a single spot of mud or dirt inside the wheel wells, and they put mud tires on to drive around on pavement! It's like ........ hmmmmmmmmm what happened to your brain?

  • What song hits you hard whenever you listen to it?
  • Best ever chill metal song: Orion.

  • What are your top 3 purchases of all time?
  • haha, I had the Sony XM4's as well and my favorite day ever of owning them was when I finally got so frustrated I threw them off the mower I was riding on and mowed over them. It felt SOOOOO GOOD. By far the biggest waste of money I have ever spent. Never again Sony anything even remotely related to that. Also never again anything without physical buttons.

  • How does FromSoftware release AAA games so frequently? Elden Ring boss says "we are just blessed with a great staff" that the studio empowers and retains
  • I guess that makes sense, if it's not that common ... but then ............ why go OUT OF YOUR WAY to make the experience worse? It's like, why didn't they just say "oh hey, they have a wide monitor, nice!" but instead they said "oh hey, they have wide monitor, GO FUCK YOURSELF"

  • West Virginia’s last Hooters is being torn down. Locals are planning a candlelit vigil – complete with wings
  • wtf is a "strip cheese sandwich" lol ..... oh wait, is it something demeaning towards women? nevermind.

  • How does FromSoftware release AAA games so frequently? Elden Ring boss says "we are just blessed with a great staff" that the studio empowers and retains
  • Not to mention they were actively hostile towards ultrawide gamers. The engine would render it, but then put black bars overtop the sides. Kind of amazing really that level of hatred towards gamers.

  • Remember when Google Music hadn't been killed yet...?
  • I remember a glorious time when Songza existed. It was amazing and I used it every single day. Then the death march began as it was "acquired" by Satan. Satan let it live on for a short while, but after that it "sunsetted" (or whatever other idiotic word they used back then) and Satan killed it.

    Oh songza, how I loved thee.

  • Ray tracing made possible on 42-year-old ZX Spectrum: 'reasonably fast, if you consider 17 hours per frame to be reasonably fast'
  • 700 years worth of compute to do about an hour of gaming that I just did on my pc at home in realtime ... damn.

    Did I math it right? I was averaging about 100 fps in hogwarts for about an hour.

  • Games that force you to make hard choices
  • Ehhhh, it has a lot of decisions, yes. But in the end: do any of them matter at all? I feel like 99% of my decisions never made any kind of difference whatsoever at the end.

    I did a whole bunch of stuff with Shadowheart and she wasn't even in my ending at all. Totally missing. I did even more crazy stuff with Karlach, and in the end I was given zero dialog or options or chances to do anything with her, the game forced her to say "I'm getting too hot" and fall down and explode and die. I did by far the most stuff with my primary character Astarion, and in the end I got zero options to do anything with the woman he loved and he ran away to hide in a cave.

    So............ Yes there are lots of options to make decisions one way or another. But none of them matter at all whatsoever in the end. So, don't be too in awe, because the way they make the story work is just totally ignoring anything you ever did.

  • It's Time to Ditch Evernote for One of These Alternatives
  • Been using standardnotes for years and absolutely love it. My fav is the quick note-type changer. Can go from base text only to markup to checklist etc so easy.

  • New Study: At Least 15% of All Reddit Content is Corporate Trolls Trying to Manipulate Public Opinion
  • I mean I guess that could be right, but in the end this scenario also spells doom for the company. There is no way that reddit continues to stay relevant as a meaningful place in the future. It'll be relegated to the garbage dump where yahoo and digg and tumblr somehow still exist in zombie fashion. Sad.

  • New Study: At Least 15% of All Reddit Content is Corporate Trolls Trying to Manipulate Public Opinion
  • I was really surprised recently when I was searching for some help with a mod for a videogame and a result popped up on my duckduckgo search page for a thread on reddit about it, so I clicked it and BAM: "error, this subreddit has not been reviewed, so it is not possible to view it. Either use the app or go to home page" ......... wtf? I mean, this basically destroys the entire site right? I was 100% unable to view whatever content had been posted in that subreddit. So I just closed it and went somewhere else. I don't see how reddit can even continue to exist if they don't allow people to view the site. How did this happen?

  • Tesla removes Disney+ app amid Elon Musk's feud with Disney CEO Bob Iger
  • OMG that'd be hilarious. Also don't even say a word to anyone, just have an editor trim that 3 second scene from IM2 and replace it on the disney+ streaming service with this new version.

  • Silly question for those comming from a iPhone. Do you miss imessage or was it not that big of a deal?
  • For a lot of users it’s also about the image quality. A lot of group chats are used to share family photos, or friends parties, or vacations, etc… and inside an iMessage the photos all look great. High quality, shareable etc. Videos looks great and stream just fine. But once any member adds any non iPhone user the group chat gets changed to green and now all the sudden all the photos are grainy extreme low quality, basically not even viewable and videos won’t even share at all. So then people get pissed at the green person and just start a new chat without that person. It sucks.