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I was on Reddit, now I am here. It's a crazy world.

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Comments 105
Why Americans aren’t buying more EVs
  • Too expensive. Not owner repairable. Too much unnecessary tech baked in.

    There’s a path forward for EV’s, but I don’t think the current philosophy is it.

  • Nearly 80% of Americans now view fast food as a luxury
  • According to a financial advisor I recently spoke with, it’s not. Guess I’ll be working all the way into my grave. 🤷‍♂️

  • Being an adult is so fun
  • I don't mind that, but what I do mind is that it now costs as much to make food at home as it did to dine out two years ago.

  • Spotify is going to break every Car Thing gadget it ever sold
  • Currently using a combination of Plexamp, WinAmp, Bandcamp and Apple Music.

  • Spotify is going to break every Car Thing gadget it ever sold
  • Spotify is an evil company. Bad for artists, bad for consumers. I’m glad to have quit using their service.

  • X is the worst social media app for LGBTQ+ people, says new report
  • Twitter has never been great, just easy to use and widely adopted. It’s gotten worse under Musk and mostly appeals to the worst people left on the platform.

  • US Justice Department to Seek Breakup of Live Nation-Ticketmaster
  • So Pearl Jam isn’t just a dumb group of kids that know nothing?

  • Dell responds to return-to-office resistance with VPN, badge tracking, and color-coding of employees
  • Just another huge ass company that values short term profits over its employees and customers. Probably won’t be buying any more of their products.

  • What are the most mindblowingly creative, inventive, or otherwise otherworldly albums you know of?
  • Some of my favorites are

    “Trust” by LOW

    “October Rust” by Type O Negative

    “Welcome Oblivion” by How to Destroy Angels

    “Dusk” by The The

    and more recently “DECIDE” by Djo

  • How do you survive the exhaustion from living in a capitalist society? Any advice, tips?
  • For me, it’s the massive medical debt that only seems to get bigger. The cost of living inching higher and higher, while wages remain mostly stagnant. The expectation to provide for others at the expense of time, stress and my own health. It’s not a good time to have a family with needs.

  • Elizabeth Warren slammed for wanting to ‘break up Apple’s smartphone monopoly’
  • Some say the slam was so hard the shockwaves were felt on the other side of the globe.

  • So who's been on a cruise ship?
  • I’ve been on a few. My family loves them, but I am not particularly fond of them. They’re a super convenient way to see a lot of tourist attractions in a short period of time if you find the right one, but your time is limited at each port. I do feel guilty about the ecological impact of the cruise industry, not to mention some of the working conditions of the staff can’t be ideal. I am an introvert who dislikes crowds, I have a fear of open water, and I get motion sick easily. So they’re generally a pretty miserable experience for me, personally. It’s even worse if there’s high pressure sales or lousy patrons aboard. For example I was aboard one that really pushed jewelry and vacation package sales. The at sea days were just long super sale events. I kind of felt a side eye by some of the sales people, like they thought I was going to steal something. Truth was I didn’t want any of the crap they were selling. Dining can be hit or miss. The more affordable the cruise, the less tolerable the food is over time. I’ve had very few run-ins with grumpy people, but it happens. People overall can be rude following rules, such has hogging the sun chairs all day long, every day, or bringing noisy kids into adult only areas. If I can help it, I would prefer to not go on one ever again, but my family may drag me kicking and screaming again. I do think the right cruise could be fun if you were going with friends instead of family. A adults only party cruise could be fun in my mind. Keeping track of kids or boomer family makes the experience less enjoyable. If I were to do that, I would pack loads of Dramamine. Drink packages are a rip-off unless you’re an alcoholic. I had one once and it took a lot of drinking just to break even.

  • GAME staff told to expect redundancies, as most workers move to zero hours contracts
  • Sad truth is stores like these will be obsolete soon. They already have to operate on thin margins, but with most game sales going digital, there will be less demand for brick and mortar game stores. The existence of online stores like Amazon make their outlook even worse.

  • Legend of Zelda
  • The Wind Waker for me. At the time, the open world and sea felt so massive, and the colorful cell-shaded graphics made me feel like I was immersed in a cartoon. I played other Zelda games before, but it was the first one to hold my attention all the way to the end. To me, it’s one of those games I wish I could experience again for the first time.

  • Why are tech company's so interested in my boring ass data?
  • Dump-truck-ass Pixar Moms are my kryptonite.

  • What’s the worst car you’ve ever driven?
  • 03 Ford Focus. Terrible transmission, on board computer fried, all kinds of random engine and sensor issues. Finally found an honest mechanic that said it would cost more to fix everything wrong with it than to just take the L and get a new car. Took a loss on the loan and bought a Camry. Best decision I could’ve made. Nothing but Toyota since.

  • Why is Facebook still so insanely popular?
  • There are dozens of us!

  • James Carville: ‘Too many preachy females’ are ‘dominating the culture of the Democratic Party’
  • I mean, when people say “both parties are the same” they are correct in this particular metric. We need term limits and younger representation.