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Sinema calls for Biden admin and Tuberville to find 'middle ground' in abortion standoff
  • How bout those "centrists" go "fuck themselves."

  • The Reddit Protest Is Finally Over. Reddit Won.
  • It won't die. It will just hollow out. Same as Digg. Same as Facebook, Twitter, and every other shitty part of the internet. The power users are what make the internet the magical place it is. Without those people, the sites will still work... but they won't be as great as they were before their respective turning points. It's a cycle it seems.

  • What free websites/applications do you recommend for mild convenience?
  • I suggest stutter for a Firefox version of spreeder / swiftread.

  • Hard times
  • ...Or just raise prices because they want to increase margins and lie and say its because a massive increase in theft or inflation or whatever they want to say and then laugh about it on a public earnings call that you can raise prices however you want because consumers still have to buy certain goods no matter what.

  • Texans Die from Heat Exhaustion After Governor Bans Mandatory Water Breaks
  • I know this will undoubtedly get me some downvotes... but at this point I really truly don't care about honesty anymore with this guy. He deserves the same type of blatant lies his administration constantly peddles yet still allows him to be re-elected. I mean... this man got re-elected AFTER his policies literally lead to the deaths of many innocent people - including one little boy who died in his bed overnight while his family desperately tried to keep their mobile home warm - when the power outages occurred due to the "TX freedom grid" not being required to have the sort of equipment standards everywhere else in the US have.

    Say Abbott fucking eats babies. I don't care if he hasn't actually poked a child's corpse with a fork and chewed their bones. He might as well have at this point considering how many have or will die as a direct result of his policies. At this point, whatever it takes to get him removed from office is justified. This "we go high when they go low" angle is and always has been unfair, and I don't care about how it hurts anyone's feelings or sense of personal ethics. I care about WINNING. That means getting a better person in office as soon as possible. Right now, I'll take anything I can get.

    The spirit of what the article says is correct, and I know it's not technically the truth, but we all know people will die from this when it DOES become law. It WILL be true in the coming years as the policy goes into effect. This article is like pointing out how maternal death rates have been rising as a result of RvW being overturned... before red-state anti-abortion laws had fully gone into effect.

    It is exaggeratory in the present, but it is a fucking FORECAST for what will occur in the future.