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Also "parasite".
  • Economic parasites. They suck the lifeblood out of the economy.

  • Name this band
  • Diaper Don and the pants shitters.

  • I shaved for the first time in a while so I could update a profile picture and my chin looks like this.
  • I've gotten that as well. I have had success using rubbing alcohol on those spots. Also helps to use an alcohol aftershave.

  • Shower thought: To a creature from Titan, are we lava monsters?
  • Look up the book Vacuum Diagrams by Stephen Baxter. The first short story titled The Sun-People is exactly this scenario. It happens on a large asteroid in our solar system. Needless to say, that the creatures can't survive in our presence.

  • The top five RSS readers for keeping up with your news feeds
  • I've been using the Feedbro extension in Firefox for about 4-5 years now. It is pretty great.

  • FPS Recommendations
  • Nightmare Reaper

  • Combining two different internet debates
  • We also need to consider the air that is in front of the train as it moves forward. That air is going into the portal at the rate the train moves forward and therefore coming out the other portal at that rate.

  • Black bar added after viewing image

    Is anyone else having an issue where if you click on an image to view it and then click back there will be a black bar added above the bottom home bar? This is pushing up the + button as well.

    Madison on why she quit
  • Seems pretty clear that LMG is a Black Company.

  • It feels like Nintendo doesn’t want us to play older games until they say we can...
  • Id didin't open source the game. They open sourced the game engine. So you can download gzdoom which is an open source port of the original doom engine, but you still need to own the original game for the game files in order to play it.

  • Lemmy Support InstructionsNotClear

    Lemmy causing browser to use up all system memory

    I've had this happen a few times already. If I leave a lemmy tab open and do something else after a certain amount of time, I find my system starts to bog down. After checking task manager I find that all system memory is being used up by my browser(Firefox). Never had this issue until this week. I think this issue is related to how new posts keep loading in the feed.

    I don't know if this is just lemmy not working with Firefox or a lemmy specific issue.

    Tell us about unpopular games you love, or even just appreciate some aspects of, contrary to the inteenet hivemind?
  • The 2nd game is essentially a remaster of the first so you don't need to play the 1st before the 2nd. The first game uses sprites and is single threaded so it can start lagging in the late game even with a modern processor. The 2nd game also has a lot more content compared to the first and the AI is even better.

  • Tell us about unpopular games you love, or even just appreciate some aspects of, contrary to the inteenet hivemind?
  • AI War 2. It is a strategy, 4X, tower defense light game where the AI already won the war and conquered the galaxy. You have to fight your way to the AI home world to win. The game is very well optimized and designed for multithreaded CPUs. The more threads the better. The late game can have 10s of thousands of ships on the map or more.

  • what web browser do you use and why?
  • Firefox on desktop and mobile. Better privacy and more trustworthy than a browser tied to a billion dollar corp.

  • what are you playing this week?
  • Currently playing Boltgun. Getting close to finishing the 2nd episode.