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šŸ‘‰šŸ‘ˆ What if we kissed by the dismantled MIG-29s in the Polish countryside?
  • I'm imagining like they removed one screw from the plane and then called it disassembled and parked it there.

  • [Discussion] What games are you playing on your deck? - August 2023
  • The Last Epoch, Pacer and Legend Bowl.

  • Gnome: Rethinking Window Management
  • Yeah not everybody likes it but I love how they try to go beyond the normal way of working and improve on it. Instead of sticking to existing ways which are ingrained into people.

  • Blizzard games are coming to Steam
  • I'm actually looking forward to checking it out on Steam, then I don't have to fiddle around anymore with Lutris on my Linux box and I can just use Proton normally within Steam itself.

  • In 2017, I bought a 1TB 960 Evo for 466ā‚¬. Now, in 2023 the 1TB 970 Evo Plus is 43ā‚¬.
  • That's a good point. Maybe I should upgrade my NAS to have SSD's now.

  • What's your next project in Elite?
  • I'm trying to see if I can build a button box for Elite Dangerous. However I'm still debating which buttons I want to use on it.

    Maybe I'll just build a generic 12 button box and then figure it out when I have it.

  • Dutch government falls as coalition partners clash over immigration
  • Well maybe Rutte will leave then if there is no other way for them to form a government. We'll see how it goes, if BBB is going to be part of the government I hope for them they will not experience a LPF like event where all kinds of internal struggles happen within a very very short amount of time.

  • What's your favorite game you never hear anybody talk about?
  • I would love a remaster of the crusader games.

  • Dutch government falls as coalition partners clash over immigration
  • Guaranteed. They saw an opportunity to get more seats and they took it and screwed the rest basically.

    Probably we're going to see a coalition of VVD and BBB after the next election, together with the CDA.

  • What do you do to unwind?
  • Usually plan a game which isn't multiplayer or competitive in nature. Especially one where you can basically do everything almost automatically because you know the routine. For me currently it's Elite Dangerous.

  • What video game have you played the most, that you think is garbage and no one else should ever play?
  • I'm kind of afraid for Starfield. It looks interesting but given their track record I'm afraid they might botch it up.

  • What app is everyone using for Lemmy
  • Same here. Seems to work nicely!

  • What video game have you played the most, that you think is garbage and no one else should ever play?
  • Agreed. Don't expect the end and all of storytelling. It's a make your own adventure game with surprisingly deep lore through galnet.