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Idliketothinkimsmart Idliketothinkimsmart

Oi bruv, empty yo pockets innit ye. Gimme all yo coins fam.

Posts 8
Comments 46
Putin on Palestine
  • You are a worm. Fuck your Nazi shit hole.

  • “A war between people and vermin”
  • Do we even really have to censor their handles?

  • I just heard that the DPRK is PatSoc. Thoughts?
  • All I know is that anyone who said that probably isn't even in a socialist country 🤷🏽. If people assert opinions with no evidence, you can just as easily wisp them away.

  • What do you tell people who say that communism won't work because “people will corrupt it and take advantage of the system the same way they do on capitalism”?
  • "You're gonna shit, why ever wipe your ass?"

    I just flip these stupid arguements on their head. There is no amount of logic that makes this make sense. Ask them this...if they think communism wouldn't work because "muh human nature" (which isn't even true, humans have only made it this far by banding together), then why does it make sense to keep the system that feeds into humanity's worst impulses?

  • Experience with heartbreak?
  • Probably the 2nd worst experience of my life tbh. It feels like your chest wants to sink into your stomach all the time. I don't think I would've been able to go back to hooking up that fast after 7 years (not a personal judgement, just making an assessment of myself). It took my like 2 years to even want to look at a real person in a sexual way. As the days go on, you start to think of them less and less, but they never really do go away. Thinking about them just becomes a bit easier when they do pop into your mind.

    If you can find therapy, take it. Otherwise, just take things a day at a time, and just my personal recommendation, but delete all dating apps and just be by yourself for a bit.

  • Victory is possible
  • you don't get it...once they hit that checkpoint, the red map will turn blue, and that basically means a checkmate for ukraine.

  • I ordered a mint tea at a bar and even the waiter laughed at me lol
  • "Free thinkers" when you don't get the diesel resin charcoal roasted flavored hard liquor

  • Just participated in my first Pride Parade
  • The FBI had a contingent in this year's pride where I am 🙃

  • How's the imminent Niger war spoken of in your country?
  • How you described it is quite literally how it's being discussed here in the states. It's ironically the "I support the current thing" meme but in real life. It's definitely not receiving as much attention as Ukraine, but unsurprisingly enough, people only really care as far as they see Russian flags being waved around lol. What happens to the people/ what they even want seems to be secondary.

  • I recently tried to book a numerology session and it felt like a total scam :/
  • Lesson definitely learned. There's always people looking for fools to finesse. I wouldn't have minded if it was like 30 a session, but 200+ is disrespectful. I think I intentionally rejected the offer because I also wanted to see how she would react. I figured if she left it alone, then she was probably someone a lot of people had reached out to before. Lo and behold, she tries to call me back within a few minutes to try and finesse me lol.

  • I recently tried to book a numerology session and it felt like a total scam :/

    I had met this lady a few weeks ago who did numerology sessions on the side of her regular job. She had offered me a session at the time and I had refused. I ended up finding her number a few weeks later and had arranged to book a session.

    I had been seeing all these numbers repeating, and thought, why not have some fun, right? I don't really believe in that kinda stuff, but it would be interesting to see what values people ascribe to things as random as numbers, and see what I think about it. An hour session was gonna come out to upwards of 200+ dollars 💀 .

    I apologised saying I should've asked for a quote beforehand, but she tries to call me (I didn't pick up) and she then texts me that "people usually call me when they're in need and I recommend the session", but it's like...of course you would, you're making 200+ dollars off of me lol.

    No disrespect to her, but I hate that everyday interactions are warped by profit 😓. I get everyone has to eat, but damn, wtf?

    Weekly exercise thread, August 3rd 2023
  • I have not been doing as much cardio as I could possibly do, but tbf it's kinda cold (it shouldn't be this cold where I am during August 🥴). I'd like to go swimming sometime in the coming weeks when it gets warmer, but I have been going to the gym about... 3-4 times a week. Last I did chest and it was moving pretty smooth! I feel like I'm ready to rep out 45 and a 10 now...4x6...hopefully...

  • Monday Night Raw - What's something you've cooked recently that you're proud of?
  • I made Japanese curry (store bought mix) and just cooked it with chicken, potatoes and carrots! Shoutout to people who make that stuff from scratch :')

  • Hello comrades, how is life?
  • I hope so as well, thank you.

    I'm studying to become a mycologist! I haven't studied anything mycology specific just yet, but I'll be one semester closer after this one :'). Good luck with your union job!

  • Hello comrades, how is life?
  • I just got out of a laze of a few weeks. I wasn't really able to do much besides very barebones party work. Well now that I think about it...I think partywork was really the only reason I was even leaving my house for a bit. I'm back to the outside world, I replied to a bunch of my penpals finally, and I'm semi back to dating after like a 2 year hiatus. I'm talking to someone whose on a break with their partner, but they did talk through it with eachother, so I don't feel as bad about it. I'm probably leaning towards something casual, but who knows. I'll probably go for a smoke then hit the gym tonight with a friend.

    I'm back to school next month, and with that, I can get back to my free therapy. I'm excited for that more than anything.

  • Russia bans gender reassignment surgery
  • LGBT+ people aren't an "agenda". Yes, it's true that the state tries to co-opt their identity to pink wash itself, but like with any sort of radical history, it tends to get co-opted.

    Look into the history of events like Compton cafateria and Stonewall. LGBT+ history is just as much a part of worker history as any other group's.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • On an individual level, they're fine, but they're certainly not going to lead us out of capitalism. If you can get better living conditions, do it. Nothing wrong with that.

  • The struggle of Mumia Abu Jamal

    At the young age of 15, Mumia Abu Jamal had gained the attention of the FBI and was placed on the COINTELPRO list after he became the Lieutenant of Information for the Philadelphia Black Panthers Branch. He was a black activist and journalist who was falsely accused of murdering a cop and has been in prison for 41 years.

    Amnesty International did a report on his imprisonment and even they had to admit "it doesn't meet international standards". Of course, it cowardly doesn't take an opinion on whether he's guilty or won't even say he's a political prisoner. Some interesting tidbits are that 71% of the potential Jurors were black and struck off, the caliber of bullets didn't match at all (not disclosed to jury), no sort of gunpowder test was done, the FBI admitting that they had him under surveillance and worked with philly pd to frame him, etc.

    His lawyers have recently been given 60 days to review evidence, and I just hope the decades long work of organizers to free him come to fruition. Fuck Philly PD, one of the dirtiest shit stains of a police department on the planet.

    Suggestions to the owners to what to add next. Idliketothinkimsmart

    Wasn't sure where to post this :/. Does lemmy delete metadata upon posting an image?




    Who is Uncle Tom?

    Little known fact, but the "Uncle Tom" character is based on a real man named Josiah Henson! Josiah Henson was a former slave who escaped to Canada (900 Miles of walking!), acquired some land, and started a school and community for other escaped slaves. The institue was called the British American Institute for Fugitive Slaves!

    He taught himself to read and write later on in his life, and he did narrate his book called "The Life of Josiah Henson: Formerly a Slave".

    Why did Uncle Tom sorta became associated with being a docile sellout? Well, if i had to guess, Harriet Beecher Stowe (white woman) who wrote about Mr. Henson probably did so/ was forced to write him in that light to attract a more...white audience. I guess the idea of an emancipated black former slave who was intelligent wasn't all too marketable then. Hell, the book supposedly outsold the bible when it dropped.

    Self Commitment Idliketothinkimsmart

    I will cook some goat/ lamb/ beef birria sometime between today and next Thursday.

    To hold myself accountable, I will not bring my earphones to work if i don't accomplish the task by then 🤧. I will include a picture if I am able to finish the task by next thursday.


    Hospital occupation by the Young Lords and what it accomplished! Yay organizing! July 14, 1970: Young Lords Occupy Lincoln Hospital - Zinn Education Project

    The Young Lords occupied Lincoln Hospital’s major administrative building in response to deplorable treatment of people of color.

    July 14, 1970: Young Lords Occupy Lincoln Hospital - Zinn Education Project

    I was recently reading about the Young Lords and their hospital occupation in one of the PSL's publications! I thought this was a pretty cool instance of occupations succeeding and being popular (at least in the sense of mass support).

    They occupied a Bronx hospital and were able to get the government to come to the negotiation table. They also staged trash burnings across the city to protest inadequate sanitation.

    I don't know how they are these days, but I thought it was a cool instance of afrolatin history :).

    One of the videos is from Democracy Now so bear with me...


    Soviet peasants casually 🅱️ooling in a palace turned sanatorium

    ! !

    Poor Idliketothinkimsmart

    Freebie Alerts, app for free goods!

    This might not be applicable to everyone, but there's an app called freebie alerts. There's pretty much everything on it: TV's, dryers, chairs, etc.

    Be safe and keep your head up. You're not bad for being poor, friend.

