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HarriettMB HarriettMB

Old Sometimes grumpy Opinionated Socially & environmentally aware & concerned Pro-Choice Autonomy matters Pro EU We are all immigrants from somewhere else. We always will be

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Comments 2
Funny how, a decade ago, they called us “tin-foil hat conspiracy theorists” for suggesting such things and we were shunned by “respectable” folks in the web community afraid to lose their favoured
  • @[email protected] I wouldn’t have that thing or anything like it in my house. I can’t remember if it was Brave New World, or 1984, but there was a device in one of those stories that pretty much is an Alexa. Having a mobile phone is more than enough monitoring already. I don’t even use shop loyalty cards for the same reason.

  • Needless to say, don’t scan any random QR-codes you get spammed with here.
  • @[email protected] I don’t like them and won’t scan them for anything at all. Thanks for the warning though.