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Hagels_Bagels Hagels_Bagels
Posts 74
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the internet is worse.
  • Maybe the end solution is a distributed system

    I think this already exists and is called PeerTube. In my experience it doesn't work very well.

  • PSL statement: Free Palestine, free all Palestinian political prisoners, end all U.S. aid to the Israeli apartheid regime! - Liberation News
  • The Israeli regime is not 'apartheid-like'. It is apartheid. In 2017 the UN published a report detailing how Israeli policy meets the legal definition of apartheid under international law in many ways.

    This report establishes, on the basis of scholarly inquiry and overwhelming evidence, that Israel is guilty of the crime of apartheid. However, only a ruling by an international tribunal in that sense would make such an assessment truly authoritative. The authors therefore urge the United Nations to implement this finding by fulfilling its international responsibilities in relation to international law and the rights of the Palestinian people as a matter of urgency, for two reasons. First, the situation addressed in the report is ongoing. Many investigations of crimes against humanity have concerned past behaviour or events, such as civil wars involving genocides, which have formally concluded. In such cases, the international community faces no particular pressure to act in a timely way to terminate an ongoing crime prior to investigating the legal facts of culpability. In the case of Israel-Palestine, any delay compounds the crime by prolonging the subjugation of Palestinians to the active practice of apartheid by Israel. Prompt action is accordingly imperative to avert further human suffering and end a crime against humanity that is being committed now.

    The UN said this.

    The report was then quickly suppressed - being removed from it's original site. The only reason Israel currently isn't universally recognised to be an apartheid state is due to a lack of political will to hold a tribunal.

    Legal analysis cited here from Beyond Occupation draws from work by contributors to a study conducted between 2007 and 2009, under the auspices of the Human Sciences Research Council of South Africa (HSRC) and at the request of the South African Ministry of Foreign Affairs. ... The method was to review Israeli practices in accordance with the list of “inhuman acts” described in the Apartheid Convention. The team determined that Israel was practicing every act listed in the Convention except genocide and the ban on mixed marriages. Subsequently, Israel passed a law banning mixed marriages by people registered as having different religious identities. The revised version of the report published in 2012 was amended accordingly.

    Apartheid Convention, article II: (a) denial to a member or members of a racial group or groups of the right to life and liberty of person:

    • (i) by murder of members of a racial group or groups;
    • (ii) by the infliction upon the members of a racial group or groups of serious bodily or mental harm, by the infringement of their freedom or dignity, or by subjecting them to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment;
    • (iii) by arbitrary arrest and illegal imprisonment of the members of a racial group or groups;

    Article II (a) is satisfied by Israeli measures serving to repress Palestinian dissent against the occupation and its system of domination. Israeli policies and practices include murder, in the form of targeted extrajudicial killings; torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment of detainees; a military court system that falls far short of international standards of due process, including fair trial; and arbitrary arrest and detention of Palestinians, including administrative detention imposed, often for extended periods, without charge or trial and lacking adequate judicial review. All of those practices are discriminatory, in that Palestinians are subject to different legal systems and different courts, which apply different standards of evidence and procedure that result in far more severe penalties than those applied to Jewish Israelis.


  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • How will Trudeau manage to push back against Putin's claims that NATO countries and Zelensky support Nazis, after they have applauded SS members in parliament though?

    I agree, I do think the optics of being seen by the whole world applauding SS members responsible for participating in genocide is bad. Because it actually is really, really bad.

  • Gen Z, please talk to me: what management works and what does not?
  • This post seems ridiculous to me. If you would like to know why your employees are unhappy then why would you ask random strangers on the internet why they are leaving your company? If your (or anyone's) workplace culture discourages employees to air grievances then you aren't entitled to know why they would like to switch companies. Most likely, I think that young people don't wish to be percieved or talked about as whiny (or any other words you can use), in the event that they raise issues which management or colleagues view as unimportant or inconsequential for the company. I'm also curious as to how you know that your Millennial team members are happy, as opposed to working just because they need the money and don't see better opportunities elsewhere.

  • So how about that Republican Debate!
  • Lots of freedom and democracy there...

  • All smartphones, including iPhones, must have replaceable batteries by 2027 in the EU
  • I remember when apple put out a software update to intentionally throttle the phone's processor, to save charge on it's irreplacable battery. I hope this prevents companies doing this sort of shit as well.

  • You’ve heard of bike gutters, get ready for people gutters!
  • Wow, I sure am glad that the kerb is there to protect those blades of grass!

  • ENHANCE!!!
  • THE TOES!!!!

  • Atomic bombing of Japan was NOT necessary to end WWII. US gov't documents admit it
  • Shaun did a really good video about this 2 years ago.

  • Drugs Hagels_Bagels

    Met Police chief accused of cannabis habit refused drug test

    Commander Julian Bennett, who wrote the force’s drug strategy, offered his resignation when he was accused of using the substance

    Help Xi Find His Hair!
  • I generally don't care about people mocking heads of state but saying Xi Xinping is either Hitler or Winnie the Pooh is offensive.

  • Great site that shows the pros and cons of different VPN's.
  • I noticed before that they mave massively changed their website since I posted this link. It seems they got bought out/bribed by a VPN company to change their site into redirecting to an ad. This is the link to how it used to look:

  • How Stuff Works replaced writers with GPT-generated content and laid off editors
  • Great. Now people are going to read up a bunch of bs generated by a language model and confidently spread around "hallucinations" as facts.

  • Green And Pleasant Hagels_Bagels

    Britain's descent into fascism.






    UN vote to end US embargo against cuba


    This one's a treemap.

    Green And Pleasant Hagels_Bagels

    Not a bad idea tbh

    For discussing books by socialists or about socialism. Hagels_Bagels


    Drugs Hagels_Bagels

    David Nutt: Decision making about illegal drugs: time for science to take the lead

    Statement on Politics of
  • As a Scottish person, I've been tripped up by the slur filter only twice. Once was when I used the c word to describe Dominic Raab (I still stand by that), and the other was when I used twit by with an A instead of an I. I genuinely had no idea that it actually meant vagina! I've heard it since I was a child and had no idea what it actually meant.

    Still, you can't really complain about it, it's more of a trivial thing to people who aren't being offensive.

  • Green And Pleasant Hagels_Bagels

    Tories in every argument where they pretend to care about people.

    Africa Hagels_Bagels Ethiopian troops in 'full control' of Tigray's capital, says country's PM

    Abiy Ahmed claims Mekelle under command of federal forces and operation in region is complete

    Ethiopian troops in 'full control' of Tigray's capital, says country's PM
    Jordan Peterson getting owned in record time.
  • They want to promote controversial opinions to get more engagement. Simple as that.

  • Africa Hagels_Bagels

    Do any comrades here have views on what is currently happening in Ethiopia?

    I was researching it today, as I recently heard about the refugee and humanitarian crisis, however it is super depressing. It's also difficult to know which sources are reliable, as there is conflicting information going around about the conflict.

    Brief summary: Tigray (northern province of Ethiopia) held parliamentary elections in September, against the wishes of the federal government, citing coronavirus restrictions as the reason. After the Tigray People's Liberation Front won the election, the Ethiopian government refused to recognise it. The TPLF reportedly attacked a barracks of the federal government's national army (something the TPLF denies), and was subsequently declared a terrorist organisation, leading to a military operation into Tigray to deal with the group. The internet, electricity and phone lines have reportedly been cut off by the government, and ethnic violence has been stoked. I've seen reports of a massacre with 500-600 victims in Mai Kadra. Some sources say it was perpetrated by a militia loyal to the TPLF, some say it was perpetrated by a militia loyal to the government. This has all lead to tens of thousands of refugees fleeing to Sudan.

    Drugs Hagels_Bagels

    Towards a materialist understanding of drug use



    Shoplifting Hagels_Bagels



    ROM site for images of console games Vimm's Lair: Preserving the Classics

    Preserving classic videogames from consoles past.

    Vimm's Lair: Preserving the Classics
    Green And Pleasant Hagels_Bagels Poverty and fear of failure 'fuelling low life satisfaction for UK teens'

    A report from the Children's Society says teens here are the least satisfied with their lives compared to others in Europe

    Poverty and fear of failure 'fuelling low life satisfaction for UK teens'
    Green And Pleasant Hagels_Bagels Asylum Seeker Mercy Baguma Found Dead in Glasgow Next to 'Starving' Baby

    The UK government is facing calls for an inquiry after the death in Scotland.

    Asylum Seeker Mercy Baguma Found Dead in Glasgow Next to 'Starving' Baby

    News like this has been making me feel shit. This shouldn't happen in any developed country. Also, fuck the home office.

    Fundraiser to support her family.

    Leftism Hagels_Bagels

    My LeftValues results

    Green And Pleasant Hagels_Bagels

    Thread about the "appropriate channels" for removing the statue of Edward Colistin. Read and Share Twitter Threads easily!

    Thread Reader helps you read and share the best of Twitter Threads

    Green And Pleasant Hagels_Bagels


    Green And Pleasant Hagels_Bagels

