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Hagarashi8 Hagarashi8
Posts 3
Comments 98
Noob Question: Is It safe to send newborn photos through WhatsApp? If it's not, why?
  • Or through unencrypted by default backup. It goes on Google drive and there's no guarantee that it doesn't go to Meta.

  • Noob Question: Is It safe to send newborn photos through WhatsApp? If it's not, why?
  • Also, even now, your message could be thousand times encrypted - Google drive backups are not. At least by default. Don't know anything about iOS, but probably same.

  • test Hagarashi8




    Just about every Windows and Linux device vulnerable to new LogoFAIL firmware attack
  • I may be wrong, but does it mean that if someone is able to modify my uefi - they would be able to inject virus in booting image?

  • soak and jump hump
  • Someone, call the police! This was an absolute murder!

  • Which song are you currently obsessed with?
  • Fly Away by Gloryhammer.

  • Hurry up.
  • Yeah, doesn't work on boost.

  • These are the privacy permissions that you grant for Meta's new twitter competitor
  • New gen here(19). Care about privacy, while most people i know doesn't. It does not depends on gen. It's just most people of any gen, if they get comfortable with service they would not care if it's gonna take every piece of info they have.

  • I personally don’t care that if I can’t get into the USA, I’ve never wanted to visit. What am I gonna see? Roads? Walmarts?
  • I mean, in most european countries you can see both nature and awesome architecture.

  • r/askouija

  • [Poll] Anyone can make 100 accounts with VPNs and vote with the current process, should we restrict voting to IP address?
  • Listen: MOST userspace IPs are dynamic, this means that it can change over time, and most likely rebooting the router will do the trick. It's because amount of IPv4 adresses is very limited.

  • What is the etiquette on shamelessly stealing from Reddit to post here?
  • Then go ahead and steal some memes. Just never link reddit. Never.

  • What was so special about the Apollo app?
  • Looks like you are lucky one. Times when reddit client on android just goes "Something went wrong" when playing video is enourmous. And even if in video plays, it's not guaranteed that you'll have the sound even if there is sound in the video. I don't know if Apollo was as great as they say, but rif was a life saver. It had nicer ui overall and also was less buggy.

  • Wow! It actually makes sense!
  • Man, -15 is kinda nice weather for going outside and eat ice scream.

  • [Discussion] Why voting should not be used here at all
  • I understand it can be done, what i'm saying is that it's hard to be done without evidence. I don't want you to shot a man to see that he can be shot, i'm just saying that it's hard to find place where you can shot them without witnesses.

  • [Discussion] Defederation does not do what you think it does
  • Why do you expect for even 1 Russian to be interested in trolling Lemmy considering how rare they were even on reddit? And those who were, they like, mostly not trolls.

  • [Discussion] Why voting should not be used here at all
  • Find people that are clearly using bots. It's easy to do. It's only hard if those user do not exist.

  • Bot link posts
  • Yeah, that's stupid. Like, i could understand if it's memes, but AITA is interaction based sub, so like, why?

  • Bot link posts
  • I think it should be community-wise rather than instance-wise. So community can fully ban/restrict to some amount per day bot posts. Also, you can disable bot posts in your settings.

  • [Discussion] Limit the voting power of the Agora
  • Man, new votes open and old close on friday. Weekly is OK as i think.

  • [Discussion] Do we need some kind of condition to make votes count?

    Well, title says it clear. We might need some condition to prevent trolls from creating a lot of accounts and taking over whole instance. I'd like to discuss ideas for this. Like, amount of days on instance could work, but I'm not sure if it would work out very well. Anyway, please share your opinions on this whole subject.

    EDIT: There's a lot of opinions, but, at least for me, looks like whatever system we'll come up with, it will either be based on time from account creation or on activity(or maybe both). Correct me if i wrong.
