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  • Belated welcome!

  • Spacefyre here
  • I have like three different instance accounts with the same handle - great for days when .world is on the blink. Really happy with the resiliency of the broader federated community.

  • hey-yo!!
  • I heard Boost is working on a Lemmy app, which is great - but I liked RIF too.

  • Question: How much does it cost our market maker comrades per day to keep the price where it is?
  • Their financial instruments are so byzantine and dynamic that probably only one of their quants could tell you. It's probably less than could be hoped, given the level of corruption inherent to the system. Remember that literal crime is profitable even when you get caught, in Wall Street.

  • You gotta hand it to Elon Musk: drop a bombshell announcement about Twitter rebranding to X, then climb onboard N628TS at Austin Texas 05:51 hrs UTC, fly to Genoa Italy.
  • He bought it to completely destroy it because it was one of the few big social media platforms that didn't give a distinct advantage to RWNJs.

    It's weird to me that this isn't more commonly believed, because his main aim with all this is to make America more oligarchic (i.e. great again) and become an oligarch, as is the fashion among rich white supremacists.

    Not to get political.

  • Hi, it's me edwinbarnesc
  • Thankya, ever since the API changes I have been off reddit and following things less closely

  • Love seeing our lemmy grow!
  • 649, next stop 741.

    Is 741 still a thing?

  • Hello! Glad to be here
  • Hell yeah brotherrrrrr

  • Hi everyone! Fuck Reddit!
  • Welcome! I feel the same way. I hope we didn't have any bad blood back on SS, I tried to be nice but grumpiness occasionally gets the better of me. Same handle.

  • well, well, well, ... imagine my surprise
  • "We feel that any possible rumors and Streisand effects of a 50 year ban are far exceeded by how bad things actually are. Thank you for the chance to be a mattress-fucking sock puppet on Lemmy."

    • CS Execs, probably
  • i cant stop laughing....
  • At this point... is he just burning jet fuel to amuse us?

  • Bank of America accused of opening fake accounts, charging illegal junk fees
  • Reminder that "systematically important financial institution" is a regulatory term that exists because these banks are "too big to fail".

    Reminder that if we cannot allow an institution to fail at any cost, but also cannot stop them from committing large-scale fraud like this, they are in charge - period.

    That is the definition of moral hazard. There is no scenario where "not committing crime" makes them richer, ergo crime.

  • Censorship in an image
  • Genuinely gross. They could have built their own community here and acted as leaders, instead they're tightening their grip on a weak power trip.

  • Activist Investor Group
  • I attribute the perceived fading momentum has a lot to do with Reddit itself. There's a reason wall street wants a piece of reddit, and it has nothing to do with however profitable "making redditors look at ads" is.

  • Since you guys like poop and beans
  • This is why we've caught alien spaceships and they still ain't say hi

  • (NSFW) I love that show
  • Help is available

  • Super-rich warned of ‘pitchforks and torches’ unless they tackle inequality
  • We should should make them tackle inequality and then bring out the pitchforks. "You paid the bill but not the interest, bitch!"

  • For the people coming in asking what app for Lemmy. You don't need it. Lemmy is great on a mobile browser.
  • Tangentially, does anyone know why we stopped having cool words for different kinds of software? We used to have daemons and wizards. Now everything's an app, and it's lame.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • I'm so much happier without it. Having a big number next to your name is such a tired little ego trip

  • 👋️ Introductions Gradually_Adjusting

    Reporting for an overdue ape migration

    I've arrived. The old place was getting a bit overripe, time to move camp. In the spirit of federation, I'm on lemmy with the same handle as reddit across, this instance, and Feel free to hit me up on any. I'm also messing with Jimmy Wales' new platform at, but I am operating under another username I can't disclose because of generic excuse. Glad to be here!


    It's what banks crave
