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GrackleBirb GrackleBirb
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Comments 4
Canadian Candy?
  • Being in this part of Ontario I love Rheo Thompson mint smoothies. When I first moved here I literally thought "mint smoothie" meant some sort of tacky mint drink mix then I finally found some on sale for charity at my local Pharmasave and was converted :)

  • "Campbell's Chicken Gumbo Soup" Alternative ?
  • Sprague is great and definitely Canadian! They also have lower sodium than many of the mainstream brands. I hope to see them carried in more stores.

  • Carney leading in the latest Mainstreet poll, Feb 6-13
  • Please do vote and let's make sure that we keep Canada clean - the poo goes in the loo and so does the PP

  • B.C. Labour Relations Board finds Starbucks made threats against pro-union employee
  • Agreed! Starbucks is bad coffee, bad for local coffee shops, and doesn't treat their employees well anymore - perhaps better than Tim Hortons but honestly that is a low bar.