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GizmoLion GizmoLion
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Farm Lane Battlemap
  • Don't click this, it's a shock site like goatse...

  • This Captcha
  • You wish lol. In truth they can serve this to as many users as they want, and catch garbage outlier responses.

  • "It's the content, stupid." - Quick Notes to Supercharge K.Bin
  • Jesus H Christ... congrats on being the one millionth person on kbin to say "What are YOU doing?" while talking down their literal list of what they are doing.

    a-man-from-earth is right, Kbin is in a sorry state right now. I still get asked to login when I want to comment, despite being logged in, at which point it takes me to the home page. Viewing a reply to your comment is still not pagination-aware.

    Ernest has said this version of kbin is frozen until he rolls out the next, hopefully the end of September, so by his own admission Kbin as we know and use it is the same pile it was months ago. That said I remain hopeful that the next rollout will be a big improvement.

    Back to the topic, if the site isn't easy and intuitive to use, or if it's broken and remains a thorn for a long time, then you can't expect people to go out of their way to do the thing you want them to do. That's not how the world works.

    a-man-from-earth has submitted bug fixes to try and improve the site so people might be more willing to stick around and post themselves, while you're just posting content that'll eventually become irrelevant. What are YOU doing? (See? It's asinine right?)

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • Good one lol

  • ‘They Treat Us Worse Than Animals’: Working Without Water at Amazon
  • That's why I'm fully pro-automation. Automation makes everyone's lives easier, it removes the burdens from the backs of people. For every job that someone doesn't have to toil at we have the chance for them to find something they actually enjoy and excel at it, maybe even push the boundaries in some way.

    People think they fear automation, but that's not the enemy. The enemy is the politicians who are so far behind the times, and in many cases corrupt to the point they're actively working against the people they were elected to serve, that our system simply will not adapt to these boons we've developed. There's just no reason we can't feed every mouth in America if the will was there in the people pulling the strings, but that doesn't line their pockets personally and the people in positions of power don't give a rat's ass about you or your family.

    Honestly it feels like all the pieces are there to build something wonderful, but it wont happen unless we're willing to knock down the shitty "it's what we've got" house of cards narrative.

  • What UPS does to cookies
  • Trillions of packages delivered successfully, but because some idiot thought waxpaper was a good packing for cookies we should throw out that system? I'd love to hear your thoughts on how such a system would work at that kind of throughput.

  • Biden administration to urge Americans get new COVID-19 boosters
  • The least they can do is either number or codename the shots. How do I ask the local pharmacy if they have the updated shot? "The one they've been working on for a while?" "Just came out?"

    Call it booster shot #, give it a more interesting name, or call it an amalgamation of the strains it targets.

  • Warlock, the Void Patron: nothing(ness) is perfect
  • This one seems like it needs some balance.

    Abrogate object makes you an instant expert locksmith. Just touch the door and fwoop you can pass. Going up to large objects is going to be a nightmare to create a campaign experience around. Find a brick wall? A number of uses equal to your proficiency bonus means you'll be able to remove a bunch of blocks, then knock the wall out.

    Void existence makes you an ultra powerful resurrector. On the verge of a TPK? Touch the enemy and insta uno-reverse. Combine this with suppressed presence and incorporeal body and you can pretty much guarantee access to the killer.

    Incorporeal body/spirit are neat mechanics though.

  • A quarter of humanity faces extreme water stress -- and it's poised to get worse, new report finds
  • One has to wonder to what degree this can be prevented if we stop doing stupid shit like growing water-hungry crops in Arizona and allowing megacorps to pump without limits...

  • Sounds like the exact same thing, just slightly more abstracted. How many hurts is a dying?

  • This default wallpaper.
  • Gotta install the last star from snap, I bet.

  • higher wages for the servers... by the customers. Fnbs
  • Put a banner outside saying "no gratuity necessary, the price you see is the price you pay!" and watch what happens.

  • Family of Utah man shot dead by FBI after threats to Biden say he was ‘frustrated’
  • I'm guessing you replied to the wrong comment, because it had nothing to do with mine lol.

  • Family of Utah man shot dead by FBI after threats to Biden say he was ‘frustrated’
  • How the hell did this headline get past the editor??
    This sounds like the FBI shot the man's family after he threatened Biden, saying he's frustrated.
    It's hard to put much stock in their interpretation of the facts when their attention to detail never graced the headline even for a minute...

  • Canon is getting away with printers that won’t scan sans ink — but HP might pay
  • You say "occasional use", I read "given time for dust to collect".

  • Gene variant in people of African origin helps control HIV, says study
  • Pretty sure this has been studied and known for a LONG time now. I remember hearing about it sometime not long after the initial HIV scare.

  • Long COVID: brain function still affected for some up to two years after infection – new research
  • I've yet to catch it (knock on wood). It does seem like errors are a lot more frequent everywhere I go.

  • Long COVID: brain function still affected for some up to two years after infection – new research
  • I would like to see some studies done regarding the effects of this on the service industry. Things still seem really shaky, at least where I am. Orders are always wrong, things forgotten, hard to get help...

  • News: McConnell says he's 'fine' after freezing during news conference | CNN Politics
  • He's a self professed Christian. I assume, then, that hath done unto others as he wishes they do unto him.

    Who am I to deny a dying man his wish?