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Giyuu Giyuu
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Grad school in China

Hey comrades. I've been thinking of going back to school for a while now, and one of the things that just hit me is checking out the feasibility of going to a Chinese university. It's a lot closer to my home as well. If anyone has any suggestions on where to look for English language masters programs, Id be thankful. Just exploratory for now but if there is a real opportunity in a field I like I would jump at it.

How can I get myself to read theory?
  • I believe I may have some kind of ADHD or level of it. Definitely a bit autistic as well.

    Have difficulty staying on track when reading (though it's getting better the more I consistently read) but definitely have waaay more trouble with audio playing in the background (like you said it just tunes out). Reading has brought me more success, as well as videos that I actually dedicate my attention to.

  • Yanks just love to show off but really they hate indigenous people.
  • Ewoks were just as bad we can condemn both sides!!

  • Yanks just love to show off but really they hate indigenous people.
  • Guess he didn't really understand the themes in the OT

  • Rule
  • Valid and based

  • Senator Dianne Feinstein Dies at 90
  • I'm literally doing a little dance right now

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • Outside of the concept of a socialist America, this is the type of America I can see existing at least "equal on the world stage" with China, BRICS, etc., without its imperial hegemony for a time period (whether a century or a relatively short few decades who knows).

    It's hard right wing, still capitalist, but can at least negotiate and trade with other countries, allowing the contradictions within itself to build up. Polarity between the classes in America would still be increasing and driving the class conflict eventually to resolution.

    But these kinds of anti imperial voices do not have much volume in the mainstream at all. I believe these far right types are those who see the writing on the wall with the neoliberal economic model and because of their own class interests still believe in capitalism as the best system.

    Once America really starts to lose its imperial holdings and fully loses to China, this may be the type of economics that America goes through.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • Too much cocaine has melted this dudes brain for sure. Not a whole lot of synapses firing in there anymore if there ever were.

  • British people be like:
  • 🫴🦋

  • Art Thread 3
  • @[email protected] Celadon City from Pokemon watercolor style

  • British people be like:
  • British person sees artifact form another country

    Is this for me?

  • Political memes @ lemmy world
  • It endlessly amazes me how stupid libs are. You have economist Jeffrey Sachs the architect of the failed shock therapy who was front row for the post USSR Russia on what must be hundreds of interviews in the past two years now explaining in plain words that the US never ever once intended for Russia to be an equal or even to join NATO.

  • City, village or countryside: where do you want to live?
  • All options are fine so long as there is reliable public transportation in the city, and it's walkable. If not then I believe the village and rural options are superior on account of not having terrible traffic (in most cases). So really most American cities are pretty terrible places to live. The big American cities have firmly fallen behind contemporary places in Europe and Asia and imo it's not even close. Hard to say the country is livable unless you're labor aristocracy and above and that realization is really the only reason I'm coming around to going back to school.

  • Same mfs who said anyone who protrayed China and the CPC in a Positive Light is a CPC Spy/Paid Shill
  • 😂 waah muh horseshoe theory 🤓 waah

    Read Karl Marx read Lenin you wannabe intellectual. And if you're too lazy then watch a vid by Hakim. It's not our job to lecture you. You're not special. If you don't want to learn then you will be made fun accordingly.

  • Art Thread 2
  • @[email protected] Cao Cao punching Queen Elizabeth

  • Same mfs who said anyone who protrayed China and the CPC in a Positive Light is a CPC Spy/Paid Shill
  • I'm sorry but you're not very smart. You just don't know what the words you are using actually mean

  • Why are there no slums in China? : Peoples Dispatch
  • I'd have to go back and watch it to be sure, but I remember a lecture on Social With Chinese Characteristics that mentioned looking back on their history and drawing from from ancient/dynastic literature that wished for prosperity for common people (then the peasants) and that was the sign that the country and ruler was good.

    So SWCC was synthesized with this part of Ancient China and the result today seems that part of the historical identity of modern China is about striving for prosperity for your fellow workers.

  • What are the reasons why Russia attacked Ukraine?
  • Edit: looks like Lemmy put my reply on the wrong post

    Russia has very conservative attitudes but they remain without much Nazism at all, particularly because of their Soviet history.

    I have no doubt Putin desires some form of increased Russian prestige and power, but from what we can see, Russia doesn't really have the same developed capitalism where there is an impetus to expand and conquer (they have a fairly low GDP and nothing else suggesting colonialism). So we can't apply our American/western notions of power/prestige = dominate other countries.

    Nor would suggesting they are trying to expand their territory be correct in the context of the history of this war, since the line Putin drew was "do not join NATO" because that threatens Russian sovereignty. So even if Russia does gain territory and even if that is desired by Putin, then sovereignty and defense are the issues that have precedence because the reality is that the US is trying to use Ukraine as a means to affect regime change in Russia and to open Russia to exploitation by the west.

  • Ukraine Has DESTROYED Itself as NATO Admits Defeat ft. Brian Berletic
  • Perhaps you would prefer "America and its vassals" then?

  • bone apple tea
  • It would probably just taste like chicken

  • i need to stop argue with liberals
  • The fight is not fought and won in debates online, as much as liberals love to think that. It is a slow process that will take decades of real changing material conditions and we are in the second century of that struggle. But history is inexorably heading in the direction of a victory for comrades and liberals will go the way of the Roman slave owners or the feudal lords. Or I guess to be more accurate, they will go the way of the bootlickers of Roman aristocracy or the bootlickers of feud lords.

  • LGBTQ rights in the USSR

    Question is in the title. Where can I find information about gay and trans rights in the Soviet Union? Or if anyone would be able to share what they know. I understand it was decriminalized in 1917, but that's about it.

    I suppose sources about modern China and LGBTQ would be nice as well, post revolution and current.

    Very hard to find trustworthy sources.
