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Zionists to continue bombing Gaza even at the expense of harming their detained citizens
  • Liberation struggles are not terrorism. The oppressed using violence to end their oppression is a right enshrined in international law by the UN.

    What are you really trying to argue with this comment?

  • Why does the hegemon sabotage the other imperialist powers when it also has money invested in those countries?
  • This is covered in Lenin's Imperialism: The highest stage of capitalism. To paraphrase, the bourgeoisie is not a homogeneous group, especially across borders. They are in competition with the bourgeoisie of their nation and other nations for their share of wealth too.

    Hopefully someone will give a more well sourced answer as I don't have time to look up the passages from the text right now.

  • American Liberals
  • Mfw libs think calling someone a tankie is an insult rather than a compliment 😂

  • Folks on Wikipedia discussing on the 'CPC/CCP Acronym' issue
  • The editor out of Langley, Virginia has the final say lol.

  • “Capitalism is the best economic system that we have had so far”
  • Is this supposed to imply that the users of Lemmygrad believe capitalism is the best system? Lol

  • Movement ‘not afraid’ as ‘Stop Cop City’ activists face felony charges
  • Of course not, everyone knows that every vote counts and that votes are the sole source of how elected officials get in power! I personally get the warm fuzzies every time I tick a box on the ballot and say, "fuck the man, I'm voting you out! Take this!", and then the business backed/incumbent/dynastic candidate wins anyways. I got home and say to myself, well I didn't vote for them so they're not legit in my books, despite that making no material difference in their hold on power.

    TL;DR every vote counts, ignore existing power structures and capital interests, nothing to see here! pulls curtain

    Thanks for coming to my TED talk on life in a liberal democracy.

  • Blinken: US Does Not Oppose Ukrainian Attacks Inside Russia With US-Supplied Missiles
  • Are you advocating for Russia to strike NATO countries for supplying weapons? That's basically advocating for nuclear war, pretty bad take overall.

  • Apparently Prigozjin has died in a plane crash
  • At risk of sounding like an armchair analyst, that smoke at the beginning on what seems to the planes course before trouble, looks sus. Maybe SAM went flyswatting.

  • “Both sides”, am I right? 😂
  • If capitalism inevitably becomes imperialism, then wouldn't the evolution of communism into something akin to Soviet Russia also be inevitable? Both are extreme worst case scenarios of a decent idea

    What are you trying to say here? I think I know what you're trying to say but it's weird that you're narrowing in on the Russian Soviet Republic.

  • Weekly exercise thread, August 9th 2023
  • My gym doesn't have parallel bars for dips, only angled bars and it's messing up my chest cartilage. So I found out that two treadmills beside each other actually have bars that are parallel. I'll let you figure out if I used them and will keep using them to make a case for parallel bars.

    Blood to muscles makes brain dumb sometimes.

  • McCarthyism is making a comeback with this New York Times hit-piece
  • Oh boy! I wonder if the New York Times will do an expose on media and organizations funded by the CIA, US State department and billionaire capitalists who push a narrative that "communism bad, 'murican freedom is real freedom"! Funny how there's always two sides to a story but NYT didn't admit their pro-US slant in their article.

    On a fun note, JT from the Second Thought Youtube channel has a great video that touches on the iceberg of Why Is There So Much Right-Wing Media?. It's almost like capitalists buy up media using the wealth they steal from worker and try to promote their interests through said media outlets!

  • Activists demand Biden and Congress end war on Korea
  • Do the names of the people you know rhyme with show me snark?

  • Batman the “superhero”
  • I just watched a great video breaking down Black Panther today from F.D. Signifier.

  • What are your opinions on this Not Just Bikes comments on "fixing" North America?
  • I can only really speak from a Canadian perspective and I think it's important to focus on your local area. I've seen in my city and all of the other major cities (I've been luck enough to travel to here) that along with urbanism, a heavier emphasis on public transit and active transportation, is present.

    While I can only speak to the large cities, a lot of the smaller towns I've been to are still somewhat closely knit. It's the suburbs that are weird and hostile to the above ideas. Not that it's all that surprising given the predominant political views of there but that's a long topic that others have made YouTube videos about.

    To bring it back around, similar to what some other comrades have said in this thread, local/municipal politics is where you're most likely to get some change done.

    NJB has an interesting view and I can see where he's coming from as his story and mine aren't too dissimilar (except the city that I moved to is till within Canada). I don't agree on the nihilism that he exhibits around Canadian cities as my takeaway is he is still living within fixed boundaries of a political mindset. It's important to realize that many urban residents support making their city more people oriented but just haven't had the push to become more politically engaged.

    For anyone interested in Canadian urbanism/active transportation/public transit, I can recommend a few channels:

    They also have videos about cities outside of Canada but are nonetheless Canadian creators so they have a bit more of a focus on their home cities.

  • Is there an explanation for why westerners who follow an anti reactionary ideology have a loud purist minority?
  • This is a really well sourced, theory based explanation. Cheers for sharing the material, it's always good to have theory backing up why we hold the ideas.

    This is a great example of how this community can be really educationally helpful.

  • Is there an explanation for why westerners who follow an anti reactionary ideology have a loud purist minority?
  • I haven't come across users like this before, it could be a combination of all of the factors you listed at the bottom. I would be more inclined to believe these users are people who are possibly new to a movement and don't fully understand what they're taking part in.

    I can only really speak to the general communism umbrella but lack of theory leads to weird contradictions like the one's you have pointed out.