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I blog about #technology #gadgets #opensource #FOSS #greentech #traditionalwetshaving #LCHF #health #alternativeto #hamradio (ZS1OSS) #southafrica - see I also blog to various other social networks which I list at

Posts 19
Comments 45
Study shows many American atheists hide their non-belief
  • Yes, the best is to watch a video I did about the Lemmy interface at There are also quite a few other videos with how to use Lemmy. Visual is often easier than a long list of bulleted instructions.

  • Study shows many American atheists hide their non-belief
  • I think it is more that in some countries, the culture is not to really talk much about religions, politics, etc. The theory being there is no real right or wrong that can be proven, and it really ends up being one's own opinion (arguments that can't be won). I tend to rather look at the outcomes of any behaviour, and rather than label it as being a priest or an Atheism who has abused a child, I'd condemn the behaviour itself. As the Christian religion says (applying to Christians too) let him (or her) who is blameless cast the first stone. Humans are humans, and someone's politics or religion makes them no better than anyone else, despite them thinking so ;-)

  • Study shows many American atheists hide their non-belief
  • Then again, I always wish that many religious people would not stand up so vocally and be counted so much ;-)

  • How big is gaming in linux?
  • I've clocked well over 100 hours on Snowrunner in Steam Games, and now started Red Dead Redemption 2. I mainly play simulators, and many of the fames are actually Windows games, but Steam with Proton seems to be handling them just fine.

  • Thanks /u/spez you really helping Lemmy
  • I did the video 2 years back before Lemmy took off, but I have updated its description a bit - can be seen at

  • Thanks /u/spez you really helping Lemmy
  • And lots of spin offs too! He also made my 2-yr old Lemmy video on YT go semi-viral ;-)

  • Made Lemmy waaaay more tolerable to read with Stylebot and some custom CSS!
  • Side-by-Side screenshot comparison for those who wonder what it looks like...

  • Megathread for Reddit Blackouts and News - Day 3
  • What the big subreddits don't realise is, on Fediverse many of their subreddits have not yet been recreated. If they don't do it, someone else will and then they come in as just contributors. So may be in their interests to actually establish a presence, and gauge how much take-up they get.

  • Megathread for Reddit Blackouts and News - Day 3
  • I think the big subreddits especially fear starting all over again from scratch ;-) I have a smaller subreddit and am thinking of just closing it anyway. I already post on Beehaw but into different public groups.

  • Made Lemmy waaaay more tolerable to read with Stylebot and some custom CSS!
  • Working great for me on both and I’m using Dark Reader extension, so it is showing fine too in dark mode for me.

  • "No friend of the small business": Investigation calls lawmakers to end Amazon's "monopoly" in European online shopping
  • Working great for me on both and I'm using Dark Reader extension, so it is showing fine too in dark mode for me.

  • What is Signal? The basics of the most secure messaging app: Modern phones can easily have multiple messenger apps on them
  • Inside the app it just shows who is on Signal now, when you start a new chat. It no longer sends SMS to anyone.

  • Best backup for Linux?
  • I've tried alternatives but I've stuck with LuckyBackup even though there have not been any updates for a while:

    1. It's rsync based - which is updated
    2. It has masses of GUI options including various include/exclude options, pre- and post-commands, etc.
    3. It's simple - I can browse inside the backed files and see what is going on, or just restore back one or two files.
    4. It updates cron itself.
  • What is Signal? The basics of the most secure messaging app: Modern phones can easily have multiple messenger apps on them
  • Well I use Element for Matrix as well... but why not 10? You only really manage them once when set-up. After that, you just respond to whoever messages you, or you compose a message of whichever one. They no longer chew battery or data in the background. I have 11 installed and there is really no "extra" effort.

  • Former TikTok exec: Chinese Communist Party had "God mode" entry to US data
  • Yes it is an "assumption" with Chinese companies, but the broken part is where US companies have been caught selling private information not only to 3rd parties but also to the US government. This TikTok evidence still needed to see cross-examination in court as the person stating it, was an ex-employee. We can't say it has not happened, but I prefer to judge after something is actual court evidence.

  • ‘No regrets,’ says Edward Snowden, after 10 years in exile
  • I salute his personal sacrifice. Nothing he did led to the downfall of the USA, but it exposed many privacy violations happening. His actions taught me to question the PR being put out by governments in covering up their violations.

  • Whatsapp vs Telegram
  • Which is why I've lost online contact with a handful of my family. I don't get the mentality of only using one messenger. It's not like SMS, you can have 10 messengers installed.

  • Whatsapp vs Telegram
  • One can activate Secret Chat for full E2EE on Telegram...

  • Whatsapp vs Telegram
  • My choice is easy: Certainly not WhatsApp as their T&C state they pass metadata up to Facebook. Telegram I'm pretty happy with, as I like their silent send / scheduled send, and also massive groups (like my community has a group on it). I'm happy with their being banned more than once, that they're not actually selling user data.

    But I also use Signal, Briar, Threema, Nostr, XMPP with OMEMO, etc depending on who I'm connected with.

  • What is Signal? The basics of the most secure messaging app: Modern phones can easily have multiple messenger apps on them What is Signal? The basics of the most secure messaging app.

    If you love privacy, there's a lot to love about Signal.

    What is Signal? The basics of the most secure messaging app.

    Today, most messaging apps have true end-to-end-encryption (Telegram's must be activated per contact for Secret Chat), but what really differs now is how many can tie your communications back to you through metadata. Obviously those which require a phone number or an e-mail address, do have your activity tied to you potentially.

    WhatsApp, Signal, Telegram and similar do require this for registration. Partly it is for authentication, finding friends, and also for resetting access if access is lost. What data you can see after a reset, gives an indication of what the provider has access to. For Signal, you won't be able to read any of your older messages. Signal indicates in this linked article, though, that they only keep the very minimum of information (tested by a legal subpoena). Telegram has more access as that is how all your chats get restored, but they have been banned in various countries because they don't hand over the information. WhatsApp, of course, we all know about their passing of detailed metadata upstream to Facebook (it's in their terms and conditions). I've done a post before about the risks and the monetary rewards around harvesting metadata. Just by registering on WhatsApp, you have also shared all your friends' phone numbers to Facebook, along with how often and how long you contact them, where you are when you contact them, etc.

    We've also seen lots of secure messengers emerging that require no phone number and also no e-mail address, eg. Briar, XMPP, Jami, Threema, SimpleX, Nostr, and many more. Many mainstream users don't adopt them because the common problem is, you can't find your own friends easily (who do you chat with then?).

    So this is one of the reasons why Signal has been pretty popular as a secure messenger. It requires a phone number, but retains virtually no information about you to sell or leak, and you can very easily find all your friends using it. So no, it is not THE most secure messenger, but it is certainly the most secure of those requiring a phone number or e-mail address for registration.

    But the main takeaway is, unlike with an SMS app where only one app may be the active SMS app, your phone can have 10 or more instant messengers installed, so there is no reason not to also have Signal installed. It helps your friends, who are more privacy conscious, to stay in contact with you via Signal. Whether a message notification pops up via WhatsApp or Telegram, It's still going to pop up, unless you have a friend that insists on contacting you through two apps at the same time. Most modern messenger apps use push notifications, so they are not constantly polling, which uses data and battery all the time.

    Go ahead, try more than one messenger, and you may be amazed that there are often better and more interesting features to try. Many of your friends will thank you.

    #technology #privacy #messengers #chat #Signal
