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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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What book(s) are you currently reading? 03 August
  • Have you read the Dresden Files before? If not, and you weren't wild about the first two books, please give the next one, Grave Peril, a chance. The overarching plot really starts taking off in this book, and it only gets better from here.

  • How important is love to Christianity?
  • The point is that this community is a place for Christians. Debate between Christians is fine as long as it is done with a good spirit, but there are other spaces for Christian--Non-Christian debates. Allowing such debates here will still turn into "a side [sic] for people to throw arguments at eachother [sic] with everyone already having decided what the outcome of the debate will be for them". Human nature is human nature.

    I have no problem with Christians posting "news that will put Christians in a very negative light" for informing fellow Christians and inviting discussion. In fact, I think it's healthy to look at the good and the bad. I believe that Christianity needs a fresh wave of reformation. I used to frequent r/Reformed a lot, and it was there that I learned about a lot of church scandals because they were not afraid to discuss them. I'd like that same attitude to be here.

  • Am I the only one who likes the lack of Snoo icons?
  • New reddit is just so dang ugly. I would see it sometimes if I was not on a browser with RES installed and me logged in. I don't know how anybody can use it. I guess new people don't knnow any better, but anyone from the Before Times who uses new reddit scares me.

  • How important is love to Christianity?
  • Perhaps it would be more accurate of me to say that:

    1. hope is what kickstarts our faith (and God's love kickstarts our hope)
    2. hope is what sustains our faith.

    If we lose our hope in Christ, our faith will eventually be lost, too. It might not be immediate, but sooner or later we will lose faith, too, if we've truly lost hope. Often hope is not felt, per se, just as faith is not always felt. Emotions come and go, after all, but hope and faith are something deeper.

  • Introduce Yourselves
  • I'll be honest; I've never modded anything before. When I got to lemmy, there was no general Christian community that I could find - at least not in English. I have no idea how much work this will wind up being or if I'll be able to keep up, but so far, so good!

  • How important is love to Christianity?
  • You may not have had hope about the specific circumstance you were in, but you still had hope in God - if nothing else, in His salvation. I'm speaking of hope in a much deeper sense than our everyday experiences or expectations. Hebrews 6 calls hope the anchor for our souls, but the author is speaking of our hope in Christ and His finished work at the cross.

  • How important is love to Christianity?
  • I think our ability to have faith is rooted in the love God has for us. It is because He loved us that He sent his Son in whom we have faith. If God didn't start from His end and reach out to us, we would have neither faith nor hope. The true realization of the love God has for us is what sparks our faith in His salvation in the first place.

    I would actually postulate that it's not possible to have faith without hope. Hope is the expectation of good, and faith is that expectation of good combined with thoughts and behaviors that are in accord with said expectation. Why would I have faith that God will save me if I did not have the hope of salvation?

    But faith and hope are predicated upon God's love for us. Without that, the rest is moot.

    Now, faith should produce more love in our lives, and I would argue that true faith, in fact, does so. The closer we draw to God in faith, the more of His character is developed in us, and God is love.

  • How important is love to Christianity?
  • Is love equal in importance to faith or is it subordinate to it?

    But now faith, hope, and love remain, these three; but the greatest of these is love. - 1 Corinthians 13:13

    Scripture outright states that love is greater than faith. That's not to say that we don't need faith, for without faith it is impossible to please God (Hebrews 11:6), but Paul in 1 Corinthians 13 makes his point very clear that faith without love is nothing and does no good.