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Fannybaws Fannybaws

The scourge of the seas.

Posts 2
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  • Tokophobia.

  • I get it now
  • It's been years since I reread this and I still call her "Pants".

  • How many Lemmy users are non-technical background?
  • Agreed! I've come across a couple of writing communities here, but they're still just starting out. Hopefully we'll be able to grow these communities. 🤞

  • How many Lemmy users are non-technical background?
  • Non-tech background. I'm a book editor and when the Snoopocalypse happened, most of the niche communities I was a part of were shut down in protest, so I decided to give Lemmy a try. Loving it so far, as it seems way less toxic.

  • I dared.
  • I never turn down a dare.

  • I dared.
  • *madlady, but thanks, I guess?

  • I dared.


    Has anyone here tried Bookwyrm? If not, what's your favorite GR alternative?
  • I'm liking Bookwyrm, it's simple and straightforward. Granted, I'd love to give Storygraph another go, but it really seemed to hate me and my phone 😅 I really liked their recommendations.

  • Has anyone here tried Bookwyrm? If not, what's your favorite GR alternative?
  • I think it's still in need of some development, but it does the job well. And I love the lack of useless bells and whistles.

  • Has anyone here tried Bookwyrm? If not, what's your favorite GR alternative?
  • You're right not to trust anyone. I stopped trusting GR when it started exclusively "recommending" books that were popular on Tiktok. It was a swift and merciless breakup.

  • Has anyone here tried Bookwyrm? If not, what's your favorite GR alternative?
  • That doesn't even remotely surprise me coming from Amazon, inflating itself with garbage.

    I totally agree on giving Bookwyrm a chance. To be honest, I had no clue what a "fediverse" was until a week ago, but I'm fascinated and inspired by the idea of it. I am loving all of these new, interesting platforms that aren't run by some soulless billionaires who care more about ad revenue than actual content or users' interests.

  • Has anyone here tried Bookwyrm? If not, what's your favorite GR alternative?
  • I really wanted to like Storygraph, but it constantly crashed on me. :(

  • Has anyone here tried Bookwyrm? If not, what's your favorite GR alternative?
  • I'm enjoying the lack of bullshit and bells and whistles. Sometimes it's a tiny bit buggy, like randomly logging me out or crashing while loading a book, little things like that, but I'm liking it enough to give it a proper chance.

  • Has anyone here tried Bookwyrm? If not, what's your favorite GR alternative?
  • So true about the long-winded reviews nowadays. I feel like they're one of three templates lately: grade school book report ; "omg yas best book ever" with descriptive gifs ; or pure vitriol. I miss when GR reviews were actually helpful.

    As for Bookwyrm, that was one of the main reasons I made this post, because it didn't seem like there were many users, but the app itself is slowly growing on me.

  • Has anyone here tried Bookwyrm? If not, what's your favorite GR alternative?
  • I think that's what I'm essentially looking for at this point. I used to love GR for the reviews, but I guess I've just reached my saturation point with the platform in general.

    And I so wanted to like Storygraph, but it kept crashing on me. :(

  • Has anyone here tried Bookwyrm? If not, what's your favorite GR alternative?

    Hello, fellow bibliophiles!

    I've been on the hunt for a decent Goodreads alternative for a few years now and was curious as to what the fine folks of the Lemmyverse thought of Bookwyrm.

    There are so many GR alternatives that are clearly trying to be "The New Goodreads", though the whole reason I wanted an alternative is because I'm sick of GR and its devolution into a commercialized, biased, and messy shithole. Like, if I wanted recommendations and feckless reviews straight from the putrid inner bowels of Tiktok, I'd go to Tiktok. And most of these alternatives seem to quickly turn into the same thing. I refuse to believe that GR and its copycats are our only viable option.

    Bookwyrm seems promising. It's been a bit clunky and I'm still figuring it out, but I'm enjoying the utter lack of sponsored or "pushed" content. So, thoughts? Opinions? Suggestions?
