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Button Rule
  • It's also a gamble because you might get a painless one but also could get one that is insanely painful. Those odds aren't clearly defined and quantified like the button's odds.

  • Button Rule
  • You either have a 99% chance of cashing out big but a 1% chance of dying horribly. What body part you press it with doesn't make a difference.

  • Button Rule
  • In this context gruesome death means something violent and painful, think back to Final Destination or a Saw movie for some examples.

  • Button Rule
  • Can always keep pressing until you get it, or just keep pressing to increase odds, these buttons usually allow multiple pushes.

  • cheap uprule farming post by posting someone talented's work
  • Nonbinary identities kinda break the idea of straight or gay since straightness or gayness are depended on the gender of the person, so when that gender is outside of the binary it doesn't work right.

  • cheap uprule farming post by posting someone talented's work
  • I agree, and that's for the best, fuck oppressive gender stereotypes.

  • protect yourself rule
  • Not sure how an estrogen laser would work but if it's anything like it sounds I wouldn't want to use that on people, seems very unethical.

  • Sitting drule
  • I have no clue, probably something to do with them taking up less space and being faster to use, though I'm not really sure the speed benefit is that great.

  • Sitting drule
  • I usually pee standing up, however I prefer to use stalls because I like privacy, I never use urinals.

  • Once you see it you can't unsee it
  • I think Bigender.

  • Once you see it you can't unsee it
  • I can kind of see how it would be a mirror, if the circle was bigger.

  • Once you see it you can't unsee it
  • Well it was meant to be the symbol for mars so not far off. I don't get the female one though, no matter how long I look at it it just looks like a legless stick figure.

  • Once you see it you can't unsee it
  • When I was growing up I never understood nor was I ever told what those symbols met, the first time I saw them was in fireboy and watergirl and my first thought when seeing them was exactly as described in the meme, which confused me because both fireboy and watergirl have bodies and neither of them have horns.

  • rule
  • Even if I wanted to it wouldn't be possible due to Androgen deficiency (and a severe unwillingness to take hormones to replace what's not there) and also the fact that I have abnormal sex chromosomes (XXY). So the Aroace (in my case Enby) wins both through will and biology, check and mate queerphobes.

  • hmm, i wonder which two random r/196 users might find themselves directly above and below my post
  • Is it even technically gay if the two users are opposite genders? (not sure if Zeppo is male, it only seems like it from the profile, if I'm wrong I deeply apologize).

  • when this happens
  • Some speak of a legendary queer who can embody the entire LGBTQIA2S+ acronym, but they apparently hibernate for 200 years and won’t wake up until 2086.

    That seems like it would be difficult since it seems like it would be very hard since some of the letters seem to go against each other in their meanings, wouldn't say it's impossible but might require very fast switching.

  • when this happens
  • I believe the term you're looking for is abrosexual, that's what it means for attractions to change (not saying genderfluid doesn't also apply here, I'm just giving the term that applies to sexuality).

  • rule
  • I fail to see how that would work as birth control, if the person still engages in sex it doesn't cut the odds of pregnancy there. If anything it makes them more attractive and increases the chances of sex.

  • rule
  • I don't think it's the shark that caused it to happen to him, he already started changing between 1 and 2.

  • rule
  • Yeah I agree, not really a fan of them.

  • femboys and egg culture rule

    How to get out of an uncomfortable egg culture situation with this one simple trick.

    Real talk: Calling people eggs is a violation of the egg prime directive, and is considered invalidating as you are trying to say that a person is not the gender they identify as, that their identity is invalid. Don't call people eggs, like ever, it's extremely uncool.


    How to parry being called or referred to as an egg

    A very useful comeback to being called an egg. Decided to share it, as it can be quite useful to GNC and possibly even trans people who find themselves in this situation.

    Also a good thing of note is that calling people eggs is a violation of the egg prime directive, and is considered invalidating as you are trying to say that a person is not the gender they identify as, that their identity is invalid. Don't call people eggs, like ever, it's extremely uncool.
