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FLOSSeveryday FLOSSeveryday

Interested in privacy and FLOSS

Posts 4
Comments 17
What is user "reputation"?
  • Oh right on. Thanks for the info!

  • What is user "reputation"?
  • @techno156 I'm glad you asked this. I wasn't sure how this worked either. Good to know it's boosts and downvotes. I wonder what the logic was behind that. I guess receiving a boost is a stronger indication of quality content, but I dont feel that upvotes should be ignored in that calculation

  • On federation and fragmentation
  • I def see the splintering as a positive. Personally, I dont feel I motivated to engage with a community once it starts to feel "too" big. There's a certain size where I feel unmotivated to engage. I know whatever I say there will get lost in the noise and there will be less meaningful communication. If any of my interests on a single server start to get too big where I feel like I'm just adding to the noise, I can always easily hop over to another instance where I can engage in a more meaningful way. I would bet there's a lot of other folks on here who will feel the same. While I'm sure it's likely that one instance for each topic might become the biggest "main" one, I dont think the smaller ones will be any worse off for it.

  • Folks who wear button up shirts: do you start buttoning from the top button or the bottom?

    I start from the bottom. You can line up the buttons without needing to look in a mirror. I don't understand why anyone would start buttoning from the top. It's just less efficient. Explain your reasoning

    What's the one thing about the fediverse that you like the most?
  • That's the user account of the CEO of reddit

  • Reddit CEO praises Elon Musk’s cost-cutting as protests rock platform
  • Imagine looking at an active dumpster fire and going "that's what I want for my home!"

  • Which browser do you use on MacOS?
  • Vivaldi for most things, hardened Firefox for private browsing, tor for sensitive searches

  • What's the one thing about the fediverse that you like the most?
  • @updawg I'm also curious about those communities. Squabbles also made a 196 community so I'm seeing it in multiple places now and I feel so out of the loop!

  • What's the intended purpose behind the "OC" check box when making a new article?
  • Right on! Thanks for the thoughtful explanations. It's very helpful! All the context and details you offered were great! Very well articulated.

    I lurked on reddit for a long time but almost never engaged. With all this transitioning, I'm feeling more inclined to participate here on kbin and I've gotta learn all the ropes!

    Thanks again for your help.

  • What's the intended purpose behind the "OC" check box when making a new article?
  • So what about a post like this one? Is this something that should be marked as OC since it was my question and writing, or not because I didn't really create anything?

    Without having used it before, it feels like it lends itself better to stuff that's been created (like artwork or a video or something along those lines) as opposed to just a post like this. Am I getting the right vibe of it here?

  • What's the intended purpose behind the "OC" check box when making a new article?
  • Cool! Thanks for the info! I kinda thought that was the deal but wasn't certain. I appreciate the context and background!

  • /kbin meta FLOSSeveryday

    What's the intended purpose behind the "OC" check box when making a new article?

    I'm a little unclear on the purpose of this. I see some folks using it and other's not using it for similar content.

    Is it something that can show up in other instances like on Lemmy too?

    I added it to this post, but didn't use it on previous posts as I wasn't sure about it.

    What do you recommend as a good FOSS private and secure chat app on Android that isn't Signal?
  • That's great news! The more the better! I've been liking simplex with the folks who have been willing to use it with me. It's also crazy simple to get started with it as there's not much to the account setup process. Takes literally seconds to be up and running

  • What do you recommend as a good FOSS private and secure chat app on Android that isn't Signal?
  • I also like simplex! Now if only more folks would be willing to join me there

  • What's the one thing about the fediverse that you like the most?

    What's the one thing about the fediverse that makes you go, "oh yeah, this for me"

    For me, it's the innovation. I like how unique the different services are on here and how unique each instance can be within that. It has a very mad-chemist, mix-shit-up-and-see-what-happens vibe that I'm really into. I like exploring new corners of the web and the fediverse is continually generating new corners to wander into.

    Don't be discouraged by people saying these protests don't work, or by subreddits going public
  • Well, as long as enshitification continues to be a thing driven by profit hungry corps, people will be pushed to projects like the fediverse