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Evu Evu

I've been playing Magic off and on since the mid-'90s, though some of the "off" periods have been pretty long.

I used to help run Pauper events on MTGO, before Pauper became an officially sanctioned format.

Check out this Magic-related web site I made:

Posts 93
Comments 233
Bloomburrow | Episode 3: The Lost and the Found
  • Really enjoying the writing in this one so far. Good descriptions, good use of language.

  • Bloomburrow | Episode 2: An Expected Party
  • We have cards already for Mabel and Hugs. From the story we also know that Finneas is an expert archer, Zoraline is a cleric, and Helga is a minor mage. Not sure about Gev's class yet but he's some sort of performer: he "wielded a pair of fire maces, swinging and spinning them in a dizzying display of grace and finesse, their flames leaving trails in the twilight."

  • Turn 2 or 3 combo deck for Historic Chimil
  • Additional thoughts:

    • If we're losing our enchantments too often, we could build in some redundancy by going up to two copies of each. The problem with that is there's a 33% chance you'll get a duplicate on turn 2, in which case you'd have to wait until turn 3 or 4 to win. So I guess it's worth it if our enchantments are getting killed in more than 33% of games.

    • I was wrong about Teferi in particular, the Historic-legal version is the "fixed" Alchemy card and that doesn't get in Chimil's way. Other can't-cast effects, such as Drannith Magistrate, are still a concern.

    • Looking at the list of weaknesses I laid out starts me thinking about how I'd build a white prison deck for this format. Unfortunately, it would need a lot of rares and I don't have quite that many wildcards.

  • Turn 2 or 3 combo deck for Historic Chimil

    I'm early posting this, the Historic Chimil Midweek Magic event isn't until next week (July 9 - 11), but I'm already thinking about it.

    About Name Historic Chimil Life Lock

    Deck 1 Exquisite Blood 1 Sanguine Bond 4 Spinewoods Armadillo 4 Herd Migration 4 Colossal Skyturtle 4 Cease // Desist 11 Forest 2 Swamp 1 Island 4 Boseiju, Who Endures 4 Botanical Sanctum 4 Thornwood Falls 4 Lush Oasis 4 Brokers Hideout 4 Cabaretti Courtyard 4 Riveteers Overlook

    Am I missing anything? Does this deck seem like it should work? Anyone have a deck that can win faster, or more reliably?

    The plan is: mulligan any hand that has Sanguine Bond or Exquisite Blood, and hope really hard not to draw them. Discover one at the end of your first turn and the other at the end of your second. Then use one of your two-mana life-gaining effects, or if you don't have one, wait until turn 3 and play a land that either gains you life or damages your opponent. As soon as either of those things happen, the two enchantments will trigger each other infinitely.

    32 of the deck's cards are able to start the combo (once you have both enchantments), and 22 of the 42 lands enter untapped, so having two mana at the end of turn 2 should also happen pretty reliably.

    The WotC page says you'll "discover a spell with cost 6 or lower" each turn. I assume it actually means 5, like Chimil itself, but if not then we'll have to cut Spinewoods Armadillo.


    • Anything that gives the opponent hexproof will block the combo. Colossal Skyturtle can help with creatures and Boseiju with Leyline of Sanctity, but Teyo, the Shieldmage probably ruins our day.
    • "Can't gain life" effects block the combo. Most of them are creatures and again, Colossal Skyturtle gives us some hope, but we have no way to deal with Tibalt, Rakish Instigator.
    • Cheap counterspells like Annul or Spell Pierce will be good against us if Chimil's uncounterable effect isn't part of the emblem.
    • Enchantment destruction will obviously be effective.
    • Can't lose/can't win effects are a problem. Gideon of the Trials is the most likely, and our only hope of answering it is that they'll turn it into a creature and we'll have a Skyturtle. Phyrexian Unlife will cause a draw.
    • "Can't cast spells" effects like Teferi, Time Raveler will stop us, and a lot of other decks too.

    Between the two Swamps and Colossal Skyturtle's 2G ability, it's theoretically possible to recover from disruption and cast our enchantments fairly, but I doubt most opponents will twiddle their thumbs while you do it.

    Even though the deck isn't bulletproof, I think it should be able to win reliably when not disrupted, and maybe occasionally even through a bit of disruption.

    You might think I'm crazy for working so hard to break a casual format that will only exist for two days, and I wouldn't disagree with you....

    Why WotC Should Ban Nadu [Opinion]
  • There's a decent argument that Shuko and anything else that can be activated an unlimited number of times should be banned, because this isn't the first time a combo like this has come around. But I think this article does a good job making the case that Nadu is broken even apart from that. (That doesn't mean Wizards won't hide behind a Shuko ban anyway....)

  • Why WotC Should Ban Nadu [Opinion]
  • I've been playing Magic long enough to remember when a 3/4 for 3 mana would need a pretty significant drawback to even be printable. So I'm still surprised when they come out with broken nonsense like Nadu, even though I shouldn't be by now.

    This Pro Tour had lopsided numbers and non-interactive games and just wasn't much fun to watch. Wizards should consider it a disaster, but whether they will probably depends a lot on MH3 sales numbers.

  • MTG Arena Announcements – June 24, 2024
  • Oh god, the page has been updated now and it really is a 60-card constructed format.

  • Pro Tour Modern Horizons 3 Round 14 Disqualification
  • Well, if he's cheated so much in the past that he can't get the benefit of the doubt from the judges now, he won't get a ton of sympathy from me either.

  • Pro Tour Modern Horizons 3 Round 14 Disqualification
  • That's valuable context, thanks.

  • Pro Tour Modern Horizons 3 Round 14 Disqualification
  • It's not like they don't know they're on camera, and on top of that, Van Etten was up a game already. Who would intentionally cheat in a situation where you're pretty much guaranteed to get caught, and you don't even need the advantage that badly anyway? The only thing I can think of is that Van Etten told the judges "Yeah, I realized it a couple of turns later but didn't say anything."

    By the way, speaking as someone who's played my share of paper Magic and made more than my share of judge calls: call the judges when this happens. Their top priority is to fix the game state, not to punish you. Sometimes if the game has progressed too far to fix, they'll let the mistake stand. I don't know offhand how enforcement differs at a high-level event like this, but I think there's a real chance that Van Etten could have salvaged a match win out of this if he'd called the judges on himself in time.

  • Pro Tour Modern Horizons 3 Round 14 Disqualification
  • The announcement says turn 3 of game 3, but it means game 2. Their game 2 starts at about 5:30:15 of the official coverage, and the play in question happens at around 5:34:00. Twitch chatters catch the mistake immediately, and the commentators bring it up around 5:35:35.

  • Pro Tour Modern Horizons 3 Round 14 Disqualification
  • I could easily see myself doing something like this by mistake. I wonder what the judges heard when they interviewed the players that convinced them it was intentional.

  • June 24, 2024, Banned and Restricted Announcement - No changes in all formats
  • Yeah, but they can go up to four copies of Yotian Frontliner. It's not as good, but I don't think it's bad enough to sink the deck. And that's assuming that neither color gets an artifact-producing one-drop in the next set. Or lands that make it viable to go into a third color for Spyglass Siren.

  • MTG Arena Announcements – June 24, 2024
  • I hope it's not a constructed format, because I found a three-card game-winning combo pretty quickly: Sanguine Bond plus Exquisite Blood plus any way to gain life, like Honden of Cleansing Fire or the last mode of Glorious Sunrise. Just put one of each of those cards plus 57 lands in a deck and you can have your combo assembled by turn 4.

  • June 24, 2024, Banned and Restricted Announcement - No changes in all formats
  • Interesting that they considered banning Atraxa or Knight-Errant from Standard. While I wouldn't shed a tear for either one, I can't honestly say that the format is unbalanced right now. Those decks are strong but beatable, and their metagame shares are reasonable.

    In fact, I've been playing Poison Burn for so long that I actually look forward to facing Domain Ramp. And I think losing the triomes, and thus the potential for turn-two Leylines, will slow the deck down by a lot.

    On the other hand, I don't understand the argument that losing Voldaren Epicure will significantly hurt Boros Convoke. I hardly ever see that deck play Knight-Errant on turn 2, and yet I still lose to it plenty. If I could ban one card from the deck, I'd choose Imodane's Recruiter, or maybe Warden of the Inner Sky.

  • MTG Arena Announcements – June 24, 2024
  • The Midweek Magic page hasn't been updated yet to explain what "Historic Chimil" is, but assuming it's a format with the Historic card pool where everybody starts with a Chimil emblem, what do we think the strategy is? Just stuff a deck with busted five-drops, right? Do you even need lands? Maybe if you want to put some of the discovered cards in your hand for later use. Or will it be a Momir-like format where you just get a random Historic-legal spell with mana value <= 5 each turn?

  • MTG Arena Announcements – June 24, 2024

    Catch up with the latest info and events on MTG Arena.

    MTG Arena Announcements – June 24, 2024

    In this edition:

    • Summer Sale Starts Tomorrow!
    • Win Physical Magic Cards with Arena Direct
    • Pro Tour Modern Horizons 3 at MagicCon: Amsterdam This Weekend
    • Modern Horizons 3 WPN Rewards on MTG Arena
    • July Qualifier Play-In Best-of-One and Bonus Play-In
    • Modern Horizons 3 Deck Tech and Format Tips on YouTube
    • No Announcements Next Week
    • Event Schedule
    "Traditional" Parents Raising Children To Play Magic With Ante (satire)
  • before we put our children onto the battlefield, not 'create' them like some rules committees would have you believe.

    A real Magic fundamentalist would put them into play.

  • MTG Arena Announcements – June 17, 2024

    Catch up with the latest info and events on MTG Arena.

    MTG Arena Announcements – June 17, 2024

    In this edition:

    • Modern Horizons 3 Out Now on MTG Arena!
    • Arena Open: Modern Horizons 3 This Weekend
    • Pro Tour Modern Horizons 3 at MagicCon Amsterdam, June 28–30
    • MTG Arena Rewards for WPN Play in Modern Horizons 3
    • Event Schedule
    0 MTG Arena Announcements – June 10, 2024

    Catch up with the latest info and events on MTG Arena.

    MTG Arena Announcements – June 10, 2024

    In this edition:

    • Modern Horizons 3 Launches Tomorrow on MTG Arena!
    • Explorer Qualifier Weekend This Weekend
    • MTG Arena Rewards for WPN Play in Modern Horizons 3
    • Event Schedule
    MTG Arena Announcements – June 3, 2024
  • The article says:

    the matchmaking we're discussing today only applies to the Best-of-One play queues ... and does not apply to Ranked play, Best-of-Three play, premier events, or events that have win/loss targets.

    Interesting that they exclude casual Bo3. What exactly does that mean? I could see an argument that deck weighting is less important in a format where you have access to sideboards. But they must still do player-skill-based MMR, right? Casual play would surely be a nightmare without it.

    We know from the Reddit spreadsheets that they have separate weighting for Standard Brawl and Historic Brawl. I'd bet that each format -- Standard, Explorer, Alchemy, etc. -- has its own set of weights. The reason we only know the weights for Brawl is because only commanders can have negative weights. So no Explorer deck, for example, can ever fail to validate because of a negative total weight.

  • MTG Arena Announcements – June 3, 2024
  • This is probably a lot easier for me to say than it would be for the programmers to implement, but: the weighting system seems to only judge cards on an individual basis. I wonder how feasible it would be to weight card combos. Like -- Aftermath Analyst isn't too scary by itself, but if you see it in a deck with Nissa, Resurgent Animist, that's a different story.

  • MTG Arena Announcements – June 3, 2024
  • I think it's probably for the best that we can't see those numbers. For one thing, being able to see your MMR would turn casual games into ranked games, effectively. Plus there's the fact that both numbers are really just the developers' best guess, subject to a lot of fluctuation and not guaranteed to be accurate at any particular point in time, not to mention that you sometimes get paired way up/down if the system can't find a match fast enough. I think publicizing MMR or deck weight would lead to a lot more complaining and bad feelings, while not significantly improving the quality of your games.

  • MTG Arena Announcements – June 3, 2024

    Catch up with the latest info and events on MTG Arena.

    MTG Arena Announcements – June 3, 2024

    In this edition:

    • Modern Horizons 3 Streamer Event June 5
    • Modern Horizons 3 Historic and Brawl Pre-Bans
    • MTG Arena Matchmaking and You
    • Card Styles Button Returns
    • Explorer Best-of-One Play-In This Weekend
    • Currency Update for Players in Japan
    • Event Schedule

    Modern Horizons 3 is live on Draftsim Draftsim - MTG Draft and Sealed Simulator

    draftsim - Magic: the Gathering draft and sealed simulator. Pick suggestions and automatic deckbuilding. Now updated for Modern Horizons 3.

    0 MTG Arena Announcements – May 28, 2024

    Catch up with the latest info and events on MTG Arena.

    MTG Arena Announcements – May 28, 2024

    In this edition:

    • Preorder Modern Horizons 3 Now until June 11
    • Modern Horizons 3 Debut
    • Modern Horizons 3 Rewards in Psychic Frog's Horizon Hideaway
    • Only Days Remain for the WPN Draft Promotion!
    • Play Chromatic Cube and Flashback Drafts
    • Modern Horizons 3 Pack Breakdown
    • Event Schedule
    1 MTG Arena Announcements – May 20, 2024

    Catch up with the latest info and events on MTG Arena.

    MTG Arena Announcements – May 20, 2024

    In this edition:

    • Preorder Modern Horizons 3 Starting May 21!
    • Arena Open This Weekend, May 25–26
    • Keep Going in the WPN Draft Promo!
    • Next Week's Announcements Coming Tuesday, May 28
    • Event Schedule

    In this edition:

    • Don't Miss the May WPN Promo Happening Now
    • Arena Open: Outlaws of Thunder Junction, May 25–26
    • Play the Brawl Builder Challenge This Week
    • Historic Metagame Challenge, May 17–20
    • Event Schedule

    Asteroid Horse

    I need to be clear up front that I'm not presenting this as a strong choice for the current Standard metagame. I'm sharing it because I think it's cool and maybe has some potential, but I'm struggling to win with it. Suggestions are welcome.

    I stumbled across the combo between Calamity, Galloping Inferno and Terror of the Peaks while brewing something for the OTJ Constructed Midweek Magic event. Then a couple of days later I saw that PowrDragn had posted a video on a similar theme (he's actually done Gruul ramp several times in the past few weeks, but that video is the closest to what I'm posting here).

    So I've kept working on a Standard-legal version. The goal is to field Calamity along with another creature that will put the game away if it saddles Calamity. Ideally you'll win on the spot, but setting up to win soon afterwards is an acceptable consolation prize.

    I've been playing this in best-of-three ranked matches on Arena and, like I said, it's not putting up the results I would like; opponents have plenty of relevant disruption. Trying to surprise people with it in best-of-one games might be a better plan. But, eh, it's fun when it works, and I still feel like there might be a good deck under here if I can work out the right configuration.

    The list

    > About > Name Asteroid Horse > > Deck > 5 Mountain > 4 Forest > 2 Boseiju, Who Endures > 1 Sokenzan, Crucible of Defiance > 2 Commercial District > 4 Karplusan Forest > 4 Rockfall Vale > 2 Conduit Pylons > 1 Bucolic Ranch > 3 Tamiyo's Safekeeping > 3 Scorching Shot > 4 Smuggler's Surprise > 4 Armored Scrapgorger > 4 Bramble Familiar > 1 Ruby, Daring Tracker > 3 Outcaster Trailblazer > 1 Topiary Stomper > 4 Railway Brawler > 4 Terror of the Peaks > 4 Calamity, Galloping Inferno > > Sideboard > 3 Pick Your Poison > 1 Pithing Needle > 1 Unlicensed Hearse > 3 Brotherhood's End > 4 Obstinate Baloth > 2 Tyrranax Rex > 1 Titan of Industry

    Card choices

    Ramp creatures

    There are other possibilities, but these are all the mana-producing creatures I thought were worth an audition:

    | Creature | Pros | Cons | |-----------------------|--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Armored Scrapgorger | In this metagame, maindeck graveyard hate is amazing. | Looks like it should be a decent blocker but is actually terrible against Monstrous Rage. No combo with Brawler, Terror, or Calamity (even if the original has power, the tokens will always be 0/3 and won't "become" tapped). | | Ruby, Daring Tracker | Haste helps her protect herself with Tamiyo's Safekeeping. Attack trigger is sometimes relevant. | Legendary; gets in her own way and can't saddle Calamity. | | Bramble Familiar | One of the most efficient at blocking and attacking. In the late game, Fetch Quest can help you find a finisher. | Only makes green mana. | | Hardbristle Bandit | Teams up with Scrapgorger to sometimes produce more than one mana in a turn. | Unexciting stats. | | Gwenna, Eyes of Gaea | Fills our fairly empty 3-mana slot. Shouldn't be hard to rack up a counter or two. | Mana can only be used on creatures. Also legendary. | | Outcaster Trailblazer | Pretty easy to draw an extra card or two off it. Fills the 3-mana slot. Good combat stats. Combos well with Calamity. | Only generates mana once. | | Topiary Stomper | The lands stay even if the creature dies. Best combat stats, once it comes online. | Aggro opponents can easily kill you before you hit 7 lands. |

    I considered non-creature ramp spells, but the ones available in Standard right now don't excite me. Reprint Rampant Growth!

    Saddlin' up

    This list includes some creatures that aren't in my current build, but that I think combo well with Calamity (and perhaps each other) and are definitely worth consideration.

    N.B.: While Calamity creates two tokens as part of the same ability, the tokens enter one after the other. The original creature sees the first token enter. Then the original and the first token both see the second token enter.

    | Creature saddling Calamity | Effect | Total attacking power | |----------------------------|-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|-----------------------| | Outcaster Trailblazer | You'll draw three cards and add two mana (that you probably can't use). | 12 | | Topiary Stomper | You'll get to search for two more basics. | 12 | | Obstinate Baloth | You gain 8 life, pretty good against red decks. | 12 | | Krenko's Buzzcrusher | Opponents who run too few basics may find themselves getting Stone Rained by the time you've blown up a couple of their utility lands. Consider upgrading your own Conduit Pylons or Karplusan Forests while you're at it. | 12 (8 flying) | | Workshop Warchief | You'll gain 6 life and make two Rhinos for next turn. | 14 (10 trampling) | | Railway Brawler | Each new Brawler will get extra power from the earlier ones. | 34 (30 trampling) | | Terror of the Peaks | You'll deal 5 damage 3 times. Check whether you can win immediately by directing that damage upstairs, and if not, whether you need to remove blockers that could kill Calamity. | 14 (10 flying) | | Trumpeting Carnosaur | You'll discover 5 twice. Think critically about whether to cast what you find. Which do you need more: blockers for the backswing, or the potential to rebuild after a sweeper? | 18 (14 trampling) | | Tyrranax Rex | Unless the opponent can muster 8 toughness to block, they'll be nearly dead from poison counters. | 18 (14 trampling) | | Titan of Industry | You'll get to choose four modes, perhaps with some repetition. Shielding Calamity might be valuable. | 18 (14 trampling) | | Vaultborn Tyrant | You'll gain 9 life and draw 3 cards (but you won't get any tokens). | 16 (12 trampling) |

    I experimented with various configurations, but I've gravitated towards playsets of Railway Brawler and Terror of the Peaks. They work well with each other, and are the most likely of the options to be able to win the game on the spot when they saddle Calamity.

    Other spells

    The Calamity combo is pretty disruptable: opponents can remove Calamity, of course, but they can also remove the creature saddling it in response to the token-producing trigger. I put in Tamiyo's Safekeeping to try to defend against that. There are several similar spells in Standard, but I like Safekeeping for a couple of reasons: it protects from some board wipe spells, and the lifegain might be relevant against aggro.

    I never like to be completely without creature removal, and I think Scorching Shot is the most efficient removal in our colors at the moment. However, I often end up sideboarding it out in match-ups where it's not relevant. I could be convinced to replace it with something else. I previously experimented with Strangle, and might go back to that.

    Smuggler's Surprise on the opponent's end step is one of the ways we try to work around control decks. If they don't counter it, great, and if they do, you can untap and try to cast the creatures themselves. Ideally you'll cast it for eight mana, but if the best you can do is flash in one creature for six mana, it may still be worth it. In a pinch, you may find yourself casting it for three to dig for lands.

    Before I saw PowrDragn's video, I was running Commune with Nature in the Smuggler's Surprise slot. Commune made the deck more consistent -- it's cheaper and looks at more cards -- but Surprise makes it more resilient.


    I'm running zero Copperline Gorge and only two Commercial District because I think it's essential to have untapped mana on turn 5 or 6 when you're trying to land your big creatures. This deck does nothing on turn 1, so Rockfall Vale is only bad on turn 2, which is easy to work around as long as not all the lands in your opening hand are Vales.

    I think we may start seeing Conduit Pylons popping up in unexpected places. Getting a free surveil on a land that enters untapped is pretty good. I rarely have color problems in this two-color deck, so a couple of Pylons aren't too much to handle.

    Calamity is the only card in this deck that Bucolic Ranch can put into your hand, but even if that doesn't happen, repeatable scrying can still help you break late-game stalemates.

    I tried Cavern of Souls in an early build, but it's tough to know what to name because no two creatures in this deck share a type.


    I used to see people putting Obstinate Baloth in their sideboards and think, that's a huge swing if you can make it work, but how often will it actually happen? Well, this deck, and this metagame, are the Baloth's time to shine. Bring it in against Boros Convoke and other aggro decks, where a little lifegain and a big blocker coming down as early as turn 3 can really give them pause -- and if you live long enough to see it saddle Calamity, it'll probably put the game out of reach. But also bring Baloths in against Grixis Crimes or any other deck with multiple open-ended discard effects like Hopeless Nightmare, Tinybones Joins Up, Liliana of the Veil, or Aclazotz.

    Pick Your Poison is a good substitute for your removal spells in the Atraxa Domain match-up, equally worth casting against Up the Beanstalk, Spelunking, or Temporary Lockdown early, and Atraxa or Archangel of Wrath late. I'd also bring it in against Slogurk/Rutstein legends and try to snipe their Relic of Legends as soon as possible.

    Brotherhood's End is of course good against aggro, and should also help you fight back against Simulacrum Synthesizer strategies -- not all of their artifacts cost three or less, but enough of them do. None of your mana-producers survive Brotherhood's End, but as long as it gets more of the opponent's creatures than your own, that may be a fair price to pay.

    Tyrranax Rex is primarily here to force its way through counterspells, although now that control has an instant-speed wrath in Final Showdown, it may not be the panacea you'd hope. The toxic dinosaur can also be worth bringing in against decks that gain a lot of life, such as Orzhov Amalia/Voice of the Blessed strategies, and Atraxa Domain.

    Unlicensed Hearse comes in to support your Armored Scrapgorgers in the match-ups you'd expect: Slogurk/Rutstein legends, Azorius Djinn & Mentor, and anything playing Aftermath Analysts.

    I like having one Pithing Needle for general interference purposes. It's cheap hate for Restless lands, planeswalkers, and combo pieces such as Aftermath Analyst, Rona, Herald of Invasion, Slogurk, the Overslime, etc. If you know your opponent's deck, you can feel fairly confident naming one of those things blind on turn 1, when you weren't doing anything else anyway.

    Known bugs

    There is a reported issue on Arena where Calamity will only produce one token, not two, if the opponent controls a planeswalker. (Please go vote for it!) It happens consistently and it's a pretty serious drawback.

    What does "Asteroid Horse" mean?

    A couple of days after I started working on this deck, I was watching a livestream concert (not Magic-related) and the streamer responded to a question from a chatter named "Asteroid Horse". I thought it was a cool name and a fitting one for this deck. I don't know the chatter nor where they got the name from. There was apparently an undefeated thoroughbred racehorse named Asteroid, so maybe that's it?

    What is going on here flavor-wise? Is that a dragon riding a horse?

    I don't know what to tell you. Saddle doesn't make any sense to me either.

    2 MTG Arena Announcements – May 6, 2024

    Catch up with the latest info and events on MTG Arena.

    MTG Arena Announcements – May 6, 2024

    In this edition:

    • Alchemy: Thunder Junction Launches Tomorrow
    • Earn MTG Arena Goodies Playing in WPN Store Events
    • Flashback Limited Events Start May 14
    • May Qualifier Weekend Is This Weekend!
    • Event Schedule
    1 MTG Arena Announcements – April 29, 2024

    Catch up with the latest info and events on MTG Arena.

    MTG Arena Announcements – April 29, 2024

    In this edition:

    • Pro Tour Thunder Junction Winner and Top Performing Decks
    • The Big Score Alchemy Preconstructed Festival April 30–May 7
    • WPN Outlaws of Thunder Junction Promo
    • May Best-of-One Qualifier Play-In This Weekend
    • Arena Open: Outlaws of Thunder Junction May 4–5
    • Alchemy: Thunder Junction Gallops into Town May 7
    • Event Schedule

    Deck Tech: Blue/White Poison Burn for Standard

    Let me say up front that I didn't come up with this idea and I don't know who did. I've seen it make the lists a couple of times and I thought it looked cool. If by some chance the deck's author reads this, thank you! I've had a lot of fun playing it and I never would have thought of it myself.

    I'm calling it "Poison Burn" because it kind of plays like a burn deck, where you don't develop much of a board presence and just try to deal damage to your opponent as quickly as possible, except instead of actual damage, it's poison counters.

    Why play Poison Burn?

    Bad news first: this deck has a poor match-up against Boros Convoke, which has had a pretty large metagame share recently, and only a slightly better one against Mono-Red Aggro.

    The good news is that this is one of the few decks I've found that is actually favored against Domain -- the feeling of seeing a turn-one Jetmir's Garden and thinking "oh good, this should be easy" is quite something, let me tell you. It also does pretty well against control and combo in general. And since it's not a significant presence in the metagame, opponents will have few relevant sideboard tools and little experience to draw on.

    One thing I like about the play pattern is that you rarely get into situations where the game is "over before it's over". You never establish board control, so even if your opponent has nothing going on, they'll still feel like they could get back into it with a big creature. Similarly, even when you're looking down the barrel of lethal damage with only 6 or 7 poison counters racked up, there are still topdecks that could turn things around for you.

    While I can't really call this a budget deck, it does feature more commons and uncommons than most. Check your collection; you might be closer to having this built than you think.

    I've been playing this deck in ranked best-of-three matches on Arena for months now, and I think it's competitive. At least Tier 2, maybe Tier 1.5. If I were entering a Standard tournament tomorrow, this is what I'd bring.

    The list

    Here's my current configuration. The maindeck is pretty stable and doesn't have a lot of flexibility IMO, but my sideboard has changed a lot to try to adapt to the metagame.

    > About > Name Poison Burn > > Deck > 5 Island > 3 Plains > 1 Otawara, Soaring City > 1 Eiganjo, Seat of the Empire > 4 Seachrome Coast > 4 Adarkar Wastes > 1 Deserted Beach > 3 Mirrex > 4 Crawling Chorus > 4 Skrelv, Defector Mite > 3 Arcane Proxy > 4 Prologue to Phyresis > 4 Experimental Augury > 4 Serum Snare > 4 Bring the Ending > 4 Fateful Absence > 3 Gadwick's First Duel > 4 Distorted Curiosity > > Sideboard > 1 Pithing Needle > 2 Elspeth's Smite > 2 Doorkeeper Thrull > 1 Lion Sash > 2 Unlicensed Hearse > 2 Knockout Blow > 1 Reject Imperfection > 4 Vanquish the Horde

    The game plan

    This deck mulligans more than most. You should be willing to go pretty deep in search of an opening hand that can cast Crawling Chorus; Skrelv, Defector Mite; or Prologue to Phyresis. Trust in your draw spells to dig you out of it -- I'm not saying it's easy, but I've been known to recover from mulls to 4. If you've already taken a couple of mulligans then you can think about keeping on the basis of Experimental Augury or Bring the Ending, but I never feel great about it. The good news is that any hand that can cast one of those three poisoners, and has at least two lands, is an easy keep pretty much regardless of whatever else is in it.

    In the first few turns, do whatever it takes to assign the first poison counter. If that means "wasting" a Fateful Absence or Serum Snare on an opposing Novice Inspector, so be it. Assigning at least one counter turns on all your proliferate spells, and your job gets easier from there. But if it gets to turn 4 or 5 and your opponent is still poison-free, I don't like your chances.

    Use a combination of counterspells, bounce, removal, and Skrelv to get in as much early attacking as possible. Sooner or later your opponent will overwhelm this plan, but ride the train for as long as you can. Your toxic 1/1s are here for a good time, not for a long time. A suicidal charge may be a fine play as long as you're reasonably confident that you'll get even one poison counter out of it.

    Depending on the match-up, you may eventually be able to go wide with Mirrex, but most commonly you're aiming to finish with a cavalcade of two-mana instants.

    Because the deck is almost entirely one- and two-mana spells, it's usually pretty easy to use all of your mana every turn. It depends on what the opponent is up to, but if it's turn 2 and I have a Chorus or Skrelv that I could cast, but I also have a Prologue or Augury, I'll often hold the creature until I've got my third land, just to maximize mana efficiency.

    Card choices & interactions


    Skrelv, Defector Mite is rarely used for protection in this deck. Primarily it's here to force through damage, and often it's just a regular attacker with Toxic 1. Take the time to learn what its ability does and doesn't do. Importantly, it does grant Toxic 1, which means a Crawling Chorus or mite can hit for 2 poison counters, and your Arcane Proxies, which normally don't give poison, sometimes can.

    If you have a choice between playing a Chorus or Skrelv on turn 1, lead with the Chorus. If it gets Cut Down or Play-with-Fired, you'll still have a mite ready to attack on turn 2. The exception might be if you have multiple Skrelvs and you're expecting the first one to die.

    If you think you'll attack with a Crawling Chorus next turn, don't hesitate to chump-block with it this turn. It could be your best chance to get any blocking value out of it.

    You may be surprised by how often tokens from Mirrex are relevant in this deck. Because so many of our spells can be cast at instant speed, I often find myself waiting until my opponent's end step to see whether I can make a mite or not. If they're not pressuring me, I usually do it. You can always proliferate later, but mites need time to recover from summoning sickness. And going (moderately) wide with mites is a not-infrequent finishing strategy.

    Removal & other answers

    Bring the Ending is so often a hard counter in this deck that I frequently forget it isn't really, and cast it at times when the opponent can pay for it. So, uh, don't make that mistake. But overall the card is really good for us.

    While I think that Get Lost is a stronger card than Fateful Absence in the abstract, I learned from bitter experience that the calculus is different for this deck. Basically, you need to be able to trade your 1/1s in combat sometimes. It's important to be able to attack into a Deep-Cavern Bat or Faerie Mastermind and have your opponent actually stand to lose something if they block. Likewise, it's important to be able to attack into something big knowing that you can make it a trade by following up with Gadwick's First Duel (more on that in a minute). If you're helping your opponent put +1/+1 counters on their creatures, you're giving up those opportunities. In contrast to maps, the clues you hand out with Fateful Absence are harder to spend leftover mana on, and take longer to affect the board state, which aligns with our tempo strategy.

    As I said, be alert to the potential of Gadwick's First Duel as a removal spell. All your creatures are tiny, but if you send one attacking into, let's say, Sheoldred, the Apocalypse, you can follow up with a Duel and kill that blocker with the Cursed role. (In my experience, opponents almost always block in this situation. I don't know whether they think I'm dumb or they foresee the trade and decide it's worth it, but very rarely will you get to bluff your way into a free poison counter.)

    Make sure you understand the intricacies of how the curse works. Cursing Regal Bunnicorn is good; the curse overrides the Bunnicorn's innate ability, leaving it as a 1/1 permanently. Cursing a Botanical Brawler is bad; you're actually just helping to grow it.

    Always put the Cursed role on something, if you can afford to, even if you're cursing one of your own creatures. There is a small but non-zero chance that you will later find yourself holding a Serum Snare with no good targets other than the role.

    Serum Snare really shines in this deck. Bouncing your opponent's turn 2 or 3 creature, giving them an extra poison counter and clearing the way for your next attack, is a huge tempo swing. Sometimes I pass on countering a creature just because I want to Snare it first. If it's late in the game and there aren't any better targets, feel free to Snare something random -- The Celestus, Up the Beanstalk, a map token -- just to proliferate. (Don't Snare food/clue/blood tokens if they could be sacrificed in response.)

    Stupid spell tricks

    But one of the best things you can do with Serum Snare is combo it with Arcane Proxy. It may take a few turns to play out, but imagine a sequence like this: Proxy, recasting a Prologue > Snare the Proxy > Proxy, recasting Snare, targeting the Proxy > replay Proxy, recasting another Prologue.

    Note that you have to cast Proxy in order to flash back a spell. If you try bouncing an opposing Ossification to free your Proxy, you will temporarily have a 4/3, but you won't get to do anything cool with it.

    In the course of dozens of matches I have only once cast a Proxy for full price, and that was probably a misplay. Don't entertain any ideas of trading with Preacher of the Schism or flashing back Distorted Curiosity. That's not how the card works, at least not for us.

    The final chapter of Gadwick's First Duel is phenomenal in this deck, though I only run three copies of the saga because having two at once is awkward. This is very situational, but here's a rough priority order for which spells you want to double with chapter 3: Distorted Curiosity > Experimental Augury > Prologue to Phyresis > Serum Snare > Fateful Absence. If you haven't left one of those (or an Arcane Proxy) on top after scrying, but you do have one in your hand, hold on to it instead of trusting your deck to deliver.

    When you proliferate with a Duel in play, you have to actually think about whether you want to add a lore counter or not. (If you're playing on Arena, the Duel will be selected by default, and you might want to de-select it.) Will you have both the spells and the mana to make good use of chapter 3? Can you do that while also leaving two or four lands untapped to threaten interaction? Waiting until your next turn is sometimes the best play.

    While I love Gadwick's First Duel and Arcane Proxy, you'll see me sideboarding them out more often than any other cards. That's because spell-repeaters are necessarily slower and more situational than the spells they're repeating.

    One last spell-slinging tip: if you're close to winning, but also close to dying from Sheoldred triggers, remember that those triggers use the stack and can be responded to. If you're lucky, you may be able to chain Prologues to Phyresis and win even as the specter of death looms over you.


    This deck needs to get underway quickly, so playing untapped lands in the first two turns is non-negotiable. I figure I can get away with one Deserted Beach because it's not like I'm going to keep one-landers (er, most of the time...). When it comes to dual lands that do enter untapped early on, we'll take as many as we can get.

    Mirrex is a great land in general, and especially here. It's hard for control decks to answer, and it often comes to the rescue when we're in topdeck mode.

    I don't run The Seedcore primarily because I think our need for blue mana that can be spent on instants is too pressing. But maybe trying out one copy wouldn't hurt.

    In the sideboard

    Vanquish the Horde is for any go-wide decks but most especially for Boros Convoke. Most people seem to sideboard Temporary Lockdown against Convoke, but I prefer Vanquish because it hits all of their creatures, leaves you your Chorus tokens, and will usually cost about the same, in the match-ups where it matters.

    Standard has enough recursion decks at the moment that I think some amount of anti-graveyard tech is a necessity. Lion Sash and Unlicensed Hearse are the graveyard hate in my sideboard at the moment, and I wrote this guide with them in mind. But Rest in Peace recently got reprinted in The Big Score, and I think there's an argument that it would be worth the collateral damage to our Arcane Proxies (which we'd definitely have to board out) and Crawling Choruses. Then again, if your opponent brings in Pick Your Poison as counter-hate, your artifact creatures can run interference for Sash or Hearse better than Gadwick's First Duel can for Rest.

    If all of these cards are too rare for your budget, Soul-Guide Lantern is a decent substitute, but I think you'll find that it's just not as robust as the others.

    Match-ups & sideboarding

    Atraxa Domain

    No changes. You are already favored and you don't have any silver bullets that answer anything in particular. They run Cavern of Souls so I would not bother bringing in Reject Imperfection, and expect to use Bring the Ending against things like Sunfall rather than things like Atraxa. A resolved Atraxa or Herd Migration is probably game over within a couple of turns; you just have to win faster, but that's a realistic goal because their answers don't line up well with what we're doing. They usually can't interact sooner than turn 3, so it shouldn't be hard to start poisoning them.

    If a Gadwick's First Duel gets trapped under a Temporary Lockdown, you can Serum Snare the Lockdown on their end step and use the proliferation to proc the Duel's first two chapters right away, then untap and finish it off. (And hopefully you can get in with a Chorus or Skrelv before they replay the Lockdown.)

    Azorius, Dimir, or Orzhov Control

    As with Domain, you're favored and don't have to change too much, but −1 Arcane Proxy +1 Pithing Needle can be worthwhile if you had trouble with planeswalkers or Restless lands. They'll be able to outclass or sweep away your creatures eventually, but it'll be harder for them to deal with your Prologues and Auguries, which they have to answer one-for-one while still trying to develop their own board. Cast your instants on their end step if you can (always good advice, but even more so here). Bluff counterspells, being mindful of the fact that they may be waiting for a window to resolve The Wandering Emperor. If the game goes long, Mirrex can be one of your most valuable assets (though they likely have Field of Ruin for it).

    Some of my earlier builds had Skrelv's Hive in the sideboard. If you do that, this would be the time to bring it in.

    Esper and other midrange

    This is a fairly even match-up, winnable if you play carefully and/or luck breaks your way. Esper is probably the toughest midrange variant: Raffine is a monster, and their maindeck Dennick, Pious Apprentice shuts down your Arcane Proxies (sideboard out some or all of them). Golgari is probably the easiest variant. I don't have much experience against the Grixis Crimes deck yet, but I'd guess that it fits in this category, from our perspective. Bring in Reject Imperfection, somewhat counterintuitively, if you're worried about big, hard-to-kill threats like Aclazotz, Deepest Betrayal.

    Rakdos or Boros Discover

    Even to slightly favorable; from our perspective these are midrange decks with extra combo potential. −1 Arcane Proxy +1 Pithing Needle if you saw a planeswalker. Doorkeeper Thrull would stifle Geological Appraiser and Trumpeting Carnosaur; is that good enough? I might test it sometime.

    Boros Convoke

    −1 Fateful Absence −2 Bring the Ending −2 Gadwick's First Duel −3 Arcane Proxy

    \+2 Elspeth's Smite \+2 Doorkeeper Thrull \+4 Vanquish the Horde

    I used to bring in Knockout Blow, but I stopped because the majority of their creatures are not red. I'm sideboarding out 2 Bring the Ending because they have Cavern of Souls, but keeping 2 because they also have Case of the Gateway Express and Warleader's Call.

    Flash Doorkeeper Thrull in response to any creature that would generate an ETB trigger, be it Knight-Errant of Eos or merely Voldaren Epicure, but expect to lose the Thrull to your own Vanquish later on.

    Mono-Red or Gruul Aggro

    My advice for fighting red aggro with this or any other deck is to forget about your own game plan and just try to stop theirs. If you can stabilize, you can take your time about winning. Chump-block pretty much any time it would save more than one life point. Remember that the back side of Kumano Faces Kakkazan prevents you from getting tokens out of your Choruses, but you may not have the luxury of playing around that.

    −2 Fateful Absence −1 Gadwick's First Duel −1 Arcane Proxy

    \+2 Elspeth's Smite \+2 Knockout Blow

    Vanquish the Horde is a maybe. The sorcery speed is a drawback; what you really want is to be able to respond to a Monstrous Rage. It might be better against Gruul, which leans more heavily on creatures. Different builds of mono-red can be more creature-focused or more spell-focused, and it can be hard to guess which you're dealing with just from seeing one game. Even if you do board in Vanquishes, I would probably not take all four copies. Cut Duels and/or Proxies to make room.

    Temur Lands Combo

    This match-up is tricky but winnable. It gets a lot better if you can find one of your sideboard cards. Failing that, slow them down by bouncing/killing/countering their Nissas and Aftermath Analysts (but remember that Analyst's ability can be activated at instant speed and without tapping). See if you can hold a Bring the Ending for Worldsoul's Rage.

    −1 Fateful Absence −2 Gadwick's First Duel −1 Arcane Proxy

    \+1 Pithing Needle \+2 Unlicensed Hearse \+1 Lion Sash

    If you find your Pithing Needle, name Aftermath Analyst. It doesn't stop their combo but it slows it down a lot. Equip Lion Sash to another creature if you can spare the mana, to save it from (the first) Ill-Timed Explosion. Wait until their end step to activate Sash or Unlicensed Hearse, so you'll always be ready to respond if they try to recur something, and consider reserving a Serum Snare to save the Sash/Hearse from an Abrade. Exile their cards in this order of preference: anything they're trying to bring back right now > Memory Deluge (unless they're still a few turns away from casting it) > fetch lands > other lands > Shigeki, Jukai Visionary > Worldsoul's Rage > Nissa, Resurgent Animist > Aftermath Analyst > Virtue of Strength > other creatures > other spells. Don't assume that Bring the Ending is a get-out-of-jail-free card; they probably board in Negate.

    Azorius Djinn & Mentor

    If you're not familiar, this deck has a low creature count, sometimes just Haughty Djinn and Monastery Mentor but sometimes with a supporting actor like Picklock Prankster or Fallaji Archaeologist, then tries to recur those creatures with Helping Hand or Recommission. A high density of cheap cantrips lets them go wide (with Mentor) or tall (with Djinn) to finish the game quickly.

    −3 Gadwick's First Duel −3 Arcane Proxy

    \+1 Lion Sash \+2 Unlicensed Hearse \+3 Vanquish the Horde

    This is a lot like Temur Lands in that it's a tricky match-up that improves significantly if you can keep their graveyard empty. Again, remain vigilant for your chance to exile something in response to a spell. Here's your priority order: anything that's being targeted right now > Monastery Mentor > Otherworldly Gaze > other instants & sorceries > Haughty Djinn > anything else. Move Haughty Djinn up a couple of notches if there are so many spells in the graveyard that you won't be able to exile them fast enough to keep a Djinn's power low. Chump-block freely, keeping in mind that they can grow their prowess creatures at instant speed.

    The mono-blue predecessor that usually runs some number of Tolarian Terror is an easier battle. Sideboard in the same graveyard hate but not the sweepers. They have more counterspells and will never cast a Djinn if they can't protect it, so be prepared to fight a counter war over it.

    Simic Artifact Aggro

    This deck can put you on a pretty fast clock without warning. It helps if you can hold up interaction to respond to a Zoetic Glyph on the stack. Their animated tokens are pretty Snareable, just pay attention to whether they can sacrifice them in response. You may have to do a lot of chump-blocking. I don't know if there's anything to sideboard for this -- Elspeth's Smite is generically good against aggro, but the Simic deck can make X/4s a little too easily. I'd rate the match-up as maybe slightly unfavorable, but far from hopeless.

    Selesnya Enchantments

    I haven't seen Enchantments around in a while, and I don't miss it. Like Simic Artifacts, it can rack up a lot of power pretty quickly. And also like Artifacts, most of their cards are low-cost and make good Serum Snare targets. That's the advantage that you want to exploit if you can. Bringing in some number of Vanquish the Horde may be worth it, especially if their build looks token-heavy with things like Teachings of the Kirin.

    Orzhov Lifegain

    We don't care about their life total, but we do care about how big Amalia Benavides Aguirre and Voice of the Blessed can get. Fortunately they have a lot of good targets for Serum Snare.

    They have a lot of ETB triggers, from Lunarch Veteran and Elas il\-Kor and so on. Could bringing in the Doorkeeper Thrulls (in exchange for one each of Proxy and Duel, I think) be good? I don't have a lot of experience against this deck, but I'll give it a try next time.

    Bant Poison

    I think this match-up is unfavorable; they're trying to do the same thing we are, but they're faster at it.

    −4 Fateful Absence

    \+4 Vanquish the Horde

    Vanquish over Absence will help you work around their Skrelvs and Venerated Rotpriests. But you definitely have to get a little lucky to win this one.

    Jodah Legends

    I think you're at least slightly favored, because they take a while to set up, but an early Skrelv can stymie your removal, and an early Thalia can stymie your entire game plan. I don't think there's anything in the sideboard to bring in here, but maybe value Fateful Absence a little higher when mulliganning.

    Dinosaurs & other Fight Rigging decks

    Slightly favorable. Kill or bounce their early mana-producers if you can. Bring the Ending is valuable here because Palani's Hatcher or Hulking Raptor become big problems if they resolve. If you missed your chance to counter a Fight Rigging, see if you can let them pour more effort into it before you deal with it -- e.g., let them target something to put a counter on and then bounce or kill the target. Most of their creatures are green, so Skrelv should often let you attack through them. −1 Arcane Proxy +1 Reject Imperfection is at least worth consideration.


    The core of this deck is from Phyrexia: All Will Be One, which should remain in Standard until August of 2025, but we will lose a few cards this year. The biggest loss will be Fateful Absence (from Innistrad: Midnight Hunt). As discussed above, I don't think Get Lost is an acceptable substitute in this deck in particular. After looking through the two-mana white removal in Standard, I think our best replacement is probably Soul Partition. When you think about it, Partition is sort of like Absence, if the card your opponent draws off the clue were guaranteed to be the same one you killed. Oh, and it can't answer the Restless lands. Those drawbacks aren't great, but Partition does offer the ability to target enchantments and artifacts, as well as the potential to save and re-use your own creatures. It's worth a try at least. And who knows what other analogues may arrive in future sets?

    Playing against the deck

    I've only once seen an opponent playing something that might have been Poison Burn. I definitely don't think you can justify dedicating sideboard slots to it. But if you do find yourself facing it, here's some advice.

    It may be hard to distinguish this deck from Bant Poison in the early turns. Green-producing lands would be an obvious clue. Additionally, Jawbone Duelist, Skrelv's Hive, and Annex Sentry are seemingly fitting white cards that I personally would not maindeck in the Azorius version.

    Fight like hell to avoid getting the first poison counter. Don't Cut Down a Chorus on your own turn; do it on their turn so the Mite has to wait to attack -- but you may want to do it during their upkeep, before they've played a land or possibly drawn a counterspell. If you play Deep-Cavern Bat on turn 2, you may find that the Poison player has only one card that can actually poison you. That's probably a good choice.

    When it comes to building your defenses, more creatures is better than big creatures. If the Poison player makes an odd attack, suspect Gadwick's First Duel (or Eiganjo). That doesn't necessarily mean you shouldn't block, but factor it into your decision.

    When sideboarding: sweepers are fine but they can't be your whole plan, because (a) Crawling Chorus replaces itself, (b) Mirrex makes mites at instant speed, and \(c) after the first few turns, the spells do most of the work. Negate or Spell Pierce shouldn't lack targets. One-for-one removal is bad unless it's cheap, like Cut Down. In particular, Go for the Throat has only Crawling Chorus as a potential target, so you should definitely take that one out.

    Weakening your own plan to bring in graveyard hate is inadvisable. My build has only three Arcane Proxies for recursion, and they're often the first things to get boarded out. But if you have access to incidental graveyard hate like Lord Skitter or Graveyard Trespasser, that's probably worthwhile.

    3 MTG Arena Announcements – April 22, 2024

    Catch up with the latest info and events on MTG Arena.

    MTG Arena Announcements – April 22, 2024

    In this edition:

    • Outlaws of Thunder Junction on MTG Arena
    • Bonny Pall Standard Festival April 23–30
    • Pro Tour Thunder Junction This Weekend in Seattle!
    • Event Schedule

    I made it into the top 1,000

    This is maybe the third or fourth time I've been to Mythic, but by far the earliest in the month that I've gotten there and the highest I've been.


    In this edition:

    • Outlaws of Thunder Junction Launches This Week!
    • Jump In! Update for Outlaws of Thunder Junction
    • Release Notes for Outlaws of Thunder Junction
    • Event Schedule

    The "Live Laugh Love" of Magic The Live Laugh Love or Magic

    Discover topics like diy woodworking, and the magic of the internet at Imgur, a community powered entertainment destination. Lift your spirits with funny jokes, trending memes, entertaining gifs, inspiring stories, viral videos, and so much more from users like Octocatcreations.

    (This is not my work; I'm just sharing something I saw on another site.)

    1 MTG Arena Announcements – April 8, 2024

    Catch up with the latest info and events on MTG Arena.

    MTG Arena Announcements – April 8, 2024

    In this edition:

    • Last Week for Outlaws of Thunder Junction Preorders
    • Streamer Even This Wednesday, April 10
    • Historic Banned List Update
    • Remix Draft: Artifacts Continues This Week
    • April Qualifier Weekend Starts This Friday
    • Midweek Magic Gladiator Spotlight This Week
    • Event Schedule

    Outlaws of Thunder Junction is live on Draftsim Draftsim - MTG Draft and Sealed Simulator

    draftsim - Magic: the Gathering draft and sealed simulator. Pick suggestions and automatic deckbuilding. Now updated for Murders at Karlov Manor.


    Omniscience Draft is the worst

    This week's Midweek Magic event on Arena is "Omniscience Draft". You do a bot draft and then throw out just five of your 45 cards, because you have an emblem that says you can cast spells from your hand for free and you can add WUBRG once a turn.

    Maybe your brain automatically corrected that to "you can cast a spell for free once per turn." I know I kept re-checking the rules as I was drafting, because I was sure that I was missing something. But no, you just dump your hand on turn one, and your opponent does the same, and then you see what's what. Every game is decided in the first turn or two, and once it is, the loser never waits around to see it play out, and who can blame them?

    I don't like to sound ungrateful; Midweek Magic events are usually free, they're a nice change of pace, overall I really appreciate them. But this one is kind of unbearable.

    If you do decide to play this one, here's your pick order:

    1. Anything that draws more than one card.
    2. The biggest creatures you can find. Evasion is good as usual. Deathtouch is better than usual because you'll need to be able to block enormous creatures immediately.
    3. Creature removal.
    4. Smaller creatures.
    5. Combat tricks.
    6. For some unknowable reason there are lands in the packs. Do not take them. You might think you're going to set up some cute combo with a card that cares about your land count, or pay some activation cost that needs two mana of the same color. Ask yourself how that strategy stacks up against a turn-one [[Rust Goliath]].

    There have been a few Arena events lately where the premise seems to be "what if everybody just played bananas powerful cards all the time?" I will never understand why that sounds like fun to some people. Magic cards have mana costs for a reason.
