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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
Posts 6
Comments 281
Skynet, but it’s Wheatley: OpenAI sells ‘reasoning’ AI to US government for nuclear weapon security
  • What's the Rationalist reaction to these developments? Are there any vestigial AI-fearers that haven't switched over to straight up Phrenology like Slatescott and are currently genuinely still worried about the apocalypse because of this?

  • Stubsack: weekly thread for sneers not worth an entire post, week ending 17th November 2024
  • Emphasis on used to. He worked fairly hard at becoming a household name, but ultimately his fame was pretty brief. Stallman achieved meme status, love him or hate him. Torvalds actually ships shit people use. There's just no discourse around Raymond these days, good or bad.

    Every once in a while someone trips over one of the pitons he's driven into the wall of FOSS to try and climb it, discovers his abysmal takes, amd everyone promptly forgets about him again.

  • JD Vance outs himself as an SSCer, SSCers react
  • The point was SSCers reacting. Vance being an SSCer isn't notable as he's a Thiel creature. SSCers being confronted with the eyeshadowed mirror that is Vance is much more interesting because they spend a lot of time being nominally not exactly what Vance is.

  • JD Vance outs himself as an SSCer, SSCers react

    I haven't read the whole thread yet, but so far the choice line is:

    > I like how you just dropped the “Vance is interested in right authoritarianism” like it’s a known fact to base your entire point on. Vance is the clearest demonstration of a libertarian the republicans have in high office. It’s an absurd ad hominem that you try to mask in your wall of text.


    SlateScott talking race and IQ: very cool and truth seeking. Revealing SlateScott's powerword: what's the public interest in that? My Interview With Cade Metz on His Reporting About Slate Star Codex — LessWrong

    On 16 March 2024, I sat down to chat with New York Times technology reporter Cade Metz! In part of our conversation, transcribed below, we discussed…

    My Interview With Cade Metz on His Reporting About Slate Star Codex — LessWrong

    The actually not even really a hatchet job NYT piece on SlateScott that mostly just called him a weird little guy has nonetheless created a festering psychic wound that oozes to this day. Here manifests as an interview with the author on LW. See also: discussion on reddit.

    My favorite section, talking about how people are mad that be brought up Scott's notorious race stuff™️:

    > CM: That's great. That's a valid position. There are other valid positions where people say, we need to not go so close to that, because it's dangerous and there's a slippery slope. The irony of this whole situation is that some people who feel that I should not have gone there, who think I should not explore the length and breadth of that situation, are the people who think you should always go there.


    Guess who's having a big mad about Journalism again!

    Hounding the president of Harvard out of a job because you think she's a DEI hire is one thing, but going after a Billionaire's wife? How dare these journalists! What big bullies.

    Bonus downplaying of EA's faults. He of course phrases the Bostrom affair as someone being "accused" of sending a racist email, as if there were any question as to who sent it, or if it was racist. And acts like it's not just the cherry on top of a lifetime of Bostrom's work.


    SSC Reddit having a normal one, OP fantasizing about murdering their child, I guess?

    Utilitarian brainworms or one of the many very real instances of a homicidal parent going after their disabled child? I can't decide, but it's a depressing read.

    May end up on SRD, but you read it here first.


    Super casual conversation about Eugenics


    In which Scott (other Scott) can't imagine why committing a crime would lead him to be treated (gasp) like a criminal

    Someone posted this on ssc with a warning about talking to cops, but really just marvel at what's going on here.

    Aaronson manages to turn a story where he is briefly arrested for a theft (which he did commit on video!) into paragraphs and paragraphs of indulging in his persecution fantasies.

    Zero empathy on display for the people he stole from, the people just doing their jobs, or reflection on the fact that it wasn't a simple little mistake anyone could make but rather... a fairly weird move? Do people usually put change in cups?
