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Erikatharsis Erikatharsis

This account is deprecated.


Posts 20
Comments 85
Thoughts on this for a new magazine icon?
  • I think it looks great! Go for it.

  • Migrating to [email protected]

    So Kbin.Social has around 60,000 members now, but as a very early beta, the administration tools are still very lackluster. Most strikingly, this instance has only one admin, who spends most of his time coding. As a result, I think it would be best to host transgendercirclejerk's fediverse equivalent on an instance with better moderation against transphobia.

    You need not sign up to yourself, but you can federate [email protected] with your own instance.

    Be aware that the community hosted on Blåhaj Lemmy encourages use of the /j tone indicator, and has a new rule regarding post titles, mandating the use of content warnings.

    As for this Kbin magazine — I can't figure out how to close or restrict submissions, so one of yez should volunteer as a moderator, as long as your account is registered on It's a good idea to have duplicates of the same community on different instances, anyways.

    Edit: Also, to clarify, this might not be the last migration. I might eventually switch to or even to self-hosting my own instance.

    Are TERF-centric magazines allowed on this insurance?
  • You can't moderate from another Kbin instance?!

  • Are TERF-centric magazines allowed on this insurance?
  • Indeed. It's easy enough to back up your posts/threads/comments with "save page as" on each page of your profile, but you can't automatically transfer your followers, following, subscriptions, or moderated in a migration. You'd have to ask to be re-added as a moderator, have to contact your followers individually, have to add your subscriptions and following one by one to your new account... Has anybody made any sort of third-party tool to make migration easier?

  • Anyone know of any interesting resources about autistic/neurodiverse intentional communities or cohousing? And how do we feel about this movement?
  • It seems like it goes more or less fine in practice, and I reckon this is probably because these communities end up being self-selecting to some extent. That the type of autistic person who thinks this sounds like a great idea would also be the type who'd have an easier time in this type of community, while the type who thinks this sounds like a terrible idea wouldn't move to that type of community to begin with. And that even of the former group, that different intentional communities would end up dominated by different types of autistic people who tend to get along better. You wouldn't just move in without any idea of who your neighbors are.

    Speaking for myself, I've attended a monthly local autistic adults group in person, I've lived with my autistic brother for most of my life, in my time in public school I had special classes with other ND students and had a few ND friends, and I even spent a year at a dorm school that teaches independent living for ND folks. So for me the idea of living with other autistic people of a diverse variety seems pretty doable. There would obviously still be a number of problems that I'd need to solve with regard to interpersonal interactions or hypersensitivities, but that would still be the case if I lived in a predominantly NT community anyways.

  • Are TERF-centric magazines allowed on this insurance?
  • There are not a lot of Kbin instances yet, so it's hard to say at a glance whether an instance has actually good moderation or if it just doesn't have enough users to cause trouble to begin with.

    Edit: I found a more expansive list of instances and seems like a good one

  • Are TERF-centric magazines allowed on this insurance?
  • I also definitely feel like it's best to take more decisive action against hateful magazines, but I'm just assuming that this is @ernest's logic: That people can block or clown on bigots until the bigots feel unwelcome, grow bored at the lack of an audience, and leave.

    I've personally been thinking of migrating to Blåhaj Lemmy because of the inadequate moderation against hateful magazines on this instance, but I'm waiting to see how's administration approach goes long-term. I think it would definitely be worthwhile for Ernest to invest in a bigger admin team and a more democratic approach to administration.

  • Are TERF-centric magazines allowed on this insurance?
  • For every Daryl Davis who can successfully talk down 100 Klansmen, you'll find 100 Black people begging for their lives trying to reason with the Klan in their last moments. For every thought of "I can fix them!" that you may have, you have to weigh that against how many more people you'll need to fix if you platform their ideas and treat them as something worth "respectfully debating".

    Convincing people to leave hate groups is a great thing to do, but if respectful debate were effective on the large scale, and we have no shortage of people respectfully arguing that hate is a bad thing, why is the far right a bigger threat now than it was ten years ago? Do not tolerate the intolerant, do not debate the undebatable, do not respect the unrespectable.

  • Are TERF-centric magazines allowed on this insurance?
  • I tried to report this magazine using the "contact" page a while back as it violates the terms of service, but I guess as long as it's only one nutjob posting and all the posts are getting disliked, it isn't really a priority to remove.

  • Anyone know of any interesting resources about autistic/neurodiverse intentional communities or cohousing? And how do we feel about this movement?

    On a quick search, I found this Forbes article and this article from Autism Housing Network. The Autism Housing Network appears to be a treasure trove of resources about this very interesting idea in general.

    However, I'm honestly still a bit skeptical to the movement for autistic intentional communities as it stands. I found out about this movement earlier today, when I correctly figured while writing an essay that somebody else had probably already come up with that exact idea. However, while the extant communities are improving people's lives, they don't really seem like the sort of radically by-of-and-for-us type of neurodiverse communes that I was imagining while writing my essay. Rather, these extant communities feel like a sort of more status-quo-y liberal housing development with a neurodiverse flavor.

    In my essay I had even written about all sorts of pipe dreams of cybernetics and e-democracy to connect different intentional communities together, but I guess that's all it is: pipe dreams.

    Thats one way to do it
  • That's some nice worldbuilding, honestly.

  • Thats one way to do it
  • Sorry, who is "gurillia utaru"?

  • Someone flooding kbin with links to nothomealone[dot]com
  • Is the link supposed to be "not home alone" or "no tho meal one" :P

  • Thats one way to do it
  • I walk around in biodegradable clothes covered from head to toe in pockets filled with native seed balls, so that when I inevitably die from heatstroke within the next five years, the pockets will eventually degrade and spill out hundreds of seeds to sprout and feed upon my decaying corpse. Call that kamikaze gardening

  • US border agents habitually abuse human rights, report reveals
  • In other news, water is wet, as anyone detained at Guantanamo Bay can readily attest

  • After migrating from Reddit, it’s jarring that comment sections aren’t cluttered with hashtag-style comments that are just links to subreddits like /HoLuP/
  • I have a question:

    Well, on Reddit, with subreddits, you can go inside with your shoes on, right? Then, what if you stepped on dog poop out on the street, and you went to a subreddit without realizing it... If the Redditor father and mother and eldest son and eldest daughter all stepped on poop and went to a subreddit without realizing it...

  • I hear you're a transmisogynist now, Tumblr!

    How'dja get interested in that type o' thing? Should we all be transmisogynists now? What's the official line the staff is taking? Only, Discord roleplays take up most of the day, and at night I'd just like to binge an anime. I mightn't be able to devote m'self foll-time to the ol' transmisogyny.

    /uj Tumblr blocks search results for "tgirl" but not "tboy". Official response says "This needs to be changed. We're working to fix it.". Response from the site's trans community is, "We're not dumb."

    *Permanently Deleted*
  • Holy shitt!! Jordan Peterson based???? 😱😱😱

    /uj What's the context for this?!

  • I feel like I sometimes stim mainly to communicate "I am autistic and feeling overwhelmed right now" to onlookers when I can't easily talk. Can anyone else relate?

    Of course I also stim for the typical reasons, but I feel like I'll sometimes sort of "play up" certain autism-associated traits as a form of body language... I've also experienced people not understanding what stims are and misinterpreting mine, so maybe it's a bit naïve of me to do this.

    /kbin meta Erikatharsis

    A relatively easy way to disable the "random posts" or "random threads" sections (desktop web browser) + suggestions for sidebar

    Step 1: Install uBlock Origin on your web browser.

    Firefox link / Chrome link

    Step 2: Click on the uBlock Origin icon in your browser's toolbar and select the element picker (eyedropper icon).

    Step 3: Move your mouse just above the words "random posts" in the Kbin sidebar so that the entire "random posts" box becomes highlighted in red. Click to make a little window appear with the text "##.section.posts" in a little text box.

    Step 4: Click the blue "create" button beneath this text box to make the "random posts" section disappear. Repeat the same process with the "random threads" section, where the text box in the little corner window should read "##.section.entries".

    Edit: Be aware that trying the same thing with "random magazines" and "active people" will also filter out "active users" and "related magazines" in a magazine's sidebar.

    Re-enabling: To re-enable the "random posts" and "random threads" sections after blocking them with uBlock Origin, click the uBlock Origin icon and then click on "disable cosmetic filtering" (slashed eye icon). To disable the sections again, click the same icon again, which should now have a red X over it.


    While I have enjoyed the random posts/threads feature as a way to find new, interesting content that I'd otherwise miss, the feature still has the obvious problem of occasionally showing pornographic, prejudiced, or even illegal content without a user's consent. There is to my knowledge no way to disable these sections through either Kbin's user settings or theme settings, which to me seems like something that should be implemented. Maybe the ideal would be a "show / hide" toggle at the top of these sections, hidden by default, with a warning that enabling these features has a small risk of exposing the user to offensive content.

    Music Erikatharsis

    Ibragim Maremkulov - "Malhxä sypkhwäxum" (Circassian folk-pop)

    This was a song I listened to a lot a while ago, but eventually stopped listening to because I forgot the title. It just randomly decided to pop back into my mix-list today. It's a bop!


    The Productivity of Apophony in Japanese: An Experimental Approach

    This is an article I found about the frequency of apophony (母音交替) in nonce compound words as read by 616 students of Yamagata University. The nonce compounds with an \>50% apophony rate were 「船旗」, 「上所」, 「船猫」, 「雨風呂」, and 「稲蝉」. 「上所」 and 「雨風呂」 were the nonce compounds with an \>50% redundancy rate, i.e. that the students read them with both apophony and rendaku.
