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Emmie Emmie

Proud to be woke

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Comments 133
  • Drugs

  • The bridge is an orange-pilled urbanist
  • You can’t charge a corpse

    There’s some nifty trick here to avoid parking tickets

  • Good job, Britain! A major contribution to the nations of the world!
  • False. Boofing was invented in soviet russia during the great vodka drought. It is pure communism. Unrivalled resource distribution and efficiency.

    One bottle for 100 comrades

  • This Brazil-Twitter stuff is hilarious. Great leadership Muskrat.
  • I am currently helping to develop a platform that aims to catch Brazilians evading the ban, hopefully it will help enforcing the law.

  • Good job, Britain! A major contribution to the nations of the world!
  • Yes, I said it has most sane immigration policies. Only letting in the most poor people from Middle East we can lay the claim to national superiority. The rest of the xenophobic EU is closing borders…

  • Good job, Britain! A major contribution to the nations of the world!
  • Don’t need luck when you are rich honey. It’s baked in

  • Every time someone asks me the make and model, I give a puzzled look
  • Maybe it’s time to invest in a pair of glasses?

  • Good job, Britain! A major contribution to the nations of the world!
  • Open your eyes and asshole and accept the dildo of truth

  • Good job, Britain! A major contribution to the nations of the world!
  • Behind the scenes it still is. The brexit was just a capitalist agenda aimed to fool the masses.

  • Maybe this is better for everyone
  • Cats can thrive on vegan diets perfectly well. Mine is still with me since like 4 years and didn’t eat a single animal protein in that time…

    It’s called being a responsible human and minimizing suffering.

  • Good job, Britain! A major contribution to the nations of the world!
  • Britain has the most sane immigration policies in EU currently. It truly is an advanced country compared to many other Western European states.

  • Already planning for how to survive in jail
  • Follow me and you will be entertained. I plan to have lots of fun

  • Already planning for how to survive in jail
  • lol you guys can’t handle me when I am honest, good for you I think.

  • Those poor plants
  • I only eat human babies.

  • Already planning for how to survive in jail
  • I don’t know it just reminded me that the jail equals suicide beforehand for me and that works pretty good as a deterrent from bigger theft, drunk driving etc.

    Some would say "don’t drunk drive cause you can kill someone", I’d say "don’t kill someone cause you will go to jail".

    I only do small stuff like really small to get that illegal thrill scratch scratched. And great thrill it is indeed. I don’t even detonate random diy explosives anymore. Boring as fuck but it is the life. The days of illegal thrills are over as soon as you cross the magic 18 yo barrier and can be sentenced as an adult.

    Now we are all responsible boring saints who have them strong moral opinions on curing world hunger