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My first homebrew successor chapter.
  • Yeah just one but I'll link it

  • My first homebrew successor chapter.
  • Thanks mate, I'm already planning a Baal predator but so many options there with the paintings

  • My first homebrew successor chapter.
  • Thank you very much, so I like the Prussian army look of MK3 but feel like 40k bloodangel Armor having floral trims would go better with the pauldrons

  • My first homebrew successor chapter.
  • Thanks mate, compared to my inspirations it feels like mine are child scribbles but from far away I think they will look dope.

  • My first homebrew successor chapter.

    So I've been brooding over my second Warhammer and first Astartes army, I'm asking for suggestions and critique for the paint job and the lore I had in mind. Aretium Guard. I was thinking and please correct me for inaccuracies of a blood angel successors chapter form 13th founding, fleet based not long before finding a feudal world deep in the ultima segmentum named Etrusco on which they build the fortress named Aretium. The planet was undiscovered probably since the golden age, it exhibited a culture brought upon them by the numerous knight houses and the ancient thrones inside them, that had similarities to renaissance age Italy from old earth, which even though unknowingly influenced the Aretium Guard to take up the arts and crafts similarly to the blood angels. They decorate their pauldrons and take great pride in not getting the paintings damaged, to the point of many Astartes of the chapter using old mk plate from mk3 to mk6.


    Kaldor Draigo to himself while wandering the reign of Chaos.


    Progress on my Craftworld HQ and Lord.


    Stop glamorising the grind and start glamorising whatever this is.

    From a comic called Gaston Lagaffe.



    Intergalactic trolling and zooming around in what he calls the Throne of destruction.
