Anon is wrong, the Star Trek crew is just a consortium of more or less autistic people that get told what to do because they like being told what to wear, eat, do etc.
This is so clearly fake and gay, bait used to be believable.
No wait, you're telling me that mega-corporations don't care about me getting good products and having sole ownership of my personal data?
B-but [sponsored tech-geek blog], [generic gaming-news outlet] and [irrelevant apple shill] only ever told me so! Are you implying they lie to me?
Realtalk I only use cracked win11 pro workstation and iPhone because of work, every telemetry possible disabled (god bless the EU).
Gegenüber der "Religion des Friedens" 🥴 kann es keinen Rassismus geben. Wer sich als Muslim/Muslima durch racial profiling diskriminiert fühlt, sollte sich fragen, weshalb der Gewaltfanatiker-Kult um den Kinderficker Mohammed im Westen nicht so gut ankommt.