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EisFrei EisFrei
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Comments 147
Putin orders conscription of 133,000 new soldiers to fight on the front line
  • That's barely enough to cover three months of losses. Insane.

  • Pic
  • Craywatch

  • Norms
  • Aufruf zur Demonstration „Gegen die antisemitische Internationale“ 05.10.2024 14:00 Humboldt Uni Berlin
  • Die Zahlen wurden von der IDF aber auch ordentlich schön gerechnet. Was ist denn mit der ganzen humanitären Hilfe, die den Zivilisten verweigert wird?

    The Lancet medical journal published a letter from three academics on July 5 estimating that indirect deaths, caused by factors like disease, might mean the death toll is several times higher than official estimates and possibly above 186,000.

  • Aufruf zur Demonstration „Gegen die antisemitische Internationale“ 05.10.2024 14:00 Humboldt Uni Berlin
  • Alle, die die Lüge des Genozids an den Palästinenser:innen verbreiten

    Was ist denn die korrekte Bezeichnung für das, was der Zivilbevölkerung in Gaza gerade widerfährt?

  • Four dead and dozens hurt in Alabama mass shooting
    • fact of life
    • thoughts and prayers
    • not the time to politicise
  • Trump ally Laura Loomer called herself ‘white advocate’, audio reveals
  • Hard to tell. He very well might have been.

  • Coke rule
  • 9th graders learn Linux for the environment!
  • The Steam handle is clearly visible, too.

  • Trump’s former press secretary shows DNC a troubling text with Melania
  • Fun fact: Factoids aren't actually true.

    Edit: It just hit me that you could have also meant that this fact was buried under a lot of factoids.

    Edit 2: Oh well. It was used incorrectly so often, that it now can also mean trivial facts.

  • Lonely Steed
  • Is this the horse sized duck that we're supposed to fight?

  • Reform UK MP piled millions of pounds into offshore tax haven property empire
  • What about MLK?

    Just because something is legal, that doesn't make it right, and not everything that is illegal is wrong.
    One has not only a legal but a moral responsibility to obey just laws. Conversely, one has a moral responsibility to disobey unjust laws

  • Münchner Stadtteil ohne Kirche: Erzbistum sieht "keinen Bedarf"
  • Der Trick mit Bildungszentren und Kitas ist, dass dann der Steuerzahler den größten Teil der Kosten übernimmt.
    Indoktrination fast zum Nulltarif.

  • 62% of Funded Blockchain and Web3 Companies Attract Fewer Than 100 Monthly Organic Visitors
  • Even that use case seems almost meaningless, as most people store their crypto in centralised exchanges.