Very hot!!
When I send this as a share or open in chrome the image is missing.
It now can but not always. Still easier to point the default app to old outlook.
I don't know my flags, could I get a explain like I'm five?
I keep hoping he falls down the stairs.
I had to Google Karl Marx and record players before I got it. I am not a smart man.
As I lie here with my back problems. I concur!
It might be referred pain. It's in her back but she feels pain in her belly.
My dum self thought IT recruiter and was confused how it got to sex trafficking. Then I realized military.
Steamboat Willie is public domain. Technically that is not all of Mickey mouse, just the first iteration of him.
With what looks like kids playing.
Star Ocean The Divine Force. It was ok, pacing was all over the place.
Hot damn....wonder when he will hang him self?
As someone who played once, I think you need to kill things. Sorry it's not the best answer but it is a answer.
Playing on easy for my first game. I have left it on and I still fail on some of my rolls. Over all I feel like it's boosting my rolls to be better. Fights are easy unless a spell or mechanic I don't know or understand goes off. The dialogue, if I select the option I have the best bonuses in I tend to get by all of them. Really stealth and traps have been my biggest hurdle. The AI keeps walking into them when I move.
I'm trying to bribe my kids to play with me as I have not been able to beat it. Find it so boring.