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Echidna (Fae/Faer)
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Native American Restaurants
  • I remember when this came up a few years ago on Twitter. There are First Nations restaurants, most (white) people just don't go to them and where they are. Yes there are not a lot, it would be much better if there was more. The reason there isn't is because of colonization and genocide.

    But we also have to be careful because presenting a minority group as already extinct exists to help continue the perpetuation of the genocide. As Judith Butler describes.

    An ungrievable life is one that cannot be mourned because it has never lived, that is, it has never counted as a life at all'

    There is a surviving first nations food culture that doesn't care whether Patrick Blumenthal has eaten it or not.

    Also First Nations food has been heavily assimilated to into many cultures food. Mexican Food, Peruvian Food, etc When people eat these foods they don't think of it's relationship to First Nations, but there's a connection.

    Finally stuff like corn, tomatoes, potatoes all of this food that is widespread everywhere is from North and South America and only hits Europe and Asia in the early modern period. What is and isn't a certain cultures food is not static but subject to forces of history.

  • does lemmy discriminate community against instances?
  • Do you think that Wikipedia is going to be unbiased on a country that has been the USA's enemy and under perpetual blockade and embargo for 70 years?

    If I might suggest an alternative resource for any reader interested, Leslie Feinberg wrote a book which is free, called Rainbow Solidary : In Defense of Cuba. It is free to read as PDF here It was hir last book before hir premature death. Zie was LGBT activist who also wrote Stone Butch Blues, Transgender Warriors and Trans Liberation : Beyond Pink and Blue.

    It is a nuanced book, which covers the history of Cuba's LGBT community pre-colonization, under Spanish colonization, under US control after the Spanish-American War and the two dictatorships of the early to mid 20th century, moving into the communist regime into the 00s.

    It covers the bad, machismo culture and the UMAP camps, slide back on rights at certain times, but it also quite clearly outlines the historical progress they made on LBGT rights, often ahead of the rest of the world. You say they were arresting trans people in the 80s-90s, when they were literally flying their doctors to East Germany to learn how to do state funded gender affirming surgery at that time.

    It's a worthwhile read. Cuba is not and wasn't ever perfect, but the communist party and the LGBT community in dialectical relationship with one and another have shaped a course that is historically progressive and inspirational.

  • The fact that people this stupid exist
  • The suggestion that companies do not cure conditions because it's more profitable to sell temporary fixes, completely misunderstands that pharmaceutical companies are in direct competition which each other and are largely fixated on quartlerly profits.

    If you cure a disease you actually make a lot of short term profits that make your shareholders happy.

    An example is Hepatitis C which has been cured in at least in the West in the last decade to very little fanfare.

  • Admin update - Hexbear Defederated
  • Two years ago a Hexbear mod (transcomrade69) harassed me (by calling out my username among many) into reading Leslie Feinberg's Trans Liberation : Beyond Blue and Pink.

    Possibly one of the most significant events in altering the trajectory of my entire life.

    Yes, we can be too rambunctious at times. Yes I view present politics and past history through a lens of dialectical and historical materialism.

    Yes we will likely have significant contradictions on many issues which are impossible to resolve through the Internet where we've already entrenched our positions. But were you on my verandah with a good duriff maybe we'd get somewhere.

    I think both communities will regret this and broadly the future looks bleak for everyone, but extra bleak for Trans and Non-binary folk everywhere.