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Dragon Dragon
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Tulsi Gabbard Completes MAGA Makeover by Endorsing Donald Trump
  • She claimed to be super progressive left in 2016 and 2020 during the presidential elections. She then endorsed Biden then trashed Biden and endorsed Trump. She clearly just wants a cabinet position with someone.

  • Tulsi Gabbard Completes MAGA Makeover by Endorsing Donald Trump
  • She fully supported Bernie Sanders in 2016. She ran as a progressive in 2020 against Bernie with almost identical policies, and then suddenly endorsed Biden when she realized Bernie wasn't going to win. She then started going on Fox etc. and trashing Biden, and now is endorsing Trump. She has run the entire political spectrum according to who she thinks is likely to win and give her a cabinet position without regard to policy. Also she is part of a Hawaiian cult that wants to take over the world.

  • Tulsi Gabbard Completes MAGA Makeover by Endorsing Donald Trump
  • Even if you are pro trump, politicians doing a 180 on their views should alarm you. It's nice to be able to support a candidate with some assurance that they are what they say they are.

  • Russia had no justification for invading Ukraine.
  • I mean it doesn't seem like too big an ask to require the country you're arming not to do slavery. If they want the weapons that badly I'm sure it will work.

  • Russia had no justification for invading Ukraine.
  • I won't argue against the idea of sending aid to Ukraine on principle, but I will just mention a few considerations:

    1. Ukraine relies on conscription. Men are being arrested off the street to join the front lines. Millions of men have fled the country, and are now being hunted down in the places they fled to src. In supporting Ukraine's military, the US and EU allies are inadvertently supporting military slavery.
    2. The Ukrainian government has a corruption issue, and it is likely that a lot of the aid being sent is being embezzled. src 1 src 2

    Point 1 could be rectified by conditioning aid on reversing the draft. Point 2 may be more difficult to address.

  • Reminder
  • Just want to say here that regardless of the political benefits that can be obtained with violence, I do think all lives matter including Nazis, and I think most people can be convinced of this if they can be shown how similar all our experiences are. It seems like once you realize that a Nazi is essentially a version of yourself with slightly different psychological pressures, you can realize that, as painful as it may be, they are human, and your desire for humans not to suffer extends to them. Realizing this doesn't preclude instrumental violence against them, but it can prevent the feeling of hatred.

  • TIL it's possible to purchase coffee grown by Zapatista Worker Cooperatives in Oventic, Mexico.
  • Believe it or not, Alex Jones sells his own line of Zapatista coffee called "Patriot blend"

  • Antimemes rule
  • I've never seen Haskell used, but it looks the most readable. I would consider using it if I didn't think it would piss off other devs.

  • Blockchain: the wave of the future
  • For anyone who's interested, Holochain solves this problem while fulfilling the decentralization promises of Blockchain.

  • Chinese investments on hold, residents flee as 3,500 monkeys swarm Thai city

    Once a thriving trade hub, Lopburi city is at risk of become a ghost town with thousands of simians taking control of the area.

    Chinese investments on hold, residents flee as 3,500 monkeys swarm Thai city
    The hypocrisy of it all
  • He rapes but he saves

  • What if you are not the “highest” level of consciousness in your own body?
  • It's possible that there are multiple consciousnesses within a single person, and when each of them reads this post, they all think it refers to them. "You" are just one of the consciousnesses, thinking you are the main one. Or maybe you think it refers to you, but another consciousness in the same body is aware of itself as well as you and laughing at your ignorance.

  • I read the entire book "The Communist Manifesto" as a rap
  • No worries, there is truth in your joke anyway.

  • I read the entire book "The Communist Manifesto" as a rap
  • I don't run Lemmy nor am I a tankie, although the creators are Marxist-Leninists, I believe. My youtube channel is mainly anarchist stuff. If you're offended by the Communist Manifesto, maybe you should give it a listen, you might find you were offended by the wrong things.

  • I read the entire book "The Communist Manifesto" as a rap


    The Communist Manifesto - Rap Version




    Ideas for an alternative lemmy frontend?
  • Someday I would like to see a website with an oval, rather than a rectangular web design. No particular practical reason I can think of other than it would be really cool. The html/css would be difficult, might have to use svgs.

  • Nonviolence is not inaction

    The Intercept Dragon

    Is this moderated by the intercept?


    Peace is not just a goal


    A useful list of 198 methods of nonviolent action, curated by Gene Sharp


    A good introduction to Nonviolence – “No Government...can subsist if the people cease to serve it.” Gandhi on the Theory of Voluntary Servitude

    Gene Sharp Gandhi on the Theory of Voluntary Servitude April 1962 Originally published in Anarchy #014

    Gandhi on the Theory of Voluntary Servitude

    Creating this community for a place to discuss Nonviolence, Gandhian, Kingian, or otherwise. This is a good article to start.


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