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Amazon's deal to make Warhammer 40,000 movies and TV shows is done
  • Games Workshop says an "elite band" of screenwriters is coming together to create the shows and movies.

    Kinda concerned they don't already have someone to announce. Cavill alone can't do this, it needs amazing showrunners.

  • Harrison Ford’s blaster from 'Star Wars: A New Hope' sets Guinness World Record at auction
  • Wanted to save you a click and write what record was actually set. Article doesn't mention it.
    It's not most expensive SW prop

    a miniature X-Wing starfighter from "A New Hope" sold for over $2.3 million in June

    So it might be most expensive firearm prop, but we are left in the dark...
    The article's author also doesn't know anything about props:

    The original prop gun was modeled after the Mauser C96 broom handle pistol used by Frank Sinatra in "Naked Runner," and was built by "Star Wars" set decorator Roger Christian and armorer Carl Schmidt. It has gone on to be dubbed the "Hero" prop and is considered one of the most recognizable weapons in cinema history.

    A hero prop is just the name for a prop that's seen in close-ups or is important.

  • Strange object found trapped near Uranus
  • Probably just some cloaked Klingons

  • Strange object found trapped near Uranus
  • oo rah noos

    "U" is not pronounced like "you" at all. "Noos" is also pretty off.

  • Hello Games has announced its next game, called Light No Fire
  • Hope they learned and aren't announcing more than they can deliver again.

  • Read to leap into Linux
  • You'll just need to check how to install the proprietary NVIDIA drivers on your distro. For most that won't be a problem. Just a quick google search, haven't tried this myself:

  • European Union must face legacy of colonialism and support reparations, say MEPs (Members of the European Parliament)
  • Let's say your great-great grandfather stole bricks from a victim to build a factory that you now own and that provides a nice living. Because of that the victim was not able to build a factory and their descendants are poor.
    Let's say this crime is very well documented.
    Did you do the crime? No. Are you reaping the benefits of the crime? Yes.
    Should you give that factory to the descendants? Should you be required to help the poor descendants? Would it be a nice gesture to help the poor descendants?
    Nobody is asking for the factory. People are asking for a bit of help because it's clear that you are still reaping the benefits of a crime that was perpetrated by an ancestor and the victims descendants are still feeling the repercussions of that crime.

  • What are some of the most improved TV shows of all time that you've seen?
  • After having watched TNG multiple times I really do enjoy the first three seasons a lot. I think the only real stinker is Code of Honor, the racist episode. I love The Naked Now, though having it as the first episode after the pilot is of course more than crazy. If the silliness of that episode didn't make people quit guess what the next episode was? Right, Code of Honor...
    Also Tasha's multiple mentions of rape gangs in the first season isn't very wholesome. On the other hand, not wholesome but amazing is exploding heads in my Trek. Don't know what they were thinking but it's always a highlight on a re-watch.

  • 2023 in Review: The 10 Worst Shows
  • I thought FUBAR was alright. Not a good show by any means but adequate mindless fun.

  • Was a TV show you like ever ruined by the addition of a particular character to the point that you had to quit, or nearly quit?
  • It's a character on a comedy show, I had no problem with that. The problem was that Howie's character was destroyed and he stopped being funny after they got together.

  • What are some of your favourite TV intros sequences and soundtracks?
  • Yeah, awesome music. Lately I also enjoyed Foundation's intro. Those beats with the ships warping in are awesome.

  • What are some of your favourite TV intros sequences and soundtracks?
  • Deep Space Nine, TNG, Voyager

    DS9 has great music, TNG is iconic, Voyagers visuals are great and the music is fine, too.

  • What are some of your lesser-known, favourite TV series?
  • I recommend the books, they tell completely different stories. Though I haven't read them since I was a teenager.

  • AI Search Is Turning Into the Problem Everyone Worried About
  • A growing web of hundreds of billions of websites, more data than even 100,000 of the most expensive iPhones mashed together could possibly store.

    Should I read the rest of the article after stumbling upon this idiotic comparison?

  • The future of Fitbit doesn't look good | Digital Trends
  • I have a Fitbit Versa with internal storage for music. The only way to get music onto the device is via the desktop app. The app cannot be downloaded anymore and it cannot be started because the login servers were shut down...

    Guess I'll never buy a google product again.

  • Jamie Raskin has some thoughts on Jim Jordan's role in McCarthy's ouster in interview with Brian Tyler Cohen

    The whole video is pretty good. But I found this part pretty interesting as I hadn't heard it before.
