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Dozzi92 Dozzi92
Posts 2
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Eat shit Spotify.
  • Yeah, the only time I've ever heard the difference in audio quality between flac and 320mp3 is when I've been trying to sample parts of songs in Ableton, adjusting the bpm and doing some warping, and you get artifacts. When I listen to music, I have a nice system at home, and I cannot tell the difference. And maybe it's me, but beyond 20khz basically doesn't exist.

  • Eat shit Spotify.
  • Did you forget where you asked people who downvoted you to identify themselves so you could block them?

    And despite the lyrics being unintelligible to me, they do exist, and when I went and looked them up (on the occasions Spotify didn't have them), I said oh yeah, there you go.

    I curse too though, all the time.

  • goddamnit
  • For me webp is always some gif I'm trying to text people, and now I have to go convert it.

  • Eat shit Spotify.
  • I listen to music and I have no idea what the lyricist is saying. I have no disability. Am I entitled to lyrics?

    I downvoted one of your other comments so feel free to block instead of replying and cursing me out of something.

  • Eat shit Spotify.
  • Yep, same. And it's a good service, and pretty cheap all things considered. Have found a ton of new artists, have played their songs, bought merch from their bandcamps or merch buckets, or whatever, and all because spotify's stupid algorithm does get it right some time.

    But fuck them, I guess, for not giving enough away in their free to use tier.

  • Eat shit Spotify.
  • How much did the artists get when you downloaded the MP3s?

  • Eat shit Spotify.
  • You say "more money," but this person is on free tier. They are paying nothing and they expect more. Is that not entitlement? I'm not some raving capitalist, but isn't it okay to charge money for certain services?

  • You can fit two cars there
  • I volunteered driving ambulances. Started in high school, 2003-2004. Our rigs at the time were a '97 Chevy van with a box and a '99 F250 with a box. They were the biggest things I'd driven at the time.

    Moved away, did life, came back a decade later. Newest rigs were now 2015 F450 Super Duty with a box you could legit stand up in. Thing was unnecessarily large. All the things you're saying are correct. The rig we purchased while I was there ended up being a slightly larger mod, but came with front, side, and rear cameras, because you're absolutely right, can't see shit. Blind spot in the front is legit 10-15 feet from the bumper.

    You know what didn't change in that interim? People's windy, tiny driveways. I won't toot my own horn but I'm a good driver, I frequently tell my wife "You could fit a Mac truck through there" when she's driving and won't squeeze through a gap. So when it came time to back these rigs up these narrow, curving driveways, up a hill, it was difficult. I'd have my crew get out generally and go begin assessment so I could get the rig in place for takedown. Problem is that I couldn't drive all the time, and so the rig would frequently get left down on the road. And I don't blame anyone, they were difficult maneuvers. I knew a few members who outright refused to drive the newer rigs becaude they were so massive, so now we've neutered our manpower.

  • I don't get how people can become depressed, when we live in the century of Fentanyl, easy access to alcohol and amusement arcades.
  • Vitamin D toxicity is also a big problem, and doctors have been overprescribing supplementary vitamin D for years. Feels almost like a joke, you're damned if you do, damned if you don't.

  • I don't get how people can become depressed, when we live in the century of Fentanyl, easy access to alcohol and amusement arcades.
  • Doesn't "depressant" have more to do with your body's functions and not necessarily the depression we think about? Been a long time since high school health and EMT classes.

  • I don't get how people can become depressed, when we live in the century of Fentanyl, easy access to alcohol and amusement arcades.
  • Kratom cut my drinking by 80%. Haven't had a single beer at home alone in years. Still go out occasionally with friends, so not a recluse or anything, just the excess stuff.

  • Victory lap!
  • Work definitely does suck the life out of you, regardless of whether or not you like it. Just hard to focus on something all day and not be tired.

    I won't say good luck in retirement, because I don't know what that means. So I'll just say see you around the fediverse, because there's no retiring from this life.

  • US Rep. Lauren Boebert wins Republican House primary after switching districts in Colorado
  • And go back even further, exposure to lead fumes from leaded gas in cars made an entire generation incapable of complex logical thought.

  • Is it generally safe to walk through a field of cows?
  • Glad to hear t-pose is the way to go. I'm beginning to think it's the solution to the world's problems.

  • Victory lap!
  • I'm (unfortunately) not even close to retirement, but everything you said, I agree with. For me, a job is like a train track, and I'm on the train and life is just going, and I get off at stops here and there, but that clickity-clack is a constant white noise. Perhaps it's me remembering the immaturity of when I was younger, but I've always found that when I don't have work, I seem less focused on general.

    I am fortunate to have a good job, and I don't love it, but it's more than tolerable, which to me is the benchmark. I assume how you feel about your job is a big factor in this whole discussion. I imagine I'll work less when I hit the magic social security number, but the thought of retiring just stopping working entirely one day just doesn't make sense to me.

  • Victory lap!
  • Same. Any more and just about anyone you know and can relate to is dead. And I have kids and perhaps they'll have kids, but when I'm 90 and all my friends are dead, and anyone I looked to in life for guidance is dead, and I can't commiserate with people about the old days of the Internet or what things used to be like without hearing "oh grandpa," what really is the point?

  • New Study: At Least 15% of All Reddit Content is Corporate Trolls Trying to Manipulate Public Opinion
  • For me, it was AIM chatrooms and ebaums forums, maybe the super early days of Skype (before being sold to Microsoft obviously). Shit did feel more real, and while content maybe didn't come out at the same frequency, and there sure was shit, you just knew you were talking about it with other people. Made some good friends back then, would've been cool to stay in touch, but 20+ years is a long time.

  • It's basic science
  • Marine Corps beat that into me. We had two options for drinks at the chow hall in boot camp: water or blue Powerade. No milks no juices no sodas no red Powerade. Only blue Powerade. It's the only one I'll drink anymore, the rest serve no purpose.

  • App development
  • Definitely thought you meant hair plugs at first, and that there was an app to give you male pattern baldness.

  • My experience so far on Lemmy.

    A technical disaster, but sure, I'll keep coming back. Can't wait to reminisce about the days when it was a technical disaster, though.

    Also, posted from my PC, because doing anything on Jerboa has proven impossible.

    New Jersey Dozzi92

    Sparta couple charged with stealing COVID-19 money.

    Love to see it, and I want to see more of it. Anyone who did this absolutely deserves what they have coming to them.
