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Tomatoes [they/them]
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Have any of you been able to reconnect with your inner child?
  • Similar. Riding on rollercoasters, watching wholesome cartoons, and reading good fiction don't feel childish to me, they just feel like well-deserved fun. Why associate that with childhood, when childhood lacked freedom?

  • Tried Andor after taking a break from Star Wars and realized that the galaxy where politics is determined by magic laser sword people now wants to be serious.
  • But even the prequels are speaking directly to Lucas's feelings about Bush-era politics and the erosion of democracy, where the originals straight up talked about Nam and WWII. Idk, I guess I could understand the Andor hate if I hadn't had a lot of years of people trying to make Star Wars be about the space swords. No cohesive plot, no commentary, no thought provocation, just one cool moment with a space sword leading to the next cool moment with a laser gun. Andor was like "hold my beer." So refreshing.

  • Another antique here, from the era of rage comics - circa 2010-2012
  • Two of those images are definitely tomato-flavored sugar. I'll understand people not enjoying raw tomato, but at least make homemade sauces and soups from canned tomatoes as much as you can. Then you can enjoy your fries with tomato-flavored sugar free of guilt.

  • YOLO
  • Oh, yeah, we technically understand that most Christians say the deal is "Keep doing terrible things, just say you're sorry." Jeffrey Dahmer: heaven. His victims: at least some in hell. Not a bad deal for terrible people. Or maybe just, you can masturbate whenever you want as long as you feel really guilty about it afterwards. That definitely sounds as enjoyable as our experience.

  • A third party signed up 15,000 voters in Arizona. Democrats worry that’s enough for a Biden spoiler
  • Considering the policies of No Labels are just libertarian finance with even more billionaire backing, we really have to consider the likelihood that the idiots who might fall for it really are gonna be the "centrists" Dems have been courting for decades.

  • A third party signed up 15,000 voters in Arizona. Democrats worry that’s enough for a Biden spoiler
  • It seems that you and your responders have all forgotten what the electoral college is.

    I remember when I bought into "voting third party throws away your vote." Hey kids, take it from someone who grew up in a blue state. I get that thinking strategically fucking sucks, and you want to go with the herd, but it is not worth keeping the establishment party established just so you can be part of the 80% of people who say, "The actually good candidate wasn't electable." With any luck, solid states that show growing support for third parties will start applying the pressure that any incumbent party needs. Because the Supreme Court sucks not just because of Trump, but also because of Obama's milquetoast policies before that, and another Justice's refusal to retire when she knew the level of risk.

    (Using your format limited my response, but the most important thing I've been learning lately is that voting is the token the government gives us so that our politics start and stop with the ballot. You can say "Why not vote and be politically active?" and I'd agree. But I'm concerned about how most people just forget to do anything after they vote.)

  • Eating is overrated
  • Problem: "Breakfast foods are expensive."

    A: Eat different foods when you wake up.

    B: Subsidies to keep people buying the foods and keep the companies afloat.

    C: Tips on local, sustainable food production.

    D: Any combination of the above.

    Solution: "TELL THE POOR TO EAT LESS."

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • I always had vibes of why Click is so bad, that it cheats at evoking emotion, that the main character is an ass and still doesn't earn his torture--and that torture goes on and on and on and ...!--and that he doesn't even learn any valuable lessons in the end!

    Then Big Joel did me the favor of analyzing why Click is so terrible. So yeah, even without seeing CK, the choice is laughably easy.

  • Why does the right have a monopoly on paganism?
  • Satanism is divided into Church of Satan and The Satanic Temple. COS comes from LaVey and is Randian libertarianism with an edgy aesthetic.

    TST is the Satanism that you seem to be thinking about, using freedom of religion arguments to protect public spaces, bodily autonomy, GSRM rights, etc. We're cuddly.

  • Any time you're told that the weak and vulnerable are responsible for how bad things are, rather than the rich and powerful, you're being lied to
  • I keep thinking about that, and I keep coming back to how the ones being lied to will double down on "but the ____ actually are very powerful! That's why they've taken so much for themselves! That's why they have so many protections!"

    I've had a conversation like that.

  • You are diagnosed with cancer but have no money for treatment. You've no option but to steal the money somehow. What's your plan?
  • Finish that "non-violence is ineffective" essay (it's dense). Join the collective on the front lines. Results: A) we gather steam and ultimately succeed. B) martyrdom gives my death meaning. C) prison provides healthcare and three squares. D) prison is so awful that we revisit B.