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Just some guy on the internet

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Comments 8
US's first openly transgender state legislator arrested on child sex abuse charges
  • I'd hope this isn't controversial, but I hate pedophiles.

  • site rules?
  • This is what the sidebar says

    "Be authentic.

    Be respectful. Everyone should feel welcome here.

    No porn.

    No ads / spamming.

    No doxing

    No threats or personal insults

    No discrimination

    No gore or graphic video or pictures"

  • The only place I don't see frontpage news about what's happening with Reddit is on Reddit.
  • If you are just learning now that the admins manipulate the site in any way that they please you are late to the party. Reminds me of Spez editing users comments.

  • NPR "Honors" Fathers By Celebrating Pregnant Dad Story
  • National Public Radio more like Nonsensical Pathetic Retardation. Now I'd like to remind everyone that there is no such thing as a pregnant dad in human biology. Really not surprised though, because NPR has has always been pretty stupid.

  • Did you hear about the huge sale at the Lego Store?
  • I heard they were on sale because they were defective. All of them were bricked.

  • Reddit CEO seeks to end site protest by allowing users to vote out moderators
  • Who says the elections are going to be fair? From what I know about Spez they aren't going to be.

  • Reddit protestation is making more noise than I expected! | Article from the CBC
  • What? You don't want stupid features that aren't really necessary and that most users wouldn't care if they were removed?