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We all know here that it's always the same use of atrocity propaganda, systematically(, and only from one side of course). No need for arguments.
  • "In hindsight, the fact that the western working class supports such obvious lies does not stem from ignorance, it is rather a personification of a capital-class position. Even in utilitarian ethics, brakes upon Libyan civil liberties by the Qaddafi government were a more humane working-class standpoint than the destruction that followed and the contribution of the collapse of Libya to the power of imperialism."

    -Dr Ali Kadri on NATO's destruction of Libya

  • Hamas releases tiktok style videos debunking zionist myths
  • You can download them and post it on other platforms

  • Hamas releases tiktok style videos debunking zionist myths
  • Maybe someone else has links on a different platform. I'm sorry I only use telegram.

  • I'm annoyed how many 'communists' failed such a basic political litmus test
  • Relevant.

    "What will they do when the fighting truly escalates? What will they do when Palestinians, because of the ascent of regional allies, gain a military-technological edge in important fields like drones? What will they say when the Palestinians are no longer murdered a hundred to one for every occupier eliminated but have flipped the ratio? What will they do when American and European economic and military investments are turned to dust, endangering the globally segregated "way of life" of the "consumer society" in the imperialist center?"

  • A historic day of solidarity with Palestine — stay in the streets!
  • Let's see these images zoomed out.

  • Current situation according to wikipedia
  • They use ammo on themselves too 😁

    From Al Mayadeen

  • Comment on a hakim post
  • "Israeli Socialist" 7a7a7a7a7a7a

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • Warning received. I simply blocked salad instead of further interacting. I'm going to sleep now.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • So you made up an impossible scenario just so you could feel smug about how bad imaginary Putin in your imagination is. Okay.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • US imperialism is structurally incompatible with a strong sovereign Russia.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • Good quote thank you for sharing 🤝

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • I did not hear this during the speech. Timestamp for this? What was actually said?

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • I don't know much about either of these people but it is funny that Max Blumenthal used to be rabidly anti-Syria and tried to sabotage an Arab newspaper while slandering respected Arab journalist Sharmine Narwani.

    11 years later he's still doing it huh...

  • should have used stilts
  • 20 people on this platform upvoted a meme about war crimes against Laotians.

  • This week, tens of millions of Muslims from around the world peacefully converged at the shrine of Imam Hussain (AS) in Karbala, Iraq for Arba'een. Epic march to Karbala

    The 40th day anniversary of the martyrdom of the grandson of the holy Prophet Muhammad in the land of Karbala is commemorated by billions worldwide.

    Epic march to Karbala
    0 Hezbollah’s new missile system shows readiness to annihilate Israel: Analyst

    In the event of any Israeli aggression against Lebanon in the future, thousands of missiles will be rained on the Zionist entity and millions of illegal settlers will be left shelterless, says a Lebanese military affairs analyst.

    Hezbollah’s new missile system shows readiness to annihilate Israel: Analyst

    "The unveiling of the Tharallah missile system, he noted, is a clear message from the resistance in Lebanon that the consolidation of power continues and the movement is ready for any confrontation.

    “In any future war, the resistance has a bank of targets inside the Israeli entity that will be targeted easily and directly by the new guided missiles, be it political, military, security, petroleum or other institutions and buildings, by that leaving the Israeli regime in rubbles,” Dr. Talal asserted.

    Last week, in a first, the Hezbollah resistance movement in Lebanon unveiled the Tharallah dual-platform guided missile system, which was first put into operation in 2015, according to reports.

    It came on the 17th anniversary of the 2006 war, in which the Lebanese resistance inflicted a crushing defeat on the Israeli aggressors. Lebanon's al-Manar television network reported the unveiling of the missile system much to the amazement of hostile forces.

    The missile system is an anti-armor weapon with two launching platforms that makes it unique and capable of hitting and destroying targets with great precision. The al-Manar report showed the projectiles hitting and smashing several targets.

    The report also demonstrated the ability of the system to simultaneously hit and destroy targets with high precision during both daytime and nighttime with a higher degree of mobility and maneuverability.

    According to the report, the system is fitted with Kornet anti-tank guided missiles (ATGM), which makes it suitable for deployment against main battle tanks. It also has a jam-resistant laser-beam riding guidance system intended to counter ground and air targets in electronic and optical warfare.

    The Lebanese resistance has on many occasions warned Israel against testing the movement's firepower and combat readiness, saying its weapon stockpiles are stacked with tens of thousands of missiles that can penetrate air defense systems and unleash destruction.

    A paralyzed Israeli regime

    Dr. Atrisi told the Press TV website that according to Israeli military analysts, the scenario of any future war with the Lebanese resistance would be devastating.

    “The Israeli regime will be showered with thousands of missiles during the first few days of any war, some six thousand missiles on a daily basis, which will paralyze the regime and its infrastructure, more than two million illegal settlers will be stranded looking for shelter,” he warned.

    The Israelis are terrified, and voices and concerns from inside the regime are rising over any future war with the Lebanese resistance, he explained, adding that the in any confrontation between Hezbollah and the Israeli occupation, Israeli officials "estimate that the conflict will not be limited to one arena alone, with the possibility of flare-ups in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank," an issue that scares the regime.

    Asked about the viral footage of the missile system, Dr. Atrisi said the videos aim at “reinforcing the idea that in any future Israeli aggression on Lebanon, the resistance will for sure and within the first few days inevitably win the war and cause unprecedented damage inside the Israeli regime.”

    He termed it a message to the warmongering voices from within the Israeli regime to tell them that the resistance is at its utmost readiness and that the Israelis should fear for themselves.

    However, he hastened to add the regime and its key Western ally the US are not ready for a new war.

    “Any war to be launched by the Israeli regime needs not only Israeli readiness but also a green light from Washington. The US does not want to start a new war in West Asia, because it fears the united resistance front in the region which could annihilate the Israeli regime in no time,” he said. "

    2 IOF detain over 100 Palestinians, humanitarian catastrophe ahead

    The Israeli Occupation Forces detained in the past 72 hours more than 100 Palestinians across the West Bank and Al-Quds; warnings of an upcoming humanitarian catastrophe in Israeli Occupation prisons.

    IOF detain over 100 Palestinians, humanitarian catastrophe ahead

    Why Wahhabism should be identified

    "The anti-unity campaign of Wahhabis reaches its peak during the Unity Week. One of the best means of replying to such a plot is that the 'ulama' of the Hajj caravans and pilgrims should be the promoters of unity more than anyone else. They should be familiar with the methods of dealing with them and understand their views and opinions so that during confrontations and argumentation's, they could reply to them consciously and intellectually.

    It is necessary for some Muslims who are following the Sunni school to be properly informed about the opinions of the Sunni imams so as to realize that the Wahhabis also have views difference to them and even regard many of the beliefs of the Ahl as-Sunnah as polytheistic and, worse still, prone to infidelity {kufr}. In reality, Wahhabism is a political movement under the religious cover of identifying with the Sunnis and it wants to prevent the unity of the Islamic schools of thought {madhahib}. It is trying to kindle the flame of discord among Muslims especially between the two main sects—Sunni and Shi`ah—so as to make the imperialist hegemony permanent over the Muslim nation.

    Unfortunately, with the acquisition of the oil-rich land of Arabia and reliance on the enormous God-given wealth, Wahhabism has succeeded in becoming a potent force and has established innumerable offices and organizations throughout the world for the propagation of its dogma. In the Sunni-populated regions of Iran and Pakistan where most of the people are suffering from poverty and deprivation, the Wahhabis are making huge investments, constructing religious schools {madaris}, spending large amounts of money upon their students and others, and attracting people to Wahhabi doctrines. Since most of our Sunni brothers are living on the border regions of Iran, they are more subjected to the influence of the propaganda of the imperialist Wahhabis.

    As the 'Alawi Shiah and Muhammadi Sunnis have risen up now hand in hand against their enemies and can clearly see the hand of imperialism behind the curtain of Wahhabism, it is necessary for Sunni and Shiah 'ulama' to conduct research about Wahhabism and identify it well so as to make it clear that this group has differences of opinion not only with the Shiah but also with the Ahl as-Sunnah. Although the Wahhabis are always playing the Sunni card and try to portray themselves as the well-wishers and sympathizers of the Sunnis, Sunnis in turn have to know that the issues regarded by Wahhabis as their points of departure with the Shiah are the same issues that are common between the Sunnis and the Shiah. They also have to know that the Shiah school is closer to the Ahl as-Sunnah than Wahhabism is."
